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Structured log messages with a message registry Currently there is little structure in the log messages, making difficult to use them for the following use cases: - A user looking for help about a log message: the user probably uses a search engine, thus the results will depend on the proper indexing of our documentation and the various forums. It relies only on the wording of the message, which may change with time. - A user wants to filter the logs resulting of the use of one of the components of xkbcommon. A typical example would be testing xkeyboard-config against libxkbcommon. It requires the use of a pattern (simple words detection or regex). The issue is that the pattern may become silently out-of-sync with xkbcommon. A common practice (e.g. in compilers) is to assign unique error codes to reference theses messages, along with an error index for documentation. Thus this commit implements the following features: - Create a message registry (message-registry.yaml) that defines the log messages produced by xkbcommon. This is a simple YAML file that provides, for each message: - A unique numeric code as a short identifier. It is used in the output message and thus can be easily be filtered to spot errors or searched in the internet. It must not change: if the semantics of message changes, it is better to introduce a new message for clarity. - A unique text identifier, meant for two uses: 1. Generate constants dealing with log information in our code base. 2. Generate human-friendly names for the documentation. - A type: currently warning or error. Used to prefix the constants (see hereinabove) and for basic classification in documentation. - A short description, used as concise and mandatory documentation. - An optionnal detailed description. - Optional examples, intended to help the user to fix issues themself. - Version of xkbcommon it was added. For old entries this often unknown, so they will default to 1.0.0. - Version of xkbcommon it was removed (optional) No entry should ever be deleted from this index, even if the message is not used anymore: it ensures we have unique identifiers along the history of xkbcommon, and that users can refer to the documentation even for older versions. - Add the script to generate the following files: - messages.h: message code enumeration for the messages currently used in the code base. Currently a private API. - the error index documentation page. - Modify the logging functions to use structured messages. This is a work in progress.
2023-09-18 10:17:34 -06:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import annotations
import argparse
from dataclasses import astuple, dataclass
from pathlib import Path
import re
from typing import Callable, Generic, Sequence, TypeVar
import jinja2
import yaml
class Version:
"""A semantic version number: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH."""
major: int
minor: int
patch: int = 0
def __str__(self):
return ".".join(map(str, astuple(self)))
def parse(cls, raw_version: str) -> Version:
if raw_version == cls.UNKNOWN_VERSION:
raw_version = cls.DEFAULT_VERSION
version = raw_version.split(".")
assert 2 <= len(version) <= 3 and all(
n.isdecimal() for n in version
), raw_version
return Version(*map(int, version))
class Example:
"""An example in a message entry."""
name: str
description: str
before: str | None
after: str | None
def parse(cls, entry) -> Example:
name = entry.get("name")
assert name, entry
description = entry.get("description")
assert description
before = entry.get("before")
after = entry.get("after")
# Either none or both of them
assert not (bool(before) ^ bool(after))
return Example(name=name, description=description, before=before, after=after)
class Entry:
"""An xkbcommon message entry in the message registry"""
VALID_TYPES = ("warning", "error")
code: int
"""A unique strictly positive integer identifier"""
id: str
"""A unique short human-readable string identifier"""
type: str
"""Log level of the message"""
description: str
"""A short description of the meaning of the message"""
details: str
"""A long description of the meaning of the message"""
added: Version
"""Version of xkbcommon the message has been added"""
removed: Version | None
"""Version of xkbcommon the message has been removed"""
examples: tuple[Example, ...]
Optional examples of situations in which the message occurs.
If the message is an error or a warning, also provide hints on how to fix it.
def parse(cls, entry) -> Entry:
code = entry.get("code")
assert code is not None and isinstance(code, int) and code > 0, entry
id = entry.get("id")
assert id is not None, entry
type_ = entry.get("type")
assert type_ in cls.VALID_TYPES, entry
description = entry.get("description")
assert description is not None, entry
details = entry.get("details", "")
raw_added = entry.get("added", "")
assert raw_added, entry
added = Version.parse(raw_added)
assert added, entry
if removed := entry.get("removed"):
removed = Version.parse(removed)
assert added < removed, entry
if examples := entry.get("examples", ()):
examples = tuple(map(Example.parse, examples))
return Entry(
def message_code(self) -> str:
"""Format the message code for display"""
return f"XKB-{self.code:0>3}"
def message_code_constant(self: Entry) -> str:
"""Returns the C enumeration member denoting the message code"""
id ="-", "_").upper()
return f"XKB_{self.type.upper()}_{id}"
def message_name(self: Entry):
"""Format the message string identifier for display"""
return"-", " ").capitalize()
def prepend_todo(text: str) -> str:
if text.startswith("TODO"):
return f"""<span class="todo">{text[:5]}</span>{text[5:]}"""
return text
def load_message_registry(
env: jinja2.Environment, constants: dict[str, int], path: Path
) -> Sequence[Entry]:
# Load the message registry YAML file as a Jinja2 template
registry_template = env.get_template(str(path))
# Load message registry
message_registry = sorted(
map(Entry.parse, yaml.safe_load(registry_template.render(constants))),
key=lambda e: e.code,
# Check message codes and identifiers are unique
codes: set[int] = set()
identifiers: set[str] = set()
for n, entry in enumerate(message_registry):
if entry.code in codes:
raise ValueError("Duplicated code in entry #{n}: {entry.code}")
if in identifiers:
raise ValueError("Duplicated identifier in entry #{n}: {}")
return message_registry
def generate(
registry: Sequence[Entry],
env: jinja2.Environment,
root: Path,
file: Path,
skip_removed: bool = False,
"""Generate a file from its Jinja2 template and the message registry"""
template_path = file.with_suffix(f"{file.suffix}.jinja")
template = env.get_template(str(template_path))
path = root / file
script = Path(__file__).name
with"wt", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
entries = (
tuple(filter(lambda e: e.removed is None, registry))
if skip_removed
else registry
fd.writelines(template.generate(entries=entries, script=script))
T = TypeVar("T")
class Constant(Generic[T]):
name: str
pattern: re.Pattern
conversion: Callable[[str], T]
def read_constants(path: Path, patterns: Sequence[Constant[T]]) -> dict[str, T]:
constants: dict[str, T] = {}
patternsʹ = list(patterns)
with"rt", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
for line in fd:
for k, constant in enumerate(patternsʹ):
if m := constant.pattern.match(line):
constants[] = constant.conversion(
del patternsʹ[k]
continue # Expect only one match per line
if not patternsʹ:
# No more pattern to match
for constant in patternsʹ:
print(f"ERROR: could not find constant: {}.")
if patternsʹ:
raise ValueError("Some constants were not found.")
return constants
# Root of the project
ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent
# Parse commands
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate files from the message registry")
help="Path to the root of the project (default: %(default)s)",
args = parser.parse_args()
# Read some constants from libxkbcommon that we need
constants = read_constants(
Path(__file__).parent.parent / "src" / "keymap.h",
(Constant("XKB_MAX_GROUPS", re.compile("^#define\s+XKB_MAX_GROUPS\s+(\d+)"), int),),
# Configure Jinja
template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(args.root, encoding="utf-8")
jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(
jinja_env.filters["prepend_todo"] = prepend_todo
# Load message registry
message_registry = load_message_registry(
jinja_env, constants, Path("doc/message-registry.yaml")
# Generate the files
message_registry, jinja_env, args.root, Path("tools/messages.c"), skip_removed=True
Structured log messages with a message registry Currently there is little structure in the log messages, making difficult to use them for the following use cases: - A user looking for help about a log message: the user probably uses a search engine, thus the results will depend on the proper indexing of our documentation and the various forums. It relies only on the wording of the message, which may change with time. - A user wants to filter the logs resulting of the use of one of the components of xkbcommon. A typical example would be testing xkeyboard-config against libxkbcommon. It requires the use of a pattern (simple words detection or regex). The issue is that the pattern may become silently out-of-sync with xkbcommon. A common practice (e.g. in compilers) is to assign unique error codes to reference theses messages, along with an error index for documentation. Thus this commit implements the following features: - Create a message registry (message-registry.yaml) that defines the log messages produced by xkbcommon. This is a simple YAML file that provides, for each message: - A unique numeric code as a short identifier. It is used in the output message and thus can be easily be filtered to spot errors or searched in the internet. It must not change: if the semantics of message changes, it is better to introduce a new message for clarity. - A unique text identifier, meant for two uses: 1. Generate constants dealing with log information in our code base. 2. Generate human-friendly names for the documentation. - A type: currently warning or error. Used to prefix the constants (see hereinabove) and for basic classification in documentation. - A short description, used as concise and mandatory documentation. - An optionnal detailed description. - Optional examples, intended to help the user to fix issues themself. - Version of xkbcommon it was added. For old entries this often unknown, so they will default to 1.0.0. - Version of xkbcommon it was removed (optional) No entry should ever be deleted from this index, even if the message is not used anymore: it ensures we have unique identifiers along the history of xkbcommon, and that users can refer to the documentation even for older versions. - Add the script to generate the following files: - messages.h: message code enumeration for the messages currently used in the code base. Currently a private API. - the error index documentation page. - Modify the logging functions to use structured messages. This is a work in progress.
2023-09-18 10:17:34 -06:00
generate(message_registry, jinja_env, args.root, Path("doc/"))