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# The XKB keymap text format, V1 {#keymap-text-format-v1}
• The Markdown supported in Doxygen is limited and buggy.
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• In headers, only plain text is supported.
• Use the language tag “c” for block code to give them a nice (approximated)
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This document describes the `XKB_KEYMAP_FORMAT_TEXT_V1` keymap format,
as implemented by libxkbcommon.
The standard database of keyboard configuration data is
@note Due to the complexity of the format, this document is still is construction.
Some additional resources are:
- [Ivan Pascal's XKB documentation][ivan-pascal]
- [An Unreliable Guide to XKB Configuration][unreliable-guide]
- [The X Keyboard Extension: Protocol Specification][XKB Protocol]
- [How to enhance XKB configuration][xkeyboard-config doc]
- [ArchWiki XKB page][arch-wiki]
[XKB Protocol]:
[xkeyboard-config doc]:
## Table of contents
1. [Terminology][terminology]
2. [Introduction to the XKB text format][introduction]
3. [The xkb_keymap block][xkb_keymap]
4. [The xkb_keycodes section][xkb_keycodes]
5. [The xkb_types section][xkb_types]
6. [The xkb_compat section][xkb_compat]
7. [The xkb_symbols section][xkb_symbols]
8. [Virtual modifier statements][virtual modifier statements]
9. [Modifiers bindings][modifiers bindings]
10. [Key actions][actions]
[terminology]: @ref terminology
[introduction]: @ref introduction
[xkb_keymap]: @ref the-xkb_keymap-block
[xkb_keycodes]: @ref the-xkb_keycodes-section
[xkb_types]: @ref the-xkb_types-section
[xkb_compat]: @ref the-xkb_compat-section
[xkb_symbols]: @ref the-xkb_symbols-section
[virtual modifier statements]:@ref virtual-modifier-statements
[modifiers bindings]: @ref modifiers-bindings
[actions]: @ref key-actions
## Terminology {#terminology}
<dt><a name="keycode-def">Keycode</a><dt>
Code that identifies a physical key on a keyboard.
- _Raw_ keycodes are the numeric identifiers used as input in XKB.
They are the result of the low-level processing of the data that
keyboards send to a computer. For instance `36` may represent
the return key.
- _XKB_ keycodes are _symbolic_ names assigned to raw keycodes in
order to facilitate their mapping to symbols. For instance the
keycode for the return key is the abbreviation `RTRN`.
See [xkb_keycodes] for further details.
<dt><a name="keysym-def">Symbols</a></dt>
A _keysym_ (short for “key symbol”) is a numeric encoding of a
symbol on the cap of a key.
They have a canonical name for convenience. It can be:
- A _character:_ e.g. `a` and `A` for Latin scripts,
`alpha` “α” and `ALPHA` “Α” for Greek, etc.
- A _dead key:_ e.g. `dead_grave` and `dead_diaeresis`, corresponding
respectively to the [grave accent](
and the [diaeresis](
A [dead key]( is a special kind of key
that does not generate a character by itself, but modifies the character
generated by the key struck(s) immediately after.
- A <em>[modifier]:</em> e.g. `Shift_L`, `Control_R`, `Caps_Lock`.
See hereinafter.
- A _system action:_ e.g. the arrow `Left`, `Pause`, `Escape`, `F1`.
The complete list of keysyms is defined in `xkbcommon/xkbcommon-keysyms.h`.
See [xkb_symbols] for further details on binding keysyms to keycodes.
<dt><a name="modifier-def">Modifier</a></dt>
A _modifier key_ is a key that modifies the effect of other keys:
e.g. Shift, Control, Caps Lock, etc.
The state of a modifier key (active/inactive) is encoded as a
_modifier index_ (or modifier bit or simply modifier) and has
an associated _unique name_.
For historical reasons, modifiers are divided in two categories:
<dt><a name="real-modifier-def">Real modifiers</a></dt>
They are the 8 _predefined_ (AKA core, X11) modifiers
(see [usual modifiers] hereinafter).
Real modifiers ensure backward compatibility: indeed
they are the actual bits used to compute the [levels][level]
and are communicated via the API of xkbcommon.
Some are generic modifiers (`Mod[1-5]`) that do not have a
conventional interpretation and are the motivation of the
introduction of [virtual modifiers].
<dt><a name="virtual-modifier-def">Virtual modifiers</a>
They are the modifiers that are _not_ predefined.
Each modifier defines a _mapping_ to one or multiple
_real_ modifier. Real modifiers map to themselves.
The following table lists the
<a name="usual-modifiers">usual modifiers</a>
present in the [standard keyboard configuration][xkeyboard-config].
Note that this is provided for information only, as it may change
depending on the user configuration.
| Modifier | Type | Usual mapping | Comment |
| ------------ | ------- | ------------- | --------------------------- |
| `Shift` | Real | `Shift` | The usual [Shift] |
| `Lock` | Real | `Lock` | The usual [Caps Lock][Lock] |
| `Control` | Real | `Control` | The usual [Control] |
| `Mod1` | Real | `Mod1` | Not conventional |
| `Mod2` | Real | `Mod2` | Not conventional |
| `Mod3` | Real | `Mod3` | Not conventional |
| `Mod4` | Real | `Mod4` | Not conventional |
| `Mod5` | Real | `Mod5` | Not conventional |
| `Alt` | Virtual | `Mod1` | The usual [Alt] |
| `Meta` | Virtual | `Mod1` or `Mod4` | The legacy [Meta] key |
| `NumLock` | Virtual | `Mod2` | The usual [NumLock] |
| `Super` | Virtual | `Mod4` | The usual [Super]/GUI |
| `LevelThree` | Virtual | `Mod3` | [ISO][ISO9995] level 3, aka [AltGr] |
| `LevelFive` | Virtual | `Mod5` | [ISO][ISO9995] level 5 |
[usual modifiers]: @ref usual-modifiers
A modifier key can report its state in one of the following 3 ways:
<dt><a name="depressed-mod-def">Depressed</a></dt>
<dd>Active while depressed; e.g. the usual Shift.</dd>
<dt><a name="latched-mod-def">Latched</a></dt>
Activated when pressed and deactivated after the next
non-modifier key press.
<dt><a name="locked-mod-def">Locked</a></dt>
Activated when pressed and deactivated when pressed again;
e.g. the usual Caps Lock.
See [modifiers bindings] for further details.
[depressed]: @ref depressed-mod-def
[latched]: @ref latched-mod-def
[locked]: @ref locked-mod-def
<dt><a name="level-def">Shift Level</a></dt>
A key may produce different
results depending of the active modifiers: e.g. for a Latin script,
pressing the key A produces “a” and holding Shift while pressing A
produces “A”.
This various results are organized in an ordered list; the _index_
of each entry is called a <a name="level-index-def">shift level</a>
or simply level. By convention the lowest level is the result when
no modifier is active.
Example for the key `A` on latin script keyboard:
| Level | Description | Keysym | Active key modifiers |
| 1 | Lower case letters | `a` | None |
| 2 | Upper case letters. | `A` | `Shift` |
| 3 | Alternative lower case letters | `ae` | `AltGr` |
| 4 | Alternative upper case letters | `AE` | `Shift` + `AltGr` |
A key shift level is the logical _state_ of a key corresponding to
the current shift level it used.
Key shift levels are derived from the modifiers states, but not
necessarily in the same way for all keys. For example, for Latin
script the Caps Lock modifier selects the level 2 for alphabetic
keys such as `A` but has no effect on a numeric key.
There are groups of keys with the same characteristics: letters,
punctuation, numeric keypad, etc. The meaning of their levels is
identical and thus can be shared: this generalization is called
a _key type_ (see hereinafter).
<dt><a name="key-type-def">Key type</a></dt>
A key type defines the levels available for a key and
how to derive the active level from the modifiers states. Examples:
- `ONE_LEVEL`: the key has only one level, i.e. it is not affected
by any modifiers. Example: the modifiers themselves.
- `TWO_LEVEL`: the key has two levels:
- Level 1: default level, active when the `Shift` modifier is _not_ active.
- Level 2: level activated with the `Shift` modifier.
- `FOUR_LEVEL`: see the example in the previous section.
See [xkb_types] for further details.
<dt><a name="layout-def">Layout</a></dt>
A mapping of keycodes to symbols, actions and key types.
A user who deals with multiple languages may need two or more
different layouts: e.g. a layout for Arabic and another one for
English. In this context, layouts are called _groups_ in XKB,
as defined in the [standard ISO/IEC&nbsp;9995][ISO9995].
Layouts are ordered and identified by their index. Example:
- Layout 1: Arabic
- Layout 2: English
<dt><a name="key-action-def">Key Action</a></dt>
In XKB world, a key action defines the effect a key
has on the state of the keyboard or the state of the display server.
- Change the state of a modifier.
- Change the active group.
- Move the mouse pointer.
See the section “[Key actions][actions]” for further details.
<dt><a name="indicator-def">Indicator</a></dt>
A keyboard indicator is a mean to report a specific aspect of the
keyboard state.
<dt><em>Physical</em> indicator</dt>
Typically a labelled LED on the keyboard, e.g. “Caps Lock” and
“Num Lock”.
<dt><em>Logical</em> indicator</dt>
A customizable derived state of the keyboard.
Its changes creates events that can be monitored.
There are two categories:
- _Real_ indicators are those associated to a physical indicator.
For example, the “Caps Lock” logical modifier controls the
corresponding physical LED.
Because indicators are customizable, if one misses a “Num Lock”
LED, one could define instead the “Caps Lock” _indicator_ to
activate its LED when the “Num Lock” _modifier_ is active.
- _Virtual_ indicators are not associated to a physical indicator.
Their effect is only visible for programs monitoring them.
Note that the meanings of _real_ and _virtual_ is slightly
different than the one used for [modifier].
See: <code>[xkb_keycodes][indicator name]</code> to define indicators and
<code>[xkb_compat][indicator effect]</code> to define their effects.
<dt><a name="keymap-def">Keymap</a></dt>
The _complete_ definition of the
mapping of raw keycodes to symbols and actions.
It fully defines the behavior of a keyboard.
See [xkb_keymap] for further details.
[keycode]: @ref keycode-def
[keysym]: @ref keysym-def
[keysyms]: @ref keysym-def
[modifier]: @ref modifier-def
[modifiers]: @ref modifier-def
[real modifier]: @ref real-modifier-def
[real modifiers]: @ref real-modifier-def
[virtual modifier]: @ref virtual-modifier-def
[virtual modifiers]: @ref virtual-modifier-def
[level]: @ref level-def
[shift level]: @ref level-def
[level index]: @ref level-index-def
[key type]: @ref key-type-def
[key types]: @ref key-type-def
[layout]: @ref layout-def
[action]: @ref key-action-def
[indicator]: @ref indicator-def
[keymap]: @ref keymap-def
## Introduction to the XKB text format {#introduction}
The XKB text format uses a syntax similar to the [C programming language][C].
@todo general comment on syntax: section, values, etc.
@todo the import mechanism
@todo recommended ways to feed xkbcommon
### Keywords
@todo keywords, other settings such as “SetMods”
TODO: SetMods is not a keyword, but how call it for using-facing doc?
There are many keywords
The key words are _case-insensitive_, e.g. the following strings denote
the same key word: `SETMODS`, `SetMods`, `setMods` and `setmods`.
### Literals
<dt>String literal</dt>
A string is surrounded by double quotes: “<code>&quot;</code>”.
The following _escape sequences_ are supported:
| Escape sequence | Meaning |
| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------- |
| `\\` | Backslash “`\`” |
| `\b` | Backspace |
| `\e` | Escape |
| `\f` | Form feed |
| `\n` | Line feed (newline) |
| `\r` | Carriage return |
| `\t` | Horizontal tabulation |
| `\v` | Vertical tabulation |
| `\` + octal number | Corresponding ASCII character: `\0` → NULL, `\42``"` |
@note The string _encoding_ is unspecified and not validated, but for best
results, stick to ASCII.
<!-- TODO: check UTF-8 encoding result -->
<dt>Number literal</dt>
A number can be written in three forms:
- _decimal integer:_ `1`, `123`, etc.
- _decimal floating-point number:_ `1.23`, etc.
- _hexadecimal integer:_ prefixed with `0x`: `0x123`, `0xff`, `0xAB`, etc.
## The “xkb_keymap” block {#the-xkb_keymap-block}
A <strong>[keymap]</strong> consists of a single top-level `xkb_keymap`
block, under which are nested the following sections:
A translation of the hardware/evdev scancodes from the keyboard into
XKB symbolic keycodes.
A specification of the modifier mask, target level and preserved
modifiers various modifiers combination produce.
A specification of what actions various special-purpose keys produce.
A translation of symbolic key codes into actual symbols and actions.
Overview of a keymap file:
xkb_keymap {
xkb_keycodes "XXX" {
// ...
xkb_types "XXX" {
// ...
xkb_compatibility "XXX" {
// ...
xkb_symbols "XXX" {
// ...
## The “xkb_keycodes” section {#the-xkb_keycodes-section}
This is the simplest section type, and is the first one to be
compiled. The purpose of this is mostly to map between the
hardware/evdev scancodes and XKB [keycodes]. Each key is given a name
by which it can be referred to later, e.g. in the symbols section.
### Keycode statements
Statements of the form:
<TLDE> = 49;
<AE01> = 10;
The above would let 49 and 10 be valid keycodes in the keymap, and
assign them the names `TLDE` and `AE01` respectively. The format
`<WXYZ>` is always used to refer to a key by name.
The naming convention `<AE01>` is based on the
[standard ISO/IEC&nbsp;9995-1][ISO9995-1]. It denotes the position of the
key in the keyboard grid. It means: the main alphanumeric section
(`A`), row `E` and column `01`.
The following figure illustrates the grid on a staggered standard
US QWERTY keyboard. `<AE01>` corresponds to the key `1`.
\ 99 \ 00 \ 01 \ 02 \ 03 \ 04 \ 05…
\ \ \ \ \ \ \
E \ \ ^ \ 1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5…
D \ Tab \ Q \ W \ E \ R \ T…
C \Caps \ A \ S \ D \ F \ G…
B \Shift \ Z \ X \ C \ V \ B…
A \Ctrl\GUI \Alt \Space…
In the common case this just maps to the evdev scancodes from
`/usr/include/linux/input.h`, e.g. the following definitions:
#define KEY_GRAVE 41
#define KEY_1 2
correspond to the ones above. Similar definitions appear in the
xf86-input-keyboard driver. Note that in all current keymaps there's a
constant offset of 8 (for historical reasons).
Note that contrary to xkbcommon, the X11 protocol supports keycodes
only up to `255`. Therefore, when interfacing with X11, keymaps and applications
using keycodes beyond `255` should expect warnings.
If there's a conflict, like the same name given to different keycodes,
or same keycode given different names, it is resolved according to the
merge mode which applies to the definitions.
### Alias statements
Statements of the form:
alias <MENU> = <COMP>;
Allows to refer to a previously defined key (here `<COMP>`) by another
name (here `<MENU>`). Conflicts are handled similarly to keycode
### LED name statements {#indicator-name}
[indicator name]: @ref indicator-name
Statements of the form:
indicator 1 = "Caps Lock";
indicator 2 = "Num Lock";
indicator 3 = "Scroll Lock";
Assigns a name to the keyboard LED (AKA [indicator]) with the given
index. The LED may be referred by this name later in the compat
section and by the user.
## The “xkb_types” section {#the-xkb_types-section}
This section is the second to be processed, after `xkb_keycodes`.
However, it is completely independent and could have been the first to
be processed (it does not refer to specific keys as specified in the
`xkb_keycodes` section).
This section defines [key types], which, given a key and a keyboard
state (i.e. modifier state and group), determine the [shift level] to
be used in translating the key to [keysyms]. These types are assigned to
each group in each key, in the `xkb_symbols` section.
Key types are called this way because, in a way, they really describe
the "type" of the key (or more correctly, a specific group of the
key). For example, an ordinary keymap will provide a type called
`KEYPAD`, which consists of two levels, with the second level being
chosen according to the state of the Num Lock (or Shift) modifiers.
Another example is a type called `ONE_LEVEL`, which is usually
assigned to keys such as Escape; these have just one level and are not
affected by the modifier state. Yet more common examples are
`TWO_LEVEL` (with Shift choosing the second level), `ALPHABETIC`
(where Caps Lock may also choose the second level), etc.
### Type definitions
Statements of the form:
type "FOUR_LEVEL" { ... }
The above would create a new type named `FOUR_LEVEL`.
The body of the definition may include statements of the following
#### “level_name” statements
level_name[Level1] = "Base";
Mandatory for each level in the type.
Gives each level in this type a descriptive name. It isn't used
for anything.
Note: A level may be specified as Level\[1-8\] or just a number (can
be more than 8).
#### “modifiers” statement
modifiers = Shift+Lock+LevelThree;
Mandatory, should be specified only once.
A mask of real and virtual [modifiers]. These are the only modifiers
being considered when matching the modifier state against the type.
The other modifiers, whether active or not, are masked out in the
#### “map” entry statements
map[Shift+LevelThree] = Level4;
Should have at least as many mappings as there are levels in the type.
If the active modifiers, masked with the type's modifiers (as stated
above), match (i.e. equal) the modifiers inside the `map[]` statement,
then the level in the right hand side is chosen. For example, in the
above, if in the current keyboard state the `Shift` and `LevelThree`
modifiers are active, while the `Lock` modifier is not, then the
keysym(s) in the 4th level of the group will be returned to the user.
#### “preserve” statements
map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree] = Level5;
preserve[Shift+Lock+LevelThree] = Lock;
When a key type is used for keysym translation, its modifiers are said
to be "consumed". For example, in a simple US keymap, the "g" "g" key
is assigned an ordinary `ALPHABETIC` key type, whose modifiers are
Shift and Lock; then for the "g" key, these two modifiers are consumed
by the translation. This information is relevant for applications
which further process the modifiers, since by then the consumed
modifiers have already "done their part" and should be masked out.
However, sometimes even if a modifier had already affected the key
translation through the type, it should *not* be reported as consumed,
for various reasons. In this case, a `preserve[]` statement can be
used to augment the map entry. The modifiers inside the square
brackets should match one of the map[] statements in the type (if
there is no matching map entry, one mapping to Level1 is implicitly
added). The right hand side should consists of modifiers from the
type's modifiers; these modifiers are then "preserved" and not
reported as consumed.
## The “xkb_compat” section {#the-xkb_compat-section}
This section is the third to be processed, after `xkb_keycodes` and
### Interpret statements {#interpret-statements}
Statements of the form:
interpret Num_Lock+Any { ... }
interpret Shift_Lock+AnyOf(Shift+Lock) { ... }
The <code>[xkb_symbols]</code> section (see below)
allows the keymap author to perform, among other things, the following
things for each key:
- Bind an [action], like `SetMods` or `LockGroup`, to the key.
Actions, like symbols, are specified for each level of each group
in the key separately.
- Add a [virtual modifier] to the key's virtual modifier mapping
- Specify whether the key should repeat or not.
However, doing this for each key (or level) is tedious and inflexible.
Interpret's are a mechanism to apply these settings to a bunch of
keys/levels at once.
Each interpret specifies a condition by which it attaches to certain
levels. The condition consists of two parts:
- A <strong>[keysym]</strong>. If the level has a different (or more than one)
keysym, the match fails. Leaving out the keysym is equivalent to using the
special value `Any` or the `NoSymbol` keysym, which always matches
- A <strong>[modifier] predicate</strong>. The predicate consists of:
- A __mask__ of _real_ modifiers: a `+`-separated list of modifiers or
the special value `all`, which denotes all the modifiers.
The modifiers are matched against the key's modifier map (`modmap`).
- A __matching operation__, that is one of the following:
* `AnyOfOrNone` The modmap must either be empty or include at
least one of the specified modifiers.
* `AnyOf` The modmap must include at least one of the specified
* `Any` Alias for `AnyOf(all)`.
* `NoneOf` The modmap must not include any of the specified
* `AllOf` The modmap must include all of the specified modifiers
(but may include others as well).
* `Exactly` The modmap must be exactly the same as the specified
Leaving out the predicate is equivalent to using `AnyOfOrNone(all)`.
Leaving out just the matching condition is equivalent to using
An interpret may also include `useModMapMods = level1;` see below.
If a [level] fulfils the conditions of several interprets, only the
most specific one is used:
- A specific keysym will always match before a generic `NoSymbol`
- If the keysyms are the same, the interpret with the more specific
matching operation is used. The above list is sorted from least to
most specific.
- If both the keysyms and the matching operations are the same (but the
modifiers are different), the first interpret is used.
As described above, once an interpret "attaches" to a level, it can bind
an action to that level, add one virtual modifier to the key's vmodmap,
or set the key's repeat setting. You should note the following:
- The key repeat is a property of the entire key; it is not
level-specific. In order to avoid confusion, it is only inspected
for the first level of the first group; the interpret's repeat
setting is ignored when applied to other levels.
- If one of the above fields was set directly for a key in
`xkb_symbols`, the explicit setting takes precedence over the
The body of the statement may include statements of the following
forms (all of which are optional):
#### “useModMapMods” statement
useModMapMods = level1;
When set to `level1`, the interpret will only match keysyms which are
on the first level of the first group of the keys. This can be useful
in conjunction with e.g. a `virtualModifier` statement, because
`virtualModifier` is an attribute of the key rather than a specific
Note: the other possible value is `any` and is the default value.
#### “action” statement
action = LockMods(modifiers=NumLock);
Bind this action to the matching levels. See [key actions][actions]
for the list of available key actions.
#### “virtualModifier” statement
virtualModifier = NumLock;
Add this virtual modifier to the key's `vmodmap`. The given virtual
modifier must be declared at the top level of the file with a
`virtual_modifiers` statement, e.g.:
virtual_modifiers NumLock;
#### “repeat” statement
repeat = True;
Set whether the key should repeat or not. Must be a boolean value.
### LED map statements {#indicator-effect}
[indicator effect]: @ref indicator-effect
Statements of the form:
indicator "Shift Lock" { ... }
This statement specifies the behavior and binding of the LED (AKA
[indicator]) with the given name ("Shift Lock" above). The name should
have been declared previously in the `xkb_keycodes` section (see
[LED name][indicator name] statement), and given an index there.
If it wasn't, it is created with the next free index.
The body of the statement describes the conditions of the keyboard
state which will cause the LED to be lit. It may include the following
#### “modifiers” statement
modifiers = ScrollLock;
If the given [modifiers] are in the required state (see below), the
LED is lit.
#### “whichModState” statement
whichModState = Latched+Locked;
Can be any combination of:
* `base`, `latched`, `locked`, `effective`
* `any` (i.e. all of the above)
* `none` (i.e. none of the above)
* `compat` (legacy value, treated as effective)
This will cause the respective portion of the modifier state (see
`struct xkb_state`) to be matched against the modifiers given in the
`modifiers` statement.
Here's a simple example:
indicator "Num Lock" {
modifiers = NumLock;
whichModState = Locked;
Whenever the NumLock modifier is locked, the Num Lock LED will light
#### “groups” statement
groups = All - group1;
If the given groups are in the required state (see below), the LED is
#### “whichGroupState” statement
whichGroupState = Effective;
Can be any combination of:
* `base`, `latched`, `locked`, `effective`
* `any` (i.e. all of the above)
* `none` (i.e. none of the above)
This will cause the respective portion of the group state (see
`struct xkb_state`) to be matched against the groups given in the
`groups` statement.
Note: the above conditions are disjunctive, i.e. if any of them are
satisfied the LED is lit.
### Default values
@todo e.g. `setMods.clearLocks= True;`
## The “xkb_symbols” section {#the-xkb_symbols-section}
@todo complete this section.
This section is the fourth to be processed, after `xkb_keycodes`,
`xkb_types` and `xkb_compat`.
Statements of the form:
xkb_symbols "basic" {
Declare a symbols map named `basic`. Statements inside the curly braces only
affect the symbols map.
A map can have various flags applied to it above the statement, separated by
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "basic" {
The possible flags are:
* `partial` - Indicates that the map doesn't cover a complete keyboard.
* `default` - Marks the symbol map as the default map in the file when no
explicit map is specified. If no map is marked as a default, the first map
in the file is the default.
* `hidden` - Variant that can only be used internally
* `alphanumeric_keys` - Indicates that the map contains alphanumeric keys
* `modifier_keys` - Indicates that the map contains modifier keys
* `keypad_keys` - Indicates that the map contains keypad keys
* `function_keys` - Indicates that the map contains function keys
* `alternate_group` - Indicates that the map contains keys for an alternate
If no `*_keys` flags are supplied, then the map is assumed to cover a complete
At present, except for `default`, none of the flags affect key processing in
libxkbcommon, and only serve as metadata.
### Name statements
Statements of the form:
name[Group1] = "US/ASCII";
groupName[1] = "US/ASCII";
Gives the name "US/ASCII" to the first group of symbols. Other groups can be
named using a different group index (ex: `Group2`), and with a different name.
A group must be named.
`group` and `groupName` mean the same thing, and the `Group` in `Group1` is
### Include statements
Statements of the form:
include "nokia_vndr/rx-51(nordic_base)"
Will include data from another `xkb_symbols` section, possibly located in
another file. Here it would include the `xkb_symbols` section called
`nordic_base`, from the file `rx-51` located in the `nokia_vndr` folder, itself
located in an XKB include path.
### Key statement
Statements of the form:
key <AD01> { [ q, Q ] };
Describes the mapping of a keycode `<AD01>` to a given group of symbols. The
possible keycodes are the keycodes defined in the `xkb_keycodes` section.
Symbols are named using the symbolic names from the
`xkbcommon/xkbcommon-keysyms.h` file. A group of symbols is enclosed in brackets
and separated by commas. Each element of the symbol arrays corresponds to a
different modifier level. In this example, the symbol (keysym) `XKB_KEY_q` for
level 1 and `XKB_KEY_Q` for level 2.
#### Actions
@todo how to bind key actions
For further details see [key actions][actions].
#### Groups
Each group represents a list of symbols mapped to a keycode:
name[Group1]= "US/ASCII";
name[Group2]= "Russian";
key <AD01> { [ q, Q ],
[ Cyrillic_shorti, Cyrillic_SHORTI ] };
A long-form syntax can also be used:
key <AD01> {
symbols[Group1]= [ q, Q ],
symbols[Group2]= [ Cyrillic_shorti, Cyrillic_SHORTI ]
Groups can also be omitted, but the brackets must be present. The following
statement only defines the Group3 of a mapping:
key <AD01> { [], [], [ q, Q ] };
#### Additional attributes
@todo virtualmodifiers, repeats
## Virtual modifier statements {#virtual-modifier-statements}
@todo rework this section
Statements of the form:
virtual_modifiers LControl;
Can appear in the `xkb_types`, `xkb_compat`, `xkb_symbols` sections.
## Modifiers bindings {#modifiers-bindings}
### Real and virtual modifiers
Modifiers are a particularly tricky part of XKB. For historical reasons they are
divided in two categories: [real modifiers] and [virtual modifiers].
Note that in X11, the maximum of virtual modifiers is 16
(see `XkbNumVirtualMods`).
The following table summarizes the modifiers defined
in <code>[xkeyboard-config]</code> (this is subject to change).
| Modifier | Type | Compat files | Associated keysyms |
| `Shift` | Real | `compat/basic` | `Shift_L`, `Shift_R` |
| ″ | ″ | `compat/iso9995` | `Shift_L`, `Shift_R`, `ISO_Level2_Latch` |
| `Lock` | Real | `compat/basic`, | `Caps_Lock` |
| ″ | ″ | `compat/caps` | ″ |
| `Control` | Real | `compat/basic` | `Control_L`, `Control_R` |
| `Alt` | Virtual | `compat/misc`, | `Alt_L`, `Alt_R` |
| ″ | ″ | `compat/pc` | ″ |
| `Meta` | Virtual | `compat/misc` | `Meta_L`, `Meta_R` |
| `Super` | Virtual | `compat/misc` | `Super_L`, `Super_R` |
| `Hyper` | Virtual | `compat/misc` | `Hyper_L`, `Hyper_R` |
| `ScrollLock` | Virtual | `compat/misc` | `Scroll_Lock` |
| `NumLock` | Virtual | `compat/basic`, | `Num_Lock`, |
| ″ | ″ | `compat/level5` | (`ISO_Level5_Lock`) |
| `LevelThree` | Virtual | `compat/iso9995` | `ISO_Level3_Shift`, `ISO_Level3_Latch`, `ISO_Level3_Lock` |
| `LevelFive` | Virtual | `compat/level5` | `ISO_Level5_Shift`, `ISO_Level5_Latch`, `ISO_Level5_Lock` |
| `Kana_Lock` | Virtual | `compat/japan` | `Kana_Lock` |
| `Square` | Virtual | `compat/olpc` | `KP_Home` |
| `Cross` | Virtual | `compat/olpc` | `KP_Next` |
| `Circle` | Virtual | `compat/olpc` | `KP_End` |
| `Triangle` | Virtual | `compat/olpc` | `KP_Prior` |
### Define and use a modifier
We will use the example of the _real_ modifier `Shift` and the virtual
modifier `LevelThree` in `xkeyboard-config`.
In order to define and use a modifier, one must:
1. Define its behavior and [keysym] binding in the
<code>[xkb_compat]</code> section:
// Declare virtual modifiers. Shift being real modifier,
// we do not need to add it here.
virtual_modifiers LevelThree;
// Set defaults. They are overridden if set directly in the xkb_symbols.
interpret.repeat= False; // only applied on first level
setMods.clearLocks= True;
latchMods.clearLocks= True;
latchMods.latchToLock= True;
// Default statement for real modifiers: any key bound to a real
// modifier via modifier_map will set this modifier at all its
// levels.
// Here only to illustrate: do not add it!
interpret Any + Any {
action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods);
// Shift being real modifier, we do not need a corresponding
// interpret statement because the previous one suffices.
// Lets associate LevelThree to the keysym ISO_Level3_Shift
// First, match the keys and their levels with the
// ISO_Level3_Shift keysym and with any real modifier
// (Any = AnyOf(all)) in its modmap.
interpret ISO_Level3_Shift+Any {
// Only match the first level of the first group
useModMapMods= level1;
// Add the virtual modifier to the keys vmodmap
virtualModifier= LevelThree;
// Activate the LevelThree modifier (depressed mode)
action= SetMods(modifiers=LevelThree);
// Then for keys and their levels with the
// ISO_Level3_Shift keysym but with either no real modifier
// in its modmap or a level higher than 1.
// Indeed:
// • In case the level is higher than 1 there is no match
// in the previous statement.
// • The condition is equivalent to
// ISO_Level3_Shift+AnyOfOrNone(all), but since
// the previous statement ISO_Level3_Shift+Any is more
// specific, it will be matched before this one.
interpret ISO_Level3_Shift {
// Activate the LevelThree modifier (depressed mode)
action= SetMods(modifiers=LevelThree);
2. Define [key types] that use it in the
<code>[xkb_types]</code> section:
// Declare virtual modifiers. Shift being real modifier,
// we do not need to add it here.
virtual_modifiers LevelThree;
type "FOUR_LEVEL" {
// Key type modifier mask: all the modifiers used in the key type
modifiers = Shift + LevelThree;
map[None] = Level1;
map[Shift] = Level2;
map[LevelThree] = Level3;
map[Shift+LevelThree] = Level4;
level_name[Level1] = "Base";
level_name[Level2] = "Shift";
level_name[Level3] = "AltGr";
level_name[Level4] = "Shift AltGr";
3. Bind it to a [keycode] in the
<code>[xkb_symbols]</code> section:
1. Map [keysyms] used in the `xkb_compat` section hereinabove.
2. Bind [real modifiers] to keys using these keysyms with
_Note:_ Only one key binding to real modifier is required.
The corresponding keysym must then be on the first level of
the first Group.
_Note:_ One can optionally bind directly a virtual modifier to a
key using `virtualmodifiers` instead of doing it in the
`xkb_compat` section. But the recommended way is to use the
`xkb_compat` section.
// Shift: defined in pc symbols
key <LFSH> {[ Shift_L ]};
key <RTSH> {[ Shift_R ]};
modifier_map Shift { Shift_L, Shift_R };
// The previous will resolve to:
// modifier_map Shift { <LFSH>, <RTSH> };
// Thus the real modifier Shift is added to the modmap of
// <LFSH> and <RTSH>.
// The “Any + Any” interpret statement matches <LFSH> and <RTSH>,
// therefore these keys set the Shift modifier.
// LevelThree: defined in pc symbols
// With the following 2 lines:
// 1. The modifier keysym is on the first level of the first group.
// 2. The real modifier Mod5 is bound to <LVL3>,
// i.e. Mod5 is added to its modmap.
// 3. It matches the interpret statement “ISO_Level3_Shift+Any”,
// which adds the LevelThree modifier to the vmodmap of <LVL3>.
// 4. The mapping of LevelThree to real modifiers is the union
// of modmaps with corresponding vmodmaps containing
// LevelThree. In our case there is only one: therefore
// LevelThree maps to Mod5.
key <LVL3> {[ ISO_Level3_Shift ]};
modifier_map Mod5 { <LVL3> };
// LevelThree: defined in level3 symbols
// Not bound to a real modifier, so interpret statement
// “ISO_Level3_Shift” applies.
key <RALT> {[ISO_Level3_Shift], type[group1]="ONE_LEVEL" };
// Note: we could have the following line, but it is not necessary
// because we have the mappings of <LVL3>.
// modifier_map Mod5 { <RALT> };
// Warning: if we had the for example the following line, the
// mapping of LevelThree to real modifiers would be “Mod1+Mod5”.
// modifier_map Mod1 { <RALT> };
// Alternative definitions, without using interpret statements
virtual_modifiers LevelThree;
key <LVL3> { virtualmodifiers=LevelThree
, repeats=False
, symbols[Group1] = [ISO_Level3_Shift]
, actions[Group1] = [SetMods(modifiers=LevelThree)] };
modifier_map Mod5 { <LVL3> };
key <RALT> { repeat=False
, symbols[Group1] = [ISO_Level3_Shift]
, actions[Group1] = [SetMods(modifiers=LevelThree)]
, type[group1]="ONE_LEVEL" };
// FOUR_LEVEL key type example from latin symbols
key <AB05> {[b, B, leftdoublequotemark, leftsinglequotemark]};
## Key actions {#key-actions}
@todo list of all actions and their parameters
The following table provide an overview of the available actions:
| Category | Action | Alias | Description |
| | `NoAction` | | Do nothing. |
| [Modifier action] | `SetMods` | | Modifies the _depressed_ modifiers |
| ^ | `LatchMods` | | Modifies the _latched_ modifiers |
| ^ | `LockMods` | | Modifies the _locked_ modifiers |
| [Group action] | `SetGroup` | | <span class="todo">TODO</span> |
| ^ | `LatchGroup` | | <span class="todo">TODO</span> |
| ^ | `LockGroup` | | <span class="todo">TODO</span> |
| [Legacy action] | `MovePointer` | `MovePtr` | <span class="todo">TODO</span> |
| ^ | `PointerButton` | `PtrBtn` | <span class="todo">TODO</span> |
| ^ | `LockPointerButton` | `LockPtrBtn` | <span class="todo">TODO</span> |
| ^ | `SetPointerDefault` | `SetPtrDflt` | <span class="todo">TODO</span> |
| ^ | `SetControls` | | <span class="todo">TODO</span> |
| ^ | `LockControls` | | <span class="todo">TODO</span> |
| ^ | `TerminateServer` | `Terminate` | <span class="todo">TODO</span> |
| ^ | `SwitchScreen` | | <span class="todo">TODO</span> |
| ^ | `Private` | | <span class="todo">TODO</span> |
Common syntax:
- Boolean values:
- `true`, `yes`, `on`
- `false`, `no`, `off`
### Modifiers actions {#modifiers-actions}
[modifier action]: @ref modifiers-actions
@todo default values
There are 3 modifiers actions:
Modifies the _depressed_ modifiers.
- `modifiers` or `mods`: the list of modifiers to modify,
separated by `+`, or the special value `modMapMods`. The latter
means the parameter value has to be read from the `vmodmap`
attribute of the key.
- `clearLocks`: boolean (see its use hereinafter).
Modifies the _latched_ modifiers
- `modifiers` or `mods`: see `SetMods`.
- `clearLocks`: boolean (see its use hereinafter).
- `latchToLock`: boolean (see its use hereinafter).
Modifies the _locked_ modifiers.
- `modifiers` or `mods`: see `SetMods`.
- `affect`:
- `lock`: the action only locks the modifier, but cannot unlock it.
- `unlock`: the action only unlocks modifier, but cannot lock it.
- `both`: the first key press locks the modifier and the second key
press releases the modifier. It is a default mode.
- `neither`: do not lock nor unlock, i.e. do nothing.
@todo highlight that there is reference counting for
the modifiers, e.g. to manage multiple physical keys for the same modifier.
These actions perform different tasks on key press and on key release:
Effects of modifiers actions
<!-- <thead> -->
<th>On key press</th>
<th>On key release</th>
<!-- </thead> -->
<!-- <tbody> -->
<li>Adds modifiers to <em>depressed</em> modifiers</li>
Removes modifiers from <em>depressed</em> modifiers,
provided that no other key which affects the same
modifiers is logically down.
If <code>clearLocks=yes</code> and no other key
were operated simultaneously with this key,
then the modifiers will be removed as well from
the <em>locked</em> modifiers.
<li>Adds modifiers to <em>latched</em> modifiers.</li>
<li>Removes modifiers from <em>latched</em> modifiers.</li>
If <code>clearLocks=yes</code> and no other key
has been pressed since this key press, then the
modifiers will be removed as well from the
<em>locked</em> modifiers.
If <code>latchToLock=yes</code> then the modifiers
are added to the <em>locked</em> modifiers.
<li>Adds modifiers to <em>depressed</em> modifiers.</li>
Toggle these modifiers in <em>locked</em> modifiers.</li>
<li>Removes modifiers from <em>depressed</em> modifiers.</li>
<li><em>Locked</em> modifiers stay unchanged.</li>
<!-- </tbody> -->
@todo Finish
### Group actions {#group-actions}
[group action]: @ref group-actions
There are 3 group actions:
<span class="todo">TODO</span>
<span class="todo">TODO</span>
<span class="todo">TODO</span>
@todo Describe each action
### Unsupported legacy actions {#legacy-actions}
[legacy action]: @ref legacy-actions
@attention The following legacy actions are kept for compatibility only: they are parsed
and validated but have no effect. This allows to use keymaps defined in
<code>[xkeyboard-config]</code> for both X11 and Wayland.
#### Pointer actions
| Action | Alias | Description |
| `MovePointer` | `MovePtr` | |
| `PointerButton` | `PtrBtn` | |
| `LockPtrButton` | `LockPtrBtn` | |
| `LockPointerButton` | `LockPointerBtn` | |
| `SetPointerDefault` | `SetPtrDflt` | |
@todo Describe each action
#### Control flags actions
@todo `SetControls`, `LockControls`
#### Server actions
@todo `TerminateServer`, `SwitchScreen`
#### Private action
@todo `Private`