test/tool-option-parsing: switch from pytest to unittest

For me, installing pytest for libxkbcommon is a bit problematic, so I
end up skipping it which is not great.

Switch to unittest which is built in to Python. It's not as nice as
pytest but good enough in this case.

Note: I was too lazy to switch the plain asserts to unittest

Signed-off-by: Ran Benita <ran@unusedvar.com>
Ran Benita 2020-09-07 10:36:18 +03:00
parent c8f309a2de
commit c621319e53
1 changed files with 149 additions and 172 deletions

View File

@ -28,12 +28,7 @@ import sys
import subprocess
import logging
import tempfile
import pytest
except ImportError:
print('Failed to import pytest. Skipping.', file=sys.stderr)
import unittest
top_builddir = os.environ['top_builddir']
@ -105,200 +100,182 @@ class XkbcliTool:
assert stdout.startswith('Usage') or stdout == ''
assert 'requires an argument' in stderr
def __str__(self):
return str(self.subtool)
def get_tool(subtool=None):
return XkbcliTool(subtool)
def get_all_tools():
return [get_tool(x) for x in [None, 'list',
class TestXkbcli(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.xkbcli = get_tool()
cls.xkbcli_list = get_tool('list')
cls.xkbcli_how_to_type = get_tool('how-to-type')
cls.xkbcli_compile_keymap = get_tool('compile-keymap')
cls.xkbcli_interactive_evdev = get_tool('interactive-evdev')
cls.xkbcli_interactive_x11 = get_tool('interactive-x11')
cls.xkbcli_interactive_wayland = get_tool('interactive-wayland')
cls.all_tools = [
def test_help(self):
# --help is supported by all tools
for tool in self.all_tools:
with self.subTest(tool=tool):
stdout, stderr = tool.run_command_success(['--help'])
assert stdout.startswith('Usage:')
assert stderr == ''
def xkbcli():
return get_tool()
def test_invalid_option(self):
# --foobar generates "Usage:" for all tools
for tool in self.all_tools:
with self.subTest(tool=tool):
def test_xkbcli_version(self):
# xkbcli --version
stdout, stderr = self.xkbcli.run_command_success(['--version'])
assert stdout.startswith('1')
assert stderr == ''
def xkbcli_list():
return get_tool('list')
def test_xkbcli_too_many_args(self):
self.xkbcli.run_command_invalid(['a'] * 64)
def test_compile_keymap_args(self):
for args in (
# ['--kccgst'],
['--verbose', '--rmlvo'],
# ['--verbose', '--kccgst'],
with self.subTest(args=args):
def xkbcli_how_to_type():
return get_tool('how-to-type')
def test_compile_keymap_rmlvo(self):
for rmlvo in rmlvos:
with self.subTest(rmlvo=rmlvo):
def test_compile_keymap_include(self):
for args in (
['--include', '.', '--include-defaults'],
['--include', '/tmp', '--include-defaults'],
with self.subTest(args=args):
# Succeeds thanks to include-defaults
def xkbcli_compile_keymap():
return get_tool('compile-keymap')
def test_compile_keymap_include_invalid(self):
# A non-directory is rejected by default
args = ['--include', '/proc/version']
rc, stdout, stderr = self.xkbcli_compile_keymap.run_command(args)
assert rc == 1, (stdout, stderr)
assert "There are no include paths to search" in stderr
# A non-existing directory is rejected by default
args = ['--include', '/tmp/does/not/exist']
rc, stdout, stderr = self.xkbcli_compile_keymap.run_command(args)
assert rc == 1, (stdout, stderr)
assert "There are no include paths to search" in stderr
def xkbcli_interactive_evdev():
return get_tool('interactive-evdev')
# Valid dir, but missing files
args = ['--include', '/tmp']
rc, stdout, stderr = self.xkbcli_compile_keymap.run_command(args)
assert rc == 1, (stdout, stderr)
assert "Couldn't look up rules" in stderr
def test_how_to_type(self):
# Unicode codepoint conversions, we support whatever strtol does
for args in (['123'], ['0x123'], ['0123']):
with self.subTest(args=args):
def xkbcli_interactive_x11():
return get_tool('interactive-x11')
def test_how_to_type_rmlvo(self):
for rmlvo in rmlvos:
with self.subTest(rmlvo=rmlvo):
args = rmlvo + ['0x1234']
def test_list_rmlvo(self):
for args in (
['--verbose', '--load-exotic'],
with self.subTest(args=args):
def xkbcli_interactive_wayland():
return get_tool('interactive-wayland')
def test_list_rmlvo_includes(self):
args = ['/tmp/']
def test_list_rmlvo_includes_invalid(self):
args = ['/proc/version']
rc, stdout, stderr = self.xkbcli_list.run_command(args)
assert rc == 1
assert "Failed to append include path" in stderr
# --help is supported by all tools
@pytest.mark.parametrize('tool', get_all_tools())
def test_help(tool):
stdout, stderr = tool.run_command_success(['--help'])
assert stdout.startswith('Usage:')
assert stderr == ''
def test_list_rmlvo_includes_no_defaults(self):
args = ['--skip-default-paths', '/tmp']
rc, stdout, stderr = self.xkbcli_list.run_command(args)
assert rc == 1
assert "Failed to parse XKB description" in stderr
def test_interactive_evdev_rmlvo(self):
if not os.path.exists('/dev/input/event0'):
self.skipTest('event node required')
if not os.access('/dev/input/event0', os.R_OK):
self.skipTest('insufficient permissions')
# --foobar generates "Usage:" for all tools
@pytest.mark.parametrize('tool', get_all_tools())
def test_invalid_option(tool):
for rmlvo in rmlvos:
with self.subTest(rmlvo=rmlvo):
def test_interactive_evdev(self):
if not os.path.exists('/dev/input/event0'):
self.skipTest('event node required')
if not os.access('/dev/input/event0', os.R_OK):
self.skipTest('insufficient permissions')
# xkbcli --version
def test_xkbcli_version(xkbcli):
stdout, stderr = xkbcli.run_command_success(['--version'])
assert stdout.startswith('1')
assert stderr == ''
# Note: --enable-compose fails if $prefix doesn't have the compose tables
# installed
for args in (
with self.subTest(args=args):
def test_interactive_x11(self):
if not os.getenv('DISPLAY'):
self.skipTest('DISPLAY not set')
def test_xkbcli_too_many_args(xkbcli):
xkbcli.run_command_invalid(['a'] * 64)
# To be filled in if we handle something other than --help
def test_interactive_wayland(self):
if not os.getenv('WAYLAND_DISPLAY'):
self.skipTest('WAYLAND_DISPLAY not set')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args', [['--verbose'],
# ['--kccgst'],
['--verbose', '--rmlvo'],
# ['--verbose', '--kccgst'],
def test_compile_keymap_args(xkbcli_compile_keymap, args):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('rmlvos', rmlvos)
def test_compile_keymap_rmlvo(xkbcli_compile_keymap, rmlvos):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args', [['--include', '.', '--include-defaults'],
['--include', '/tmp', '--include-defaults'],
def test_compile_keymap_include(xkbcli_compile_keymap, args):
# Succeeds thanks to include-defaults
def test_compile_keymap_include_invalid(xkbcli_compile_keymap):
# A non-directory is rejected by default
args = ['--include', '/proc/version']
rc, stdout, stderr = xkbcli_compile_keymap.run_command(args)
assert rc == 1, (stdout, stderr)
assert "There are no include paths to search" in stderr
# A non-existing directory is rejected by default
args = ['--include', '/tmp/does/not/exist']
rc, stdout, stderr = xkbcli_compile_keymap.run_command(args)
assert rc == 1, (stdout, stderr)
assert "There are no include paths to search" in stderr
# Valid dir, but missing files
args = ['--include', '/tmp']
rc, stdout, stderr = xkbcli_compile_keymap.run_command(args)
assert rc == 1, (stdout, stderr)
assert "Couldn't look up rules" in stderr
# Unicode codepoint conversions, we support whatever strtol does
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args', [['123'], ['0x123'], ['0123']])
def test_how_to_type(xkbcli_how_to_type, args):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('rmlvos', rmlvos)
def test_how_to_type_rmlvo(xkbcli_how_to_type, rmlvos):
args = rmlvos + ['0x1234']
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args', [['--verbose'],
['--verbose', '--load-exotic'],
def test_list_rmlvo(xkbcli_list, args):
def test_list_rmlvo_includes(xkbcli_list):
args = ['/tmp/']
def test_list_rmlvo_includes_invalid(xkbcli_list):
args = ['/proc/version']
rc, stdout, stderr = xkbcli_list.run_command(args)
assert rc == 1
assert "Failed to append include path" in stderr
def test_list_rmlvo_includes_no_defaults(xkbcli_list):
args = ['--skip-default-paths', '/tmp']
rc, stdout, stderr = xkbcli_list.run_command(args)
assert rc == 1
assert "Failed to parse XKB description" in stderr
@pytest.mark.skipif(not os.path.exists('/dev/input/event0'), reason='event node required')
@pytest.mark.skipif(not os.access('/dev/input/event0', os.R_OK), reason='insufficient permissions')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('rmlvos', rmlvos)
def test_interactive_evdev_rmlvo(xkbcli_interactive_evdev, rmlvos):
@pytest.mark.skipif(not os.path.exists('/dev/input/event0'),
reason='event node required')
@pytest.mark.skipif(not os.access('/dev/input/event0', os.R_OK),
reason='insufficient permissions')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args', [['--report-state-changes'],
def test_interactive_evdev(xkbcli_interactive_evdev, args):
# Note: --enable-compose fails if $prefix doesn't have the compose tables
# installed
@pytest.mark.skipif(not os.getenv('DISPLAY'), reason='DISPLAY not set')
def test_interactive_x11(xkbcli_interactive_x11):
# To be filled in if we handle something other than --help
@pytest.mark.skipif(not os.getenv('WAYLAND_DISPLAY'),
reason='WAYLAND_DISPLAY not set')
def test_interactive_wayland(xkbcli_interactive_wayland):
# To be filled in if we handle something other than --help
# To be filled in if we handle something other than --help
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -314,4 +291,4 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# This needs to be separated if we do specific extra path testing
os.environ['XKB_CONFIG_EXTRA_PATH'] = tmpdir