#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright © 2020 Red Hat, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. import itertools import os import resource import sys import subprocess import logging import tempfile import unittest try: top_builddir = os.environ["top_builddir"] top_srcdir = os.environ["top_srcdir"] except KeyError: print( "Required environment variables not found: top_srcdir/top_builddir", file=sys.stderr, ) from pathlib import Path top_srcdir = "." try: top_builddir = next(Path(".").glob("**/meson-logs/")).parent except StopIteration: sys.exit(1) print( 'Using srcdir "{}", builddir "{}"'.format(top_srcdir, top_builddir), file=sys.stderr, ) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger("test") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Permutation of RMLVO that we use in multiple tests rmlvos = [ list(x) for x in itertools.permutations( ["--rules=evdev", "--model=pc104", "--layout=ch", "--options=eurosign:5"] ) ] def _disable_coredump(): resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (0, 0)) def run_command(args): logger.debug("run command: {}".format(" ".join(args))) try: p = subprocess.run( args, preexec_fn=_disable_coredump, capture_output=True, text=True, timeout=0.7, ) return p.returncode, p.stdout, p.stderr except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e: return 0, e.stdout, e.stderr class XkbcliTool: xkbcli_tool = "xkbcli" subtool = None def __init__(self, subtool=None, skipIf=(), skipError=()): self.tool_path = top_builddir self.subtool = subtool self.skipIf = skipIf self.skipError = skipError def run_command(self, args): for condition, reason in self.skipIf: if condition: raise unittest.SkipTest(reason) if self.subtool is not None: tool = "{}-{}".format(self.xkbcli_tool, self.subtool) else: tool = self.xkbcli_tool args = [os.path.join(self.tool_path, tool)] + args return run_command(args) def run_command_success(self, args): rc, stdout, stderr = self.run_command(args) if rc != 0: for testfunc, reason in self.skipError: if testfunc(rc, stdout, stderr): raise unittest.SkipTest(reason) assert rc == 0, (rc, stdout, stderr) return stdout, stderr def run_command_invalid(self, args): rc, stdout, stderr = self.run_command(args) assert rc == 2, (rc, stdout, stderr) return rc, stdout, stderr def run_command_unrecognized_option(self, args): rc, stdout, stderr = self.run_command(args) assert rc == 2, (rc, stdout, stderr) assert stdout.startswith("Usage") or stdout == "" assert "unrecognized option" in stderr def run_command_missing_arg(self, args): rc, stdout, stderr = self.run_command(args) assert rc == 2, (rc, stdout, stderr) assert stdout.startswith("Usage") or stdout == "" assert "requires an argument" in stderr def __str__(self): return str(self.subtool) class TestXkbcli(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.xkbcli = XkbcliTool() cls.xkbcli_list = XkbcliTool( "list", skipIf=( ( not int(os.getenv("HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST", "1")), "xkbregistory not enabled", ), ), ) cls.xkbcli_how_to_type = XkbcliTool("how-to-type") cls.xkbcli_compile_keymap = XkbcliTool("compile-keymap") cls.xkbcli_compile_compose = XkbcliTool("compile-compose") cls.xkbcli_interactive_evdev = XkbcliTool( "interactive-evdev", skipIf=( ( not int(os.getenv("HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV", "1")), "evdev not enabled", ), (not os.path.exists("/dev/input/event0"), "event node required"), ( not os.access("/dev/input/event0", os.R_OK), "insufficient permissions", ), ), skipError=( ( lambda rc, stdout, stderr: "Couldn't find any keyboards" in stderr, "No keyboards available", ), ), ) cls.xkbcli_interactive_x11 = XkbcliTool( "interactive-x11", skipIf=( ( not int(os.getenv("HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11", "1")), "x11 not enabled", ), (not os.getenv("DISPLAY"), "DISPLAY not set"), ), ) cls.xkbcli_interactive_wayland = XkbcliTool( "interactive-wayland", skipIf=( ( not int(os.getenv("HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND", "1")), "wayland not enabled", ), (not os.getenv("WAYLAND_DISPLAY"), "WAYLAND_DISPLAY not set"), ), ) cls.all_tools = [ cls.xkbcli, cls.xkbcli_list, cls.xkbcli_how_to_type, cls.xkbcli_compile_keymap, cls.xkbcli_compile_compose, cls.xkbcli_interactive_evdev, cls.xkbcli_interactive_x11, cls.xkbcli_interactive_wayland, ] def test_help(self): # --help is supported by all tools for tool in self.all_tools: with self.subTest(tool=tool): stdout, stderr = tool.run_command_success(["--help"]) assert stdout.startswith("Usage:") assert stderr == "" def test_invalid_option(self): # --foobar generates "Usage:" for all tools for tool in self.all_tools: with self.subTest(tool=tool): tool.run_command_unrecognized_option(["--foobar"]) def test_xkbcli_version(self): # xkbcli --version stdout, stderr = self.xkbcli.run_command_success(["--version"]) assert stdout.startswith("1") assert stderr == "" def test_xkbcli_too_many_args(self): self.xkbcli.run_command_invalid(["a"] * 64) def test_compile_keymap_args(self): for args in ( ["--verbose"], ["--rmlvo"], # ['--kccgst'], ["--verbose", "--rmlvo"], # ['--verbose', '--kccgst'], ): with self.subTest(args=args): self.xkbcli_compile_keymap.run_command_success(args) def test_compile_keymap_rmlvo(self): for rmlvo in rmlvos: with self.subTest(rmlvo=rmlvo): self.xkbcli_compile_keymap.run_command_success(rmlvo) def test_compile_keymap_include(self): for args in ( ["--include", ".", "--include-defaults"], ["--include", "/tmp", "--include-defaults"], ): with self.subTest(args=args): # Succeeds thanks to include-defaults self.xkbcli_compile_keymap.run_command_success(args) def test_compile_keymap_include_invalid(self): # A non-directory is rejected by default args = ["--include", "/proc/version"] rc, stdout, stderr = self.xkbcli_compile_keymap.run_command(args) assert rc == 1, (stdout, stderr) assert "There are no include paths to search" in stderr # A non-existing directory is rejected by default args = ["--include", "/tmp/does/not/exist"] rc, stdout, stderr = self.xkbcli_compile_keymap.run_command(args) assert rc == 1, (stdout, stderr) assert "There are no include paths to search" in stderr # Valid dir, but missing files args = ["--include", "/tmp"] rc, stdout, stderr = self.xkbcli_compile_keymap.run_command(args) assert rc == 1, (stdout, stderr) assert "Couldn't look up rules" in stderr def test_how_to_type(self): # Unicode codepoint conversions, we support whatever strtol does for args in (["123"], ["0x123"], ["0123"]): with self.subTest(args=args): self.xkbcli_how_to_type.run_command_success(args) def test_how_to_type_rmlvo(self): for rmlvo in rmlvos: with self.subTest(rmlvo=rmlvo): args = rmlvo + ["0x1234"] self.xkbcli_how_to_type.run_command_success(args) def test_list_rmlvo(self): for args in ( ["--verbose"], ["-v"], ["--verbose", "--load-exotic"], ["--load-exotic"], ["--ruleset=evdev"], ["--ruleset=base"], ): with self.subTest(args=args): self.xkbcli_list.run_command_success(args) def test_list_rmlvo_includes(self): args = ["/tmp/"] self.xkbcli_list.run_command_success(args) def test_list_rmlvo_includes_invalid(self): args = ["/proc/version"] rc, stdout, stderr = self.xkbcli_list.run_command(args) assert rc == 1 assert "Failed to append include path" in stderr def test_list_rmlvo_includes_no_defaults(self): args = ["--skip-default-paths", "/tmp"] rc, stdout, stderr = self.xkbcli_list.run_command(args) assert rc == 1 assert "Failed to parse XKB description" in stderr def test_interactive_evdev_rmlvo(self): for rmlvo in rmlvos: with self.subTest(rmlvo=rmlvo): self.xkbcli_interactive_evdev.run_command_success(rmlvo) def test_interactive_evdev(self): # Note: --enable-compose fails if $prefix doesn't have the compose tables # installed for args in ( ["--report-state-changes"], ["--enable-compose"], ["--consumed-mode=xkb"], ["--consumed-mode=gtk"], ["--without-x11-offset"], ): with self.subTest(args=args): self.xkbcli_interactive_evdev.run_command_success(args) def test_interactive_x11(self): # To be filled in if we handle something other than --help pass def test_interactive_wayland(self): # To be filled in if we handle something other than --help pass if __name__ == "__main__": with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: # Use our own test xkeyboard-config copy. os.environ["XKB_CONFIG_ROOT"] = top_srcdir + "/test/data" # Use our own X11 locale copy. os.environ["XLOCALEDIR"] = top_srcdir + "/test/data/locale" # Use our own locale. os.environ["LC_CTYPE"] = "en_US.UTF-8" # libxkbcommon has fallbacks when XDG_CONFIG_HOME isn't set so we need # to override it with a known (empty) directory. Otherwise our test # behavior depends on the system the test is run on. os.environ["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"] = tmpdir # Prevent the legacy $HOME/.xkb from kicking in. del os.environ["HOME"] # This needs to be separated if we do specific extra path testing os.environ["XKB_CONFIG_EXTRA_PATH"] = tmpdir unittest.main()