/* Copyright 1985, 1987, 1990, 1998 The Open Group Copyright 2008 Dan Nicholson Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the names of the authors or their institutions shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the authors. */ #ifndef _XKBCOMMON_H_ #define _XKBCOMMON_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Common keyboard description structure */ typedef struct _XkbcDesc { unsigned int defined; unsigned short flags; unsigned short device_spec; KeyCode min_key_code; KeyCode max_key_code; XkbControlsPtr ctrls; XkbServerMapPtr server; XkbClientMapPtr map; XkbIndicatorPtr indicators; XkbNamesPtr names; XkbCompatMapPtr compat; XkbGeometryPtr geom; } XkbcDescRec, *XkbcDescPtr; #define _XkbcKSLower (1 << 0) #define _XkbcKSUpper (1 << 1) #define XkbcKSIsLower(k) (_XkbcKSCheckCase(k) & _XkbcKSLower) #define XkbcKSIsUpper(k) (_XkbcKSCheckCase(k) & _XkbcKSUpper) #define XkbcKSIsKeypad(k) \ (((k) >= XK_KP_Space) && ((k) <= XK_KP_Equal)) #define XkbcKSIsDeadKey(k) \ (((k) >= XK_dead_grave) && ((k) <= XK_dead_semivoiced_sound)) _XFUNCPROTOBEGIN extern XkbcDescPtr XkbcCompileKeymapFromRules(const char *rules, XkbRF_VarDefsPtr defs); extern XkbcDescPtr XkbcCompileKeymapFromComponents(XkbComponentNamesPtr ktcsg); extern char * XkbcKeysymToString(KeySym ks); extern KeySym XkbcStringToKeysym(const char *s); extern int XkbcAllocCompatMap(XkbcDescPtr xkb, unsigned which, unsigned nSI); extern void XkbcFreeCompatMap(XkbcDescPtr xkb, unsigned which, Bool freeMap); extern int XkbcAllocNames(XkbcDescPtr xkb, unsigned which, int nTotalRG, int nTotalAliases); extern void XkbcFreeNames(XkbcDescPtr xkb, unsigned which, Bool freeMap); extern int XkbcAllocControls(XkbcDescPtr xkb, unsigned which); extern void XkbcFreeControls(XkbcDescPtr xkb, unsigned which, Bool freeMap); extern int XkbcAllocIndicatorMaps(XkbcDescPtr xkb); extern void XkbcFreeIndicatorMaps(XkbcDescPtr xkb); extern XkbcDescRec * XkbcAllocKeyboard(void); extern void XkbcFreeKeyboard(XkbcDescPtr xkb, unsigned which, Bool freeAll); extern int XkbcAllocClientMap(XkbcDescPtr xkb, unsigned which, unsigned nTotalTypes); extern int XkbcAllocServerMap(XkbcDescPtr xkb, unsigned which, unsigned nNewActions); extern int XkbcCopyKeyType(XkbKeyTypePtr from, XkbKeyTypePtr into); extern int XkbcCopyKeyTypes(XkbKeyTypePtr from, XkbKeyTypePtr into, int num_types); extern int XkbcResizeKeyType(XkbcDescPtr xkb, int type_ndx, int map_count, Bool want_preserve, int new_num_lvls); extern KeySym * XkbcResizeKeySyms(XkbcDescPtr xkb, int key, int needed); extern int XkbcChangeKeycodeRange(XkbcDescPtr xkb, int minKC, int maxKC, XkbChangesPtr changes); extern XkbAction * XkbcResizeKeyActions(XkbcDescPtr xkb, int key, int needed); extern void XkbcFreeClientMap(XkbcDescPtr xkb, unsigned what, Bool freeMap); extern void XkbcFreeServerMap(XkbcDescPtr xkb, unsigned what, Bool freeMap); extern void XkbcFreeGeomProperties(XkbGeometryPtr geom, int first, int count, Bool freeAll); extern void XkbcFreeGeomKeyAliases(XkbGeometryPtr geom, int first, int count, Bool freeAll); extern void XkbcFreeGeomColors(XkbGeometryPtr geom, int first, int count, Bool freeAll); extern void XkbcFreeGeomPoints(XkbOutlinePtr outline, int first, int count, Bool freeAll); extern void XkbcFreeGeomOutlines(XkbShapePtr shape, int first, int count, Bool freeAll); extern void XkbcFreeGeomShapes(XkbGeometryPtr geom, int first, int count, Bool freeAll); extern void XkbcFreeGeomOverlayKeys(XkbOverlayRowPtr row, int first, int count, Bool freeAll); extern void XkbcFreeGeomOverlayRows(XkbOverlayPtr overlay, int first, int count, Bool freeAll); extern void XkbcFreeGeomOverlays(XkbSectionPtr section, int first, int count, Bool freeAll); extern void XkbcFreeGeomKeys(XkbRowPtr row, int first, int count, Bool freeAll); extern void XkbcFreeGeomRows(XkbSectionPtr section, int first, int count, Bool freeAll); extern void XkbcFreeGeomSections(XkbGeometryPtr geom, int first, int count, Bool freeAll); extern void XkbcFreeGeomDoodads(XkbDoodadPtr doodads, int nDoodads, Bool freeAll); extern void XkbcFreeGeometry(XkbGeometryPtr geom, unsigned which, Bool freeMap); extern int XkbcAllocGeomProps(XkbGeometryPtr geom, int nProps); extern int XkbcAllocGeomColors(XkbGeometryPtr geom, int nColors); extern int XkbcAllocGeomKeyAliases(XkbGeometryPtr geom, int nKeyAliases); extern int XkbcAllocGeomShapes(XkbGeometryPtr geom, int nShapes); extern int XkbcAllocGeomSections(XkbGeometryPtr geom, int nSections); extern int XkbcAllocGeomOverlays(XkbSectionPtr section, int nOverlays); extern int XkbcAllocGeomOverlayRows(XkbOverlayPtr overlay, int nRows); extern int XkbcAllocGeomOverlayKeys(XkbOverlayRowPtr row, int nKeys); extern int XkbcAllocGeomDoodads(XkbGeometryPtr geom, int nDoodads); extern int XkbcAllocGeomSectionDoodads(XkbSectionPtr section, int nDoodads); extern int XkbcAllocGeomOutlines(XkbShapePtr shape, int nOL); extern int XkbcAllocGeomRows(XkbSectionPtr section, int nRows); extern int XkbcAllocGeomPoints(XkbOutlinePtr ol, int nPts); extern int XkbcAllocGeomKeys(XkbRowPtr row, int nKeys); extern int XkbcAllocGeometry(XkbcDescPtr xkb, XkbGeometrySizesPtr sizes); extern XkbPropertyPtr XkbcAddGeomProperty(XkbGeometryPtr geom, char *name, char *value); extern XkbKeyAliasPtr XkbcAddGeomKeyAlias(XkbGeometryPtr geom, char *aliasStr, char *realStr); extern XkbColorPtr XkbcAddGeomColor(XkbGeometryPtr geom, char *spec, unsigned int pixel); extern XkbOutlinePtr XkbcAddGeomOutline(XkbShapePtr shape, int sz_points); extern XkbShapePtr XkbcAddGeomShape(XkbGeometryPtr geom, Atom name, int sz_outlines); extern XkbKeyPtr XkbcAddGeomKey(XkbRowPtr row); extern XkbRowPtr XkbcAddGeomRow(XkbSectionPtr section, int sz_keys); extern XkbSectionPtr XkbcAddGeomSection(XkbGeometryPtr geom, Atom name, int sz_rows, int sz_doodads, int sz_over); extern XkbDoodadPtr XkbcAddGeomDoodad(XkbGeometryPtr geom, XkbSectionPtr section, Atom name); extern XkbOverlayKeyPtr XkbcAddGeomOverlayKey(XkbOverlayPtr overlay, XkbOverlayRowPtr row, char *over, char *under); extern XkbOverlayRowPtr XkbcAddGeomOverlayRow(XkbOverlayPtr overlay, int row_under, int sz_keys); extern XkbOverlayPtr XkbcAddGeomOverlay(XkbSectionPtr section, Atom name, int sz_rows); extern void XkbcInitAtoms(void); extern char * XkbcAtomGetString(Atom atom); extern Atom XkbcInternAtom(char *name, Bool onlyIfExists); extern char * XkbcAtomText(Atom atm); extern char * XkbcVModIndexText(XkbcDescPtr xkb, unsigned ndx); extern char * XkbcVModMaskText(XkbcDescPtr xkb, unsigned modMask, unsigned mask); extern char * XkbcModIndexText(unsigned ndx); extern char * XkbcModMaskText(unsigned mask, Bool cFormat); extern char * XkbcConfigText(unsigned config); extern char * XkbcGeomFPText(int val); extern char * XkbcActionTypeText(unsigned type); extern char * XkbcKeysymText(KeySym sym); extern char * XkbcKeyNameText(char *name); extern char * XkbcSIMatchText(unsigned type); extern Bool XkbcComputeShapeBounds(XkbShapePtr shape); extern Bool XkbcComputeShapeTop(XkbShapePtr shape, XkbBoundsPtr bounds); extern Bool XkbcComputeRowBounds(XkbGeometryPtr geom, XkbSectionPtr section, XkbRowPtr row); extern Bool XkbcComputeSectionBounds(XkbGeometryPtr geom, XkbSectionPtr section); extern Bool XkbcRF_GetComponents(XkbRF_RulesPtr rules, XkbRF_VarDefsPtr defs, XkbComponentNamesPtr names); extern XkbRF_RulePtr XkbcRF_AddRule(XkbRF_RulesPtr rules); extern XkbRF_GroupPtr XkbcRF_AddGroup(XkbRF_RulesPtr rules); extern Bool XkbcRF_LoadRules(FILE *file, XkbRF_RulesPtr rules); extern Bool XkbcRF_LoadRulesByName(char *base, char *locale, XkbRF_RulesPtr rules); extern XkbRF_VarDescPtr XkbcRF_AddVarDesc(XkbRF_DescribeVarsPtr vars); extern XkbRF_VarDescPtr XkbcRF_AddVarDescCopy(XkbRF_DescribeVarsPtr vars, XkbRF_VarDescPtr from); extern XkbRF_DescribeVarsPtr XkbcRF_AddVarToDescribe(XkbRF_RulesPtr rules, char *name); extern Bool XkbcRF_LoadDescriptions(FILE *file, XkbRF_RulesPtr rules); extern Bool XkbcRF_LoadDescriptionsByName(char *base, char *locale, XkbRF_RulesPtr rules); extern XkbRF_RulesPtr XkbcRF_Load(char *base, char *locale, Bool wantDesc, Bool wantRules); extern XkbRF_RulesPtr XkbcRF_Create(int szRules, int szExtra); extern void XkbcRF_Free(XkbRF_RulesPtr rules, Bool freeRules); extern int XkbcInitCanonicalKeyTypes(XkbcDescPtr xkb, unsigned which, int keypadVMod); extern Bool XkbcVirtualModsToReal(XkbcDescPtr xkb, unsigned virtual_mask, unsigned *mask_rtrn); extern Bool XkbcComputeEffectiveMap(XkbcDescPtr xkb, XkbKeyTypePtr type, unsigned char *map_rtrn); extern void XkbcEnsureSafeMapName(char *name); extern unsigned _XkbcKSCheckCase(KeySym sym); _XFUNCPROTOEND #endif /* _XKBCOMMON_H_ */