#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Doc URLs may change with time because they depend on Doxygen machinery. # This is unfortunate because it is good practice to keep valid URLs. # See: “Cool URIs don’t change” at https://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI.html. # # There is no built-in solution in Doxygen that we are aware of. # The solution proposed here is to maintain a registry of all URLs and manage # legacy URLs as redirections to their canonical page. import argparse from enum import IntFlag import glob from itertools import chain from pathlib import Path from string import Template from typing import NamedTuple, Sequence import yaml class Update(NamedTuple): new: str old: str class ExitCode(IntFlag): NORMAL = 0 INVALID_UPDATES = 1 << 4 MISSING_UPDATES = 1 << 5 THIS_SCRIPT_PATH = Path(__file__) RELATIVE_SCRIPT_PATH = THIS_SCRIPT_PATH.relative_to(THIS_SCRIPT_PATH.parent.parent) REDIRECTION_DELAY = 6 # in seconds. Note: at least 6s for accessibility # NOTE: The redirection works with the HTML tag: . # See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/meta#http-equiv # # NOTE: This page is a simplified version of the Doxygen-generated ones. # It does use the current stylesheets, but it may break if the theme is updated. # Ideally, we would just let Doxygen generate them, but I (Wismill) could not # find a way to do this with the redirection feature. REDIRECTION_PAGE_TEMPLATE = Template( """ xkbcommon: Page Redirection
🔀 Redirection

This page has been moved.

If you are not redirected automatically, follow the link to the current page.

""" ) def parse_page_update(update: str) -> Update: updateʹ = Update(*update.split("=")) if updateʹ.new == updateʹ.old: raise ValueError(f"Invalid update: {updateʹ}") return updateʹ def update_registry(registry_path: Path, doc_dir: Path, updates: Sequence[str]): """ Update the URL registry by: • Adding new pages • Updating page aliases """ # Parse updates updates_ = dict(map(parse_page_update, updates)) # Load previous registry with registry_path.open("rt", encoding="utf-8") as fd: registry = yaml.safe_load(fd) or {} # Expected updates missing_updates = set(file for file in registry if not (doc_dir / file).is_file()) # Update invalid_updates = set(updates_) redirections = frozenset(chain(*registry.values())) for file in glob.iglob("**/*.html", root_dir=doc_dir, recursive=True): # Skip redirection pages if file in redirections: continue # Get previous entry and potential update old = updates_.get(file) if old: # Update old entry invalid_updates.remove(file) entry = registry.get(old) if entry is None: raise ValueError(f"Invalid update: {file}<-{old}") else: del registry[old] missing_updates.remove(old) registry[file] = [e for e in [old] + entry if e != file] print(f"[INFO] Updated: “{old}” to “{file}”") else: entry = registry.get(file) if entry is None: # New entry registry[file] = [] print(f"[INFO] Added: {file}") else: # Keep previous entry pass exit_code = ExitCode.NORMAL # Check if invalid_updates: for update in invalid_updates: print(f"[ERROR] Update not processed: {update}") exit_code |= ExitCode.INVALID_UPDATES if missing_updates: for old in missing_updates: print(f"[ERROR] “{old}” not found and has no update.") exit_code |= ExitCode.MISSING_UPDATES if exit_code: print("[ERROR] Processing interrupted: please fix the errors above.") exit(exit_code.value) # Write changes with registry_path.open("wt", encoding="utf-8") as fd: fd.write(f"# WARNING: This file is autogenerated by: {RELATIVE_SCRIPT_PATH}\n") fd.write("# Do not edit manually.\n") yaml.dump( registry, fd, ) def generate_redirections(registry_path: Path, doc_dir: Path): """ Create redirection pages using the aliases in the given URL registry. """ cool = True # Load registry with registry_path.open("rt", encoding="utf-8") as fd: registry = yaml.safe_load(fd) or {} for canonical, aliases in registry.items(): # Check canonical path is up-to-date if not (doc_dir / canonical).is_file(): cool = False print( f"ERROR: missing canonical documentation page “{canonical}”. " f"Please update “{registry_path}” using {RELATIVE_SCRIPT_PATH}”." ) # Add a redirection page for alias in aliases: path = doc_dir / alias with path.open("wt", encoding="utf-8") as fd: fd.write( REDIRECTION_PAGE_TEMPLATE.substitute( canonical=canonical, delay=REDIRECTION_DELAY ) ) if not cool: exit(1) def add_registry_argument(parser): parser.add_argument( "registry", type=Path, help="Path to the doc URI registry.", ) def add_docdir_argument(parser): parser.add_argument( "docdir", type=Path, metavar="DOC_DIR", help="Path to the generated HTML documentation directory.", ) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Tool to ensure HTML documentation has stable URLs" ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() parser_registry = subparsers.add_parser( "update-registry", help="Update the registry of URIs" ) add_registry_argument(parser_registry) add_docdir_argument(parser_registry) parser_registry.add_argument( "updates", nargs="*", type=str, help="Update: new=previous entries", ) parser_registry.set_defaults( run=lambda args: update_registry(args.registry, args.docdir, args.updates) ) parser_redirections = subparsers.add_parser( "generate-redirections", help="Generate URIs redirections" ) add_registry_argument(parser_redirections) add_docdir_argument(parser_redirections) parser_redirections.set_defaults( run=lambda args: generate_redirections(args.registry, args.docdir) ) args = parser.parse_args() args.run(args)