/************************************************************ Copyright (c) 1994 by Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Silicon Graphics not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission. Silicon Graphics makes no representation about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty. SILICON GRAPHICS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ********************************************************/ #ifndef XKBCOMP_H #define XKBCOMP_H 1 #include "utils.h" #include "xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h" #include "XKBcommonint.h" #include "xkbmisc.h" #define TypeUnknown 0 #define TypeBoolean 1 #define TypeInt 2 #define TypeString 4 #define TypeAction 5 #define TypeKeyName 6 #define TypeSymbols 7 #define StmtUnknown 0 #define StmtInclude 1 #define StmtKeycodeDef 2 #define StmtKeyAliasDef 3 #define StmtExpr 4 #define StmtVarDef 5 #define StmtKeyTypeDef 6 #define StmtInterpDef 7 #define StmtVModDef 8 #define StmtSymbolsDef 9 #define StmtModMapDef 10 #define StmtGroupCompatDef 11 #define StmtIndicatorMapDef 12 #define StmtIndicatorNameDef 13 #define FileSymInterp 100 typedef struct _ParseCommon { unsigned stmtType; struct _ParseCommon *next; } ParseCommon; #define ExprValue 0 #define ExprIdent 1 #define ExprActionDecl 2 #define ExprFieldRef 3 #define ExprArrayRef 4 #define ExprKeysymList 5 #define ExprActionList 6 #define OpAdd 20 #define OpSubtract 21 #define OpMultiply 22 #define OpDivide 23 #define OpAssign 24 #define OpNot 25 #define OpNegate 26 #define OpInvert 27 #define OpUnaryPlus 28 #define MergeDefault 0 #define MergeAugment 1 #define MergeOverride 2 #define MergeReplace 3 #define MergeAltForm 4 #define AutoKeyNames (1L << 0) #define CreateKeyNames(x) ((x)->flags&AutoKeyNames) extern unsigned warningLevel; typedef struct _IncludeStmt { ParseCommon common; unsigned merge; char *stmt; char *file; char *map; char *modifier; char *path; struct _IncludeStmt *next; } IncludeStmt; typedef struct _Expr { ParseCommon common; unsigned op; unsigned type; union { struct { struct _Expr *left; struct _Expr *right; } binary; struct { xkb_atom_t element; xkb_atom_t field; } field; struct { xkb_atom_t element; xkb_atom_t field; struct _Expr *entry; } array; struct { xkb_atom_t name; struct _Expr *args; } action; struct { int nSyms; int szSyms; char **syms; } list; struct _Expr *child; xkb_atom_t str; unsigned uval; int ival; char keyName[5]; } value; } ExprDef; typedef struct _VarDef { ParseCommon common; unsigned merge; ExprDef *name; ExprDef *value; } VarDef; typedef struct _VModDef { ParseCommon common; unsigned merge; xkb_atom_t name; ExprDef *value; } VModDef; typedef struct _KeycodeDef { ParseCommon common; unsigned merge; char name[5]; unsigned long value; } KeycodeDef; typedef struct _KeyAliasDef { ParseCommon common; unsigned merge; char alias[5]; char real[5]; } KeyAliasDef; typedef struct _KeyTypeDef { ParseCommon common; unsigned merge; xkb_atom_t name; VarDef *body; } KeyTypeDef; typedef struct _SymbolsDef { ParseCommon common; unsigned merge; char keyName[5]; ExprDef *symbols; } SymbolsDef; typedef struct _ModMapDef { ParseCommon common; unsigned merge; xkb_atom_t modifier; ExprDef *keys; } ModMapDef; typedef struct _GroupCompatDef { ParseCommon common; unsigned merge; int group; ExprDef *def; } GroupCompatDef; typedef struct _InterpDef { ParseCommon common; unsigned merge; char *sym; ExprDef *match; VarDef *def; } InterpDef; typedef struct _IndicatorNameDef { ParseCommon common; unsigned merge; int ndx; ExprDef *name; Bool virtual; } IndicatorNameDef; typedef struct _IndicatorMapDef { ParseCommon common; unsigned merge; unsigned type; xkb_atom_t name; VarDef *body; } IndicatorMapDef; typedef struct _XkbFile { ParseCommon common; unsigned type; char *topName; char *name; ParseCommon *defs; int id; unsigned flags; Bool compiled; } XkbFile; extern struct xkb_desc * CompileKeymap(struct xkb_context *context, XkbFile *file, unsigned merge); extern Bool CompileKeycodes(XkbFile *file, struct xkb_desc * xkb, unsigned merge); extern Bool CompileKeyTypes(XkbFile *file, struct xkb_desc * xkb, unsigned merge); typedef struct _LEDInfo *LEDInfoPtr; extern Bool CompileCompatMap(XkbFile *file, struct xkb_desc * xkb, unsigned merge, LEDInfoPtr *unboundLEDs); extern Bool CompileSymbols(XkbFile *file, struct xkb_desc * xkb, unsigned merge); extern Bool UpdateModifiersFromCompat(struct xkb_desc *xkb); #endif /* XKBCOMP_H */