digraph { node [shape=box] subgraph process { RMLVO [ label=<End user configuration
RMLVO: Rules, Model, Layout, Variant, Options>, penwidth=3, href="@ref RMLVO-intro", ]; RMLVO_resolution [ label=<RMLVO resolution
Determine KcCGST using the specified rules file:
match the given model, layout, variant and options fields>, style=rounded, color=blue ]; KcCGST [ label=<Layout database configuration
KcCGST: Keycodes, Compat, Geometry, Symbols, Types>, penwidth=3, href="@ref KcCGST-intro" ]; KcCGST_resolution [ label=<KcCGST resolution
Construct the keymap from its components>, style=rounded, color=blue ]; Keymap [ label=<Window server configuration
Complete keymap>, penwidth=3, href="@ref keymap-intro" ]; } database [shape=none, label=<
Layout Database
Rules files
Keycodes files
Compat files
(Geometry files)
Symbols files
Types files
>]; { rank = same; KcCGST; database } edge [ color=blue, arrowhead=normal, style=bold ] { rankdir="TB"; RMLVO -> RMLVO_resolution -> KcCGST -> KcCGST_resolution -> Keymap } edge [ color=dimgrey, arrowhead=vee, style=solid ] RMLVO:e -> database:rules:e [constraint=false]; KcCGST:e -> database:keycodes:w [constraint=false]; KcCGST:e -> database:compat:w [constraint=false]; KcCGST:e -> database:symbols:w [constraint=false]; KcCGST:e -> database:types:w [constraint=false]; database:rules:w -> RMLVO_resolution:e [constraint=false]; database:keycodes:e -> KcCGST_resolution [constraint=false]; database:compat:e -> KcCGST_resolution [constraint=false]; database:symbols:e -> KcCGST_resolution [constraint=false]; database:types:e -> KcCGST_resolution [constraint=false]; }