/* * Copyright © 2020 Red Hat, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "config.h" #include #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "xkbcommon/xkbregistry.h" #include "utils.h" #include "test.h" #define NO_VARIANT NULL enum { MODEL = 78, LAYOUT, VARIANT, OPTION, }; enum popularity { POPULARITY_UNDEFINED = 0, /* Not member of enum rxkb_popularity */ POPULARITY_STANDARD = RXKB_POPULARITY_STANDARD, POPULARITY_EXOTIC = RXKB_POPULARITY_EXOTIC, }; struct test_model { const char *name; /* required */ const char *vendor; const char *description; }; struct test_layout { const char *name; /* required */ const char *variant; const char *brief; const char *description; const char *iso639[3]; /* language list (iso639 three letter codes), 3 is enough for our test */ const char *iso3166[3]; /* country list (iso3166 two letter codes), 3 is enough for our tests */ enum popularity popularity; }; struct test_option { const char *name; const char *description; }; struct test_option_group { const char *name; const char *description; bool allow_multiple_selection; struct test_option options[10]; }; static const char * popularity_attr(enum popularity popularity) { switch (popularity) { case POPULARITY_UNDEFINED: return ""; case RXKB_POPULARITY_STANDARD: return " popularity=\"standard\""; case RXKB_POPULARITY_EXOTIC: return " popularity=\"exotic\""; default: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unsupported popularity: %d\n", popularity); assert(false); } } static void fprint_config_item(FILE *fp, const char *name, const char *vendor, const char *brief, const char *description, const char * const iso639[3], const char * const iso3166[3], enum popularity popularity) { fprintf(fp, " \n" " %s\n", popularity_attr(popularity), name); if (brief) fprintf(fp, " %s\n", brief); if (description) fprintf(fp, " %s\n", description); if (vendor) fprintf(fp, " %s\n", vendor); if (iso3166 && iso3166[0]) { fprintf(fp, " \n"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const char *iso = iso3166[i]; if (!iso) break; fprintf(fp, " %s\n", iso); } fprintf(fp, " \n"); } if (iso639 && iso639[0]) { fprintf(fp, " \n"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const char *iso = iso639[i]; if (!iso) break; fprintf(fp, " %s\n", iso); } fprintf(fp, " \n"); } fprintf(fp, " \n"); } /** * Create a directory populated with a rules/.xml that contains the * given items. * * @return the XKB base directory */ static char * test_create_rules(const char *ruleset, const struct test_model *test_models, const struct test_layout *test_layouts, const struct test_option_group *test_groups) { static int iteration; char *tmpdir; char buf[PATH_MAX]; int rc; FILE *fp; char *template = asprintf_safe("%s.%d.XXXXXX", ruleset, iteration++); assert(template != NULL); tmpdir = test_maketempdir(template); free(template); free(test_makedir(tmpdir, "rules")); rc = snprintf_safe(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/rules/%s.xml", tmpdir, ruleset); assert(rc); fp = fopen(buf, "w"); assert(fp); fprintf(fp, "\n" "\n" "\n"); if (test_models) { fprintf(fp, "\n"); for (const struct test_model *m = test_models; m->name; m++) { fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprint_config_item(fp, m->name, m->vendor, NULL, m->description, NULL, NULL, POPULARITY_UNDEFINED); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } if (test_layouts) { const struct test_layout *l, *next; fprintf(fp, "\n"); l = test_layouts; next = l + 1; assert(l->variant == NULL); while (l->name) { fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprint_config_item(fp, l->name, NULL, l->brief, l->description, l->iso639, l->iso3166, l->popularity); if (next->name && streq(next->name, l->name)) { fprintf(fp, "\n"); do { fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprint_config_item(fp, next->variant, NULL, next->brief, next->description, next->iso639, next->iso3166, next->popularity); fprintf(fp, "\n"); l = next; next++; } while (next->name && streq(next->name, l->name)); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); l++; } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } if (test_groups) { fprintf(fp, "\n"); for (const struct test_option_group *g = test_groups; g->name; g++) { fprintf(fp, "\n", g->allow_multiple_selection ? "true" : "false"); fprint_config_item(fp, g->name, NULL, NULL, g->description, NULL, NULL, POPULARITY_UNDEFINED); for (const struct test_option *o = g->options; o->name; o++) { fprintf(fp, " \n"); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); fclose(fp); return tmpdir; } static void test_remove_rules(char *basedir, const char *ruleset) { char path[PATH_MAX]; int rc; rc = snprintf_safe(path, sizeof(path), "%s/rules/%s.xml", basedir, ruleset); assert(rc); unlink(path); rc = snprintf_safe(path, sizeof(path), "%s/xkb/rules", basedir); assert(rc); rmdir(path); rmdir(basedir); free(basedir); } static struct rxkb_context * test_setup_context_for(const char *ruleset, struct test_model *system_models, struct test_model *user_models, struct test_layout *system_layouts, struct test_layout *user_layouts, struct test_option_group *system_groups, struct test_option_group *user_groups) { char *sysdir = NULL, *userdir = NULL; struct rxkb_context *ctx; sysdir = test_create_rules(ruleset, system_models, system_layouts, system_groups); if (user_models || user_layouts || user_groups) userdir = test_create_rules(ruleset, user_models, user_layouts, user_groups); ctx = rxkb_context_new(RXKB_CONTEXT_NO_DEFAULT_INCLUDES); assert(ctx); if (userdir) assert(rxkb_context_include_path_append(ctx, userdir)); assert(rxkb_context_include_path_append(ctx, sysdir)); assert(rxkb_context_parse(ctx, ruleset)); test_remove_rules(sysdir, ruleset); if (userdir) test_remove_rules(userdir, ruleset); return ctx; } static struct rxkb_context * test_setup_context(struct test_model *system_models, struct test_model *user_models, struct test_layout *system_layouts, struct test_layout *user_layouts, struct test_option_group *system_groups, struct test_option_group *user_groups) { const char *ruleset = "xkbtests"; return test_setup_context_for(ruleset, system_models, user_models, system_layouts, user_layouts, system_groups, user_groups); } static struct rxkb_model * fetch_model(struct rxkb_context *ctx, const char *model) { struct rxkb_model *m = rxkb_model_first(ctx); while (m) { if (streq(rxkb_model_get_name(m), model)) return rxkb_model_ref(m); m = rxkb_model_next(m); } return NULL; } static bool find_model(struct rxkb_context *ctx, const char *model) { struct rxkb_model *m = fetch_model(ctx, model); rxkb_model_unref(m); return m != NULL; } static bool find_models(struct rxkb_context *ctx, ...) { va_list args; const char *name; int idx = 0; bool rc = false; va_start(args, ctx); name = va_arg(args, const char *); while(name) { assert(++idx < 20); /* safety guard */ if (!find_model(ctx, name)) goto out; name = va_arg(args, const char *); }; rc = true; out: va_end(args); return rc; } static struct rxkb_layout * fetch_layout(struct rxkb_context *ctx, const char *layout, const char *variant) { struct rxkb_layout *l = rxkb_layout_first(ctx); while (l) { const char *v = rxkb_layout_get_variant(l); if (streq(rxkb_layout_get_name(l), layout) && ((v == NULL && variant == NULL) || (v != NULL && variant != NULL && streq(v, variant)))) return rxkb_layout_ref(l); l = rxkb_layout_next(l); } return NULL; } static bool find_layout(struct rxkb_context *ctx, const char *layout, const char *variant) { struct rxkb_layout *l = fetch_layout(ctx, layout, variant); rxkb_layout_unref(l); return l != NULL; } static bool find_layouts(struct rxkb_context *ctx, ...) { va_list args; const char *name, *variant; int idx = 0; bool rc = false; va_start(args, ctx); name = va_arg(args, const char *); variant = va_arg(args, const char *); while(name) { assert(++idx < 20); /* safety guard */ if (!find_layout(ctx, name, variant)) goto out; name = va_arg(args, const char *); if (name) variant = va_arg(args, const char *); }; rc = true; out: va_end(args); return rc; } static struct rxkb_option_group * fetch_option_group(struct rxkb_context *ctx, const char *grp) { struct rxkb_option_group *g = rxkb_option_group_first(ctx); while (g) { if (streq(grp, rxkb_option_group_get_name(g))) return rxkb_option_group_ref(g); g = rxkb_option_group_next(g); } return NULL; } static inline bool find_option_group(struct rxkb_context *ctx, const char *grp) { struct rxkb_option_group *g = fetch_option_group(ctx, grp); rxkb_option_group_unref(g); return g != NULL; } static struct rxkb_option * fetch_option(struct rxkb_context *ctx, const char *grp, const char *opt) { struct rxkb_option_group *g = rxkb_option_group_first(ctx); while (g) { if (streq(grp, rxkb_option_group_get_name(g))) { struct rxkb_option *o = rxkb_option_first(g); while (o) { if (streq(opt, rxkb_option_get_name(o))) return rxkb_option_ref(o); o = rxkb_option_next(o); } } g = rxkb_option_group_next(g); } return NULL; } static bool find_option(struct rxkb_context *ctx, const char *grp, const char *opt) { struct rxkb_option *o = fetch_option(ctx, grp, opt); rxkb_option_unref(o); return o != NULL; } static bool find_options(struct rxkb_context *ctx, ...) { va_list args; const char *grp, *opt; int idx = 0; bool rc = false; va_start(args, ctx); grp = va_arg(args, const char *); opt = va_arg(args, const char *); while(grp) { assert(++idx < 20); /* safety guard */ if (!find_option(ctx, grp, opt)) goto out; grp = va_arg(args, const char *); if (grp) opt = va_arg(args, const char *); }; rc = true; out: va_end(args); return rc; } static bool cmp_models(struct test_model *tm, struct rxkb_model *m) { if (!tm || !m) return false; if (!streq(tm->name, rxkb_model_get_name(m))) return false; if (!streq_null(tm->vendor, rxkb_model_get_vendor(m))) return false; if (!streq_null(tm->description, rxkb_model_get_description(m))) return false; return true; } static bool cmp_layouts(struct test_layout *tl, struct rxkb_layout *l) { struct rxkb_iso3166_code *iso3166 = NULL; struct rxkb_iso639_code *iso639 = NULL; if (!tl || !l) return false; if (!streq(tl->name, rxkb_layout_get_name(l))) return false; if (!streq_null(tl->variant, rxkb_layout_get_variant(l))) return false; if (!streq_null(tl->brief, rxkb_layout_get_brief(l))) return false; if (!streq_null(tl->description, rxkb_layout_get_description(l))) return false; iso3166 = rxkb_layout_get_iso3166_first(l); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(tl->iso3166); i++) { const char *iso = tl->iso3166[i]; if (iso == NULL && iso3166 == NULL) break; if (!streq_null(iso, rxkb_iso3166_code_get_code(iso3166))) return false; iso3166 = rxkb_iso3166_code_next(iso3166); } if (iso3166 != NULL) return false; iso639 = rxkb_layout_get_iso639_first(l); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(tl->iso639); i++) { const char *iso = tl->iso639[i]; if (iso == NULL && iso639 == NULL) break; if (!streq_null(iso, rxkb_iso639_code_get_code(iso639))) return false; iso639 = rxkb_iso639_code_next(iso639); } if (iso639 != NULL) return false; return true; } static bool cmp_options(struct test_option *to, struct rxkb_option *o) { if (!to || !o) return false; if (!streq(to->name, rxkb_option_get_name(o))) return false; if (!streq_null(to->description, rxkb_option_get_description(o))) return false; return true; } enum cmp_type { CMP_EXACT, CMP_MATCHING_ONLY, }; static bool cmp_option_groups(struct test_option_group *tg, struct rxkb_option_group *g, enum cmp_type cmp) { struct rxkb_option *o; struct test_option *to; if (!tg || !g) return false; if (!streq(tg->name, rxkb_option_group_get_name(g))) return false; if (!streq_null(tg->description, rxkb_option_group_get_description(g))) return false; if (tg->allow_multiple_selection != rxkb_option_group_allows_multiple(g)) return false; to = tg->options; o = rxkb_option_first(g); while (o && to->name) { if (!cmp_options(to, o)) return false; to++; o = rxkb_option_next(o); } if (cmp == CMP_EXACT && (o || to->name)) return false; return true; } static void test_load_basic(void) { struct test_model system_models[] = { {"m1"}, {"m2"}, {NULL}, }; struct test_layout system_layouts[] = { {"l1"}, {"l1", "v1"}, {NULL}, }; struct test_option_group system_groups[] = { {"grp1", NULL, true, { {"grp1:1"}, {"grp1:2"} } }, {"grp2", NULL, false, { {"grp2:1"}, {"grp2:2"} } }, { NULL }, }; struct rxkb_context *ctx; ctx = test_setup_context(system_models, NULL, system_layouts, NULL, system_groups, NULL); assert(find_models(ctx, "m1", "m2", NULL)); assert(find_layouts(ctx, "l1", NO_VARIANT, "l1", "v1", NULL)); assert(find_options(ctx, "grp1", "grp1:1", "grp1", "grp1:2", "grp2", "grp2:1", "grp2", "grp2:2", NULL)); rxkb_context_unref(ctx); } static void test_load_full(void) { struct test_model system_models[] = { {"m1", "vendor1", "desc1"}, {"m2", "vendor2", "desc2"}, {NULL}, }; struct test_layout system_layouts[] = { {"l1", NO_VARIANT, "lbrief1", "ldesc1"}, {"l1", "v1", "vbrief1", "vdesc1"}, {"l1", "v2", NULL, "vdesc2"}, {NULL}, }; struct test_option_group system_groups[] = { {"grp1", "gdesc1", true, { {"grp1:1", "odesc11"}, {"grp1:2", "odesc12"} } }, {"grp2", "gdesc2", false, { {"grp2:1", "odesc21"}, {"grp2:2", "odesc22"} } }, { NULL }, }; struct rxkb_context *ctx; struct rxkb_model *m; struct rxkb_layout *l; struct rxkb_option_group *g; ctx = test_setup_context(system_models, NULL, system_layouts, NULL, system_groups, NULL); m = fetch_model(ctx, "m1"); assert(cmp_models(&system_models[0], m)); rxkb_model_unref(m); m = fetch_model(ctx, "m2"); assert(cmp_models(&system_models[1], m)); rxkb_model_unref(m); l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l1", NO_VARIANT); assert(cmp_layouts(&system_layouts[0], l)); rxkb_layout_unref(l); l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l1", "v1"); assert(cmp_layouts(&system_layouts[1], l)); rxkb_layout_unref(l); l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l1", "v2"); struct test_layout expected = {"l1", "v2", "lbrief1", "vdesc2"}; assert(cmp_layouts(&expected, l)); rxkb_layout_unref(l); g = fetch_option_group(ctx, "grp1"); assert(cmp_option_groups(&system_groups[0], g, CMP_EXACT)); rxkb_option_group_unref(g); g = fetch_option_group(ctx, "grp2"); assert(cmp_option_groups(&system_groups[1], g, CMP_EXACT)); rxkb_option_group_unref(g); rxkb_context_unref(ctx); } static void test_load_languages(void) { struct test_model system_models[] = { {"m1", "vendor1", "desc1"}, {NULL}, }; struct test_layout system_layouts[] = { {"l1", NO_VARIANT, "lbrief1", "ldesc1", .iso639 = { "abc", "def" }, .iso3166 = { "uv", "wx" }}, {"l1", "v1", "vbrief1", "vdesc1", .iso639 = {"efg"}, .iso3166 = {"yz"}}, {"l2", NO_VARIANT, "lbrief1", "ldesc1", .iso639 = { "hij", "klm" }, .iso3166 = { "op", "qr" }}, {"l2", "v2", "lbrief1", "ldesc1", .iso639 = { NULL }, /* inherit from parent */ .iso3166 = { NULL }}, /* inherit from parent */ {NULL}, }; struct test_option_group system_groups[] = { {"grp1", "gdesc1", true, { {"grp1:1", "odesc11"}, {"grp1:2", "odesc12"} } }, { NULL }, }; struct rxkb_context *ctx; struct rxkb_layout *l; struct rxkb_iso3166_code *iso3166; struct rxkb_iso639_code *iso639; ctx = test_setup_context(system_models, NULL, system_layouts, NULL, system_groups, NULL); l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l1", NO_VARIANT); assert(cmp_layouts(&system_layouts[0], l)); rxkb_layout_unref(l); l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l1", "v1"); assert(cmp_layouts(&system_layouts[1], l)); rxkb_layout_unref(l); l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l2", "v2"); iso3166 = rxkb_layout_get_iso3166_first(l); assert(streq(rxkb_iso3166_code_get_code(iso3166), "op")); iso3166 = rxkb_iso3166_code_next(iso3166); assert(streq(rxkb_iso3166_code_get_code(iso3166), "qr")); iso639 = rxkb_layout_get_iso639_first(l); assert(streq(rxkb_iso639_code_get_code(iso639), "hij")); iso639 = rxkb_iso639_code_next(iso639); assert(streq(rxkb_iso639_code_get_code(iso639), "klm")); rxkb_layout_unref(l); rxkb_context_unref(ctx); } static void test_load_invalid_languages(void) { struct test_model system_models[] = { {"m1", "vendor1", "desc1"}, {NULL}, }; struct test_layout system_layouts[] = { {"l1", NO_VARIANT, "lbrief1", "ldesc1", .iso639 = { "ab", "def" }, .iso3166 = { "uvw", "xz" }}, {NULL}, }; struct test_option_group system_groups[] = { {"grp1", "gdesc1", true, { {"grp1:1", "odesc11"}, {"grp1:2", "odesc12"} } }, { NULL }, }; struct rxkb_context *ctx; struct rxkb_layout *l; struct rxkb_iso3166_code *iso3166; struct rxkb_iso639_code *iso639; ctx = test_setup_context(system_models, NULL, system_layouts, NULL, system_groups, NULL); l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l1", NO_VARIANT); /* uvw is invalid, we expect 2 letters, verify it was ignored */ iso3166 = rxkb_layout_get_iso3166_first(l); assert(streq(rxkb_iso3166_code_get_code(iso3166), "xz")); assert(rxkb_iso3166_code_next(iso3166) == NULL); /* ab is invalid, we expect 3 letters, verify it was ignored */ iso639 = rxkb_layout_get_iso639_first(l); assert(streq(rxkb_iso639_code_get_code(iso639), "def")); assert(rxkb_iso639_code_next(iso639) == NULL); rxkb_layout_unref(l); rxkb_context_unref(ctx); } static void test_popularity(void) { assert(POPULARITY_UNDEFINED != POPULARITY_STANDARD); assert(POPULARITY_UNDEFINED != POPULARITY_EXOTIC); struct test_layout system_layouts[] = { {.name = "l1", .variant = NO_VARIANT }, /* Default popularity */ {.name = "l1", .variant = "v1" }, /* Default popularity */ {.name = "l2", .popularity = POPULARITY_STANDARD }, {.name = "l3", .popularity = POPULARITY_EXOTIC }, {NULL}, }; struct rxkb_context *ctx; struct rxkb_layout *l; struct ruleset_conf { const char *ruleset; enum rxkb_context_flags flags; enum rxkb_popularity popularity; /* Default popularity */ }; struct ruleset_conf rulesets[] = { { /* Rules with “standard” popularity */ .ruleset="xkbtests", .flags=RXKB_CONTEXT_NO_DEFAULT_INCLUDES, .popularity=RXKB_POPULARITY_STANDARD }, { /* Rules with “exotic” popularity (hack, see below) */ .ruleset="xkbtests.extras", .flags=RXKB_CONTEXT_NO_DEFAULT_INCLUDES | RXKB_CONTEXT_LOAD_EXOTIC_RULES, .popularity=RXKB_POPULARITY_EXOTIC } }; for (size_t k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE(rulesets); k++) { struct ruleset_conf *conf = &rulesets[k]; char *dir = NULL; dir = test_create_rules(conf->ruleset, NULL, system_layouts, NULL); ctx = rxkb_context_new(conf->flags); assert(ctx); assert(rxkb_context_include_path_append(ctx, dir)); /* Hack: ruleset "xkbtests.extras" above generates xkbtests.extras.xml, * loading "xkbtests" means the extras file counts as exotic */ assert(rxkb_context_parse(ctx, "xkbtests")); /* Test implicit popularity */ l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l1", NO_VARIANT); assert(rxkb_layout_get_popularity(l) == conf->popularity); rxkb_layout_unref(l); l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l1", "v1"); assert(rxkb_layout_get_popularity(l) == conf->popularity); rxkb_layout_unref(l); /* Test explicit popularity */ l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l2", NO_VARIANT); assert(rxkb_layout_get_popularity(l) == RXKB_POPULARITY_STANDARD); rxkb_layout_unref(l); l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l3", NO_VARIANT); assert(rxkb_layout_get_popularity(l) == RXKB_POPULARITY_EXOTIC); rxkb_layout_unref(l); test_remove_rules(dir, conf->ruleset); rxkb_context_unref(ctx); } } static void test_load_merge(void) { struct test_model system_models[] = { {"m1", "vendor1", "desc1"}, {"m2", "vendor2", "desc2"}, {NULL}, }; struct test_model user_models[] = { {"m3", "vendor3", "desc3"}, {"m4", "vendor4", "desc4"}, {NULL}, }; struct test_layout system_layouts[] = { {"l1", NO_VARIANT, "lbrief1", "ldesc1"}, {"l1", "v1", "vbrief1", "vdesc1"}, {NULL}, }; struct test_layout user_layouts[] = { {"l2", NO_VARIANT, "lbrief2", "ldesc2"}, {"l2", "v2", "vbrief2", "vdesc2"}, {NULL}, }; struct test_option_group system_groups[] = { {"grp1", NULL, true, { {"grp1:1"}, {"grp1:2"} } }, {"grp2", NULL, false, { {"grp2:1"}, {"grp2:2"} } }, { NULL }, }; struct test_option_group user_groups[] = { {"grp3", NULL, true, { {"grp3:1"}, {"grp3:2"} } }, {"grp4", NULL, false, { {"grp4:1"}, {"grp4:2"} } }, { NULL }, }; struct rxkb_context *ctx; struct rxkb_model *m; struct rxkb_layout *l; struct rxkb_option_group *g; ctx = test_setup_context(system_models, user_models, system_layouts, user_layouts, system_groups, user_groups); assert(find_models(ctx, "m1", "m2", "m3", "m4", NULL)); assert(find_layouts(ctx, "l1", NO_VARIANT, "l1", "v1", "l2", NO_VARIANT, "l2", "v2", NULL)); m = fetch_model(ctx, "m1"); assert(cmp_models(&system_models[0], m)); rxkb_model_unref(m); m = fetch_model(ctx, "m2"); assert(cmp_models(&system_models[1], m)); rxkb_model_unref(m); m = fetch_model(ctx, "m3"); assert(cmp_models(&user_models[0], m)); rxkb_model_unref(m); m = fetch_model(ctx, "m4"); assert(cmp_models(&user_models[1], m)); rxkb_model_unref(m); l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l1", NO_VARIANT); assert(cmp_layouts(&system_layouts[0], l)); rxkb_layout_unref(l); l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l1", "v1"); assert(cmp_layouts(&system_layouts[1], l)); rxkb_layout_unref(l); l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l2", NO_VARIANT); assert(cmp_layouts(&user_layouts[0], l)); rxkb_layout_unref(l); l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l2", "v2"); assert(cmp_layouts(&user_layouts[1], l)); rxkb_layout_unref(l); g = fetch_option_group(ctx, "grp1"); assert(cmp_option_groups(&system_groups[0], g, CMP_EXACT)); rxkb_option_group_unref(g); g = fetch_option_group(ctx, "grp2"); assert(cmp_option_groups(&system_groups[1], g, CMP_EXACT)); rxkb_option_group_unref(g); g = fetch_option_group(ctx, "grp3"); assert(cmp_option_groups(&user_groups[0], g, CMP_EXACT)); rxkb_option_group_unref(g); g = fetch_option_group(ctx, "grp4"); assert(cmp_option_groups(&user_groups[1], g, CMP_EXACT)); rxkb_option_group_unref(g); rxkb_context_unref(ctx); } static void test_load_merge_no_overwrite(void) { struct test_model system_models[] = { {"m1", "vendor1", "desc1"}, {"m2", "vendor2", "desc2"}, {NULL}, }; struct test_model user_models[] = { {"m1", "vendor3", "desc3"}, /* must not overwrite */ {"m4", "vendor4", "desc4"}, {NULL}, }; struct test_layout system_layouts[] = { {"l1", NO_VARIANT, "lbrief1", "ldesc1"}, {"l1", "v1", "vbrief1", "vdesc1"}, {NULL}, }; struct test_layout user_layouts[] = { {"l2", NO_VARIANT, "lbrief2", "ldesc2"}, {"l2", "v2", "vbrief2", "vdesc2"}, {"l1", NO_VARIANT, "lbrief3", "ldesc3"}, /* must not overwrite */ {"l1", "v2", "vbrief3", "vdesc3"}, /* must not overwrite */ {NULL}, }; struct test_option_group system_groups[] = { {"grp1", "gdesc1", true, { {"grp1:1", "odesc11"}, {"grp1:2", "odesc12"} } }, {"grp2", "gdesc2", false, { {"grp2:1", "odesc21"}, {"grp2:2", "odesc22"} } }, { NULL }, }; struct test_option_group user_groups[] = { {"grp1", "XXXXX", false, /* must not overwrite */ { {"grp1:1", "YYYYYYY"}, /* must not overwrite */ {"grp1:3", "ZZZZZZ"} } }, /* append */ {"grp4", "gdesc4", false, { {"grp4:1", "odesc41"}, {"grp4:2", "odesc42"} } }, { NULL }, }; struct rxkb_context *ctx; struct rxkb_model *m; struct rxkb_layout *l; struct rxkb_option_group *g; ctx = test_setup_context(system_models, user_models, system_layouts, user_layouts, system_groups, user_groups); m = fetch_model(ctx, "m1"); assert(cmp_models(&system_models[0], m)); rxkb_model_unref(m); l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l1", NO_VARIANT); assert(cmp_layouts(&system_layouts[0], l)); rxkb_layout_unref(l); l = fetch_layout(ctx, "l1", "v1"); assert(cmp_layouts(&system_layouts[1], l)); rxkb_layout_unref(l); assert(find_option(ctx, "grp1", "grp1:3")); g = fetch_option_group(ctx, "grp1"); assert(cmp_option_groups(&system_groups[0], g, CMP_MATCHING_ONLY)); rxkb_option_group_unref(g); rxkb_context_unref(ctx); } static void test_no_include_paths(void) { struct rxkb_context *ctx; ctx = rxkb_context_new(RXKB_CONTEXT_NO_DEFAULT_INCLUDES); assert(ctx); assert(!rxkb_context_parse_default_ruleset(ctx)); rxkb_context_unref(ctx); } static void test_invalid_include(void) { struct rxkb_context *ctx; ctx = rxkb_context_new(RXKB_CONTEXT_NO_DEFAULT_INCLUDES); assert(ctx); assert(!rxkb_context_include_path_append(ctx, "/foo/bar/baz/bat")); assert(!rxkb_context_parse_default_ruleset(ctx)); rxkb_context_unref(ctx); } int main(void) { test_init(); test_no_include_paths(); test_invalid_include(); test_load_basic(); test_load_full(); test_load_merge(); test_load_merge_no_overwrite(); test_load_languages(); test_load_invalid_languages(); test_popularity(); return 0; }