refactor: go all in on Element abstraction to prepare for multiplayer support

LeRoyce Pearson 2024-03-01 16:07:13 -07:00
parent 0a0a7d8d49
commit 32f8b66761
11 changed files with 1102 additions and 688 deletions

src/Element.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
pub const Card = @import("./Element/Card.zig");
pub const HBox = @import("./Element/HBox.zig");
pub const Link = @import("./Element/Link.zig");
pub const Page = @import("./Element/Page.zig");
pub const Pile = @import("./Element/Pile.zig");
pub const Text = @import("./Element/Text.zig");
pub const View = @import("./Element/View.zig");
pointer: ?*anyopaque,
interface: *const Interface,
pub const Element = @This();
pub const Error = error{
pub const Interface = struct {
destroy: *const fn (?*anyopaque) void,
minimum_size: *const fn (?*anyopaque, RenderResources) [2]f32,
render: *const fn (?*anyopaque, *seizer.Canvas, RenderResources, [2]f32, [2]f32) void,
get_actions: *const fn (?*anyopaque, *std.ArrayList(Action), RenderResources, [2]f32, [2]f32) Error!void,
pub const RenderResources = struct {
hovered: ?Element.Command,
deck: DeckSprites,
font: seizer.Canvas.Font,
pub const Action = struct {
center: [2]f32,
command: Command,
pub const Command = union(enum) {
goto_reference: protocol.Reference,
callback: struct {
pointer: ?*anyopaque,
function: *const fn (?*anyopaque) void,
const DeckSprites = assets.DeckSprites;
const protocol = @import("./protocol.zig");
const assets = @import("./assets.zig");
const seizer = @import("seizer");
const gl =;
const std = @import("std");

src/Element/Card.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
visual: Visual,
command: ?[]const u8,
marked: bool,
const Visual = union(enum) {
card: assets.Card,
pub fn create(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, options: struct { visual: Visual, command: ?[]const u8, marked: ?bool = null }) !*@This() {
const this = try allocator.create(@This());
errdefer allocator.destroy(this);
this.* = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.visual = options.visual,
.command = options.command,
.marked = options.marked orelse false,
return this;
pub fn element(this: *@This()) Element {
return Element{
.pointer = this,
.interface = &Element.Interface{
.minimum_size = &element_minimum_size,
.render = &element_render,
.get_actions = &element_get_actions,
pub fn element_minimum_size(pointer: ?*anyopaque, render_resources: Element.RenderResources) [2]f32 {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
_ = this;
return .{
@as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[0])),
@as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1])),
pub fn element_render(pointer: ?*anyopaque, canvas: *seizer.Canvas, render_resources: Element.RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
const mark_offset = if (this.marked)
@as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1])) * -0.4,
[2]f32{ 0, 0 };
switch (this.visual) {
.back => render_resources.deck.tilesheet.renderTile(
.{ min[0] + mark_offset[0], min[1] + mark_offset[1] },
.card => |card| render_resources.deck.tilesheet.renderTile(
.{ @floor(min[0] + mark_offset[0]), @floor(min[1] + mark_offset[1]) },
if (render_resources.hovered != null and this.command != null and std.mem.eql(u8, render_resources.hovered.?, this.command.?)) {
.{ min[0] + mark_offset[0], min[1] + mark_offset[1] },
.{ max[0] - min[0], max[1] - min[1] },
.{ .color = .{ 0xAA, 0xFF, 0xAA, 0x60 } },
pub fn element_get_actions(pointer: ?*anyopaque, actions: *std.ArrayList(Element.Action), render_resources: Element.RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) Element.Error!void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
_ = render_resources;
if (this.command) |command| {
try actions.append(.{
.center = [2]f32{
(min[0] + max[0]) / 2,
(min[1] + max[1]) / 2,
.command = command,
const Element = @import("../Element.zig");
const assets = @import("../assets.zig");
const seizer = @import("seizer");
const gl =;
const std = @import("std");

src/Element/HBox.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
children: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Element),
pub fn create(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !*@This() {
const this = try allocator.create(@This());
errdefer allocator.destroy(this);
this.* = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.children = .{},
return this;
pub fn addElement(this: *@This(), child_element: Element) !void {
try this.children.append(this.allocator, child_element);
pub fn element(this: *@This()) Element {
return Element{
.pointer = this,
.interface = &Element.Interface{
.destroy = &element_destroy,
.minimum_size = &element_minimum_size,
.render = &element_render,
.get_actions = &element_get_actions,
pub fn element_destroy(pointer: ?*anyopaque) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
for (this.children.items) |child| {
pub fn element_minimum_size(pointer: ?*anyopaque, render_resources: Element.RenderResources) [2]f32 {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
var minimum_size = [2]f32{ 0, 0 };
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const child_size = child.interface.minimum_size(child.pointer, render_resources);
minimum_size = .{
minimum_size[0] + child_size[0],
@max(minimum_size[1], child_size[1]),
return minimum_size;
pub fn element_render(pointer: ?*anyopaque, canvas: *seizer.Canvas, render_resources: Element.RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
if (this.children.items.len == 0) return;
const parent_size = [2]f32{
max[0] - min[0],
max[1] - min[1],
var filled_space: f32 = 0;
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const child_size = child.interface.minimum_size(child.pointer, render_resources);
filled_space += child_size[0];
const empty_space = parent_size[0] - filled_space;
const num_spaces = if (empty_space > 0) this.children.items.len + 1 else this.children.items.len - 1;
const space_around = empty_space / @as(f32, @floatFromInt(num_spaces));
var x: f32 = min[0] + @max(space_around, 0);
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const child_size = child.interface.minimum_size(child.pointer, render_resources);
const child_min = [2]f32{ x, min[1] };
const child_max = [2]f32{ x + child_size[0], max[1] };
child.interface.render(child.pointer, canvas, render_resources, child_min, child_max);
x += child_size[0] + space_around;
pub fn element_get_actions(pointer: ?*anyopaque, actions: *std.ArrayList(Element.Action), render_resources: Element.RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) Element.Error!void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
if (this.children.items.len == 0) return;
const parent_size = [2]f32{
max[0] - min[0],
max[1] - min[1],
var filled_space: f32 = 0;
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const child_size = child.interface.minimum_size(child.pointer, render_resources);
filled_space += child_size[0];
const empty_space = parent_size[0] - filled_space;
const space_around = empty_space / @as(f32, @floatFromInt((this.children.items.len + 1)));
var x: f32 = min[0] + space_around;
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const child_size = child.interface.minimum_size(child.pointer, render_resources);
const child_min = [2]f32{ x, min[1] };
const child_max = [2]f32{ x + child_size[0], max[1] };
try child.interface.get_actions(child.pointer, actions, render_resources, child_min, child_max);
x += child_size[0] + space_around;
const Element = @import("../Element.zig");
const assets = @import("../assets.zig");
const seizer = @import("seizer");
const gl =;
const std = @import("std");

src/Element/Link.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
child: Element,
reference: protocol.Reference,
pub fn create(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, child: Element, reference: protocol.Reference) !*@This() {
const this = try allocator.create(@This());
errdefer allocator.destroy(this);
this.* = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.child = child,
.reference = reference,
return this;
pub fn element(this: *@This()) Element {
return Element{
.pointer = this,
.interface = &Element.Interface{
.destroy = &element_destroy,
.minimum_size = &element_minimum_size,
.render = &element_render,
.get_actions = &element_get_actions,
pub fn element_destroy(pointer: ?*anyopaque) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
pub fn element_minimum_size(pointer: ?*anyopaque, render_resources: Element.RenderResources) [2]f32 {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
return this.child.interface.minimum_size(this.child.pointer, render_resources);
pub fn element_render(pointer: ?*anyopaque, canvas: *seizer.Canvas, render_resources: Element.RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
// render child element
this.child.interface.render(this.child.pointer, canvas, render_resources, min, max);
// render selection indicator on top if this link is selected
if (render_resources.hovered != null and std.meta.eql(render_resources.hovered.?, Element.Command{ .goto_reference = this.reference })) {
.{ min[0], min[1] },
.{ max[0] - min[0], max[1] - min[1] },
.{ .color = .{ 0xAA, 0xFF, 0xAA, 0x60 } },
pub fn element_get_actions(pointer: ?*anyopaque, actions: *std.ArrayList(Element.Action), render_resources: Element.RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) Element.Error!void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
_ = render_resources;
try actions.append(.{
.center = [2]f32{
(min[0] + max[0]) / 2,
(min[1] + max[1]) / 2,
.command = .{ .goto_reference = this.reference },
const Element = @import("../Element.zig");
const protocol = @import("../protocol.zig");
const assets = @import("../assets.zig");
const seizer = @import("seizer");
const gl =;
const std = @import("std");

src/Element/Page.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
children: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Child),
pub const Child = struct {
/// Where is the child attached on the parent? Imagine it as a pin going through
/// both the parent and child element. This defines where on the parent that pin
/// passes through.
/// In a virtual coordinate where <0,0> = top-left, <1,1> = bottom-right, unless
/// the numbers are negative.
anchor_in_parent: [2]f32,
/// Where is the child attached on the parent? Imagine it as a pin going through
/// both the parent and child element. This defines where on the child that pin
/// passes through.
/// In a virtual coordinate where <0,0> = top-left, <1,1> = bottom-right, unless
/// the numbers are negative.
anchor_in_child: [2]f32,
element: Element,
pub fn create(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !*@This() {
const this = try allocator.create(@This());
errdefer allocator.destroy(this);
this.* = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.children = .{},
return this;
pub fn addElement(this: *@This(), anchor_in_parent: [2]f32, anchor_in_child: [2]f32, child_element: Element) !void {
try this.children.append(this.allocator, Child{
.anchor_in_parent = anchor_in_parent,
.anchor_in_child = anchor_in_child,
.element = child_element,
pub fn element(this: *@This()) Element {
return Element{
.pointer = this,
.interface = &Element.Interface{
.destroy = &element_destroy,
.minimum_size = &element_minimum_size,
.render = &element_render,
.get_actions = &element_get_actions,
pub fn element_destroy(pointer: ?*anyopaque) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
for (this.children.items) |child| {
pub fn element_minimum_size(pointer: ?*anyopaque, render_resources: Element.RenderResources) [2]f32 {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
var minimum_size = [2]f32{ 0, 0 };
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const child_size = child.element.interface.minimum_size(child.element.pointer, render_resources);
minimum_size = .{
@max(minimum_size[0], child_size[0]),
@max(minimum_size[1], child_size[1]),
return minimum_size;
pub fn element_render(pointer: ?*anyopaque, canvas: *seizer.Canvas, render_resources: Element.RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
const parent_size = [2]f32{
max[0] - min[0],
max[1] - min[1],
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const pos_in_parent = [2]f32{
child.anchor_in_parent[0] * parent_size[0],
child.anchor_in_parent[1] * parent_size[1],
const child_size = child.element.interface.minimum_size(child.element.pointer, render_resources);
const pos_in_child = [2]f32{
child.anchor_in_child[0] * child_size[0],
child.anchor_in_child[1] * child_size[1],
const child_min = [2]f32{
@max(min[0], pos_in_parent[0] - pos_in_child[0]),
@max(min[1], pos_in_parent[1] - pos_in_child[1]),
const child_max = [2]f32{
@min(max[0], pos_in_parent[0] + (child_size[0] - pos_in_child[0])),
@min(max[1], pos_in_parent[1] + (child_size[1] - pos_in_child[1])),
child.element.interface.render(child.element.pointer, canvas, render_resources, child_min, child_max);
pub fn element_get_actions(pointer: ?*anyopaque, actions: *std.ArrayList(Element.Action), render_resources: Element.RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) Element.Error!void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
const parent_size = [2]f32{
max[0] - min[0],
max[1] - min[1],
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const pos_in_parent = [2]f32{
child.anchor_in_parent[0] * parent_size[0],
child.anchor_in_parent[1] * parent_size[1],
const child_size = child.element.interface.minimum_size(child.element.pointer, render_resources);
const pos_in_child = [2]f32{
child.anchor_in_child[0] * child_size[0],
child.anchor_in_child[1] * child_size[1],
const child_min = [2]f32{
pos_in_parent[0] - pos_in_child[0],
pos_in_parent[1] - pos_in_child[1],
const child_max = [2]f32{
pos_in_parent[0] + (child_size[0] - pos_in_child[0]),
pos_in_parent[1] + (child_size[1] - pos_in_child[1]),
try child.element.interface.get_actions(child.element.pointer, actions, render_resources, child_min, child_max);
const Element = @import("../Element.zig");
const assets = @import("../assets.zig");
const seizer = @import("seizer");
const gl =;
const std = @import("std");

src/Element/Pile.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
cards: []Card,
hidden: bool = false,
command: ?[]const u8 = null,
pub fn create(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, cards: []const Card) !*@This() {
const this = try allocator.create(@This());
errdefer allocator.destroy(this);
const cards_owned = try allocator.dupe(Card, cards);
this.* = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.cards = cards_owned,
return this;
pub fn element(this: *@This()) Element {
return Element{
.pointer = this,
.interface = &Element.Interface{
.minimum_size = &element_minimum_size,
.render = &element_render,
.get_actions = &element_get_actions,
pub fn element_minimum_size(pointer: ?*anyopaque, render_resources: Element.RenderResources) [2]f32 {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
return .{
@as(f32, (@floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1]))) + @as(f32, (@floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1]))) * @as(f32, @floatFromInt( / 52.0 * 0.25,
pub fn element_render(pointer: ?*anyopaque, canvas: *seizer.Canvas, render_resources: Element.RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
const start_y: f32 = max[1] - @as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1]));
for (, 0..) |card, i| {
const oy = -@as(f32, @floatFromInt(i)) * (@as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1])) / (52.0 * 4));
if (this.hidden) {
render_resources.deck.tilesheet.renderTile(canvas, render_resources.deck.back, .{
start_y + oy,
}, .{});
} else {
render_resources.deck.tilesheet.renderTile(canvas, render_resources.deck.getTileForCard(card), .{
start_y + oy,
}, .{});
if (render_resources.hovered != null and this.command != null and std.mem.eql(u8, render_resources.hovered.?, this.command.?)) {
const oy = -@as(f32, @floatFromInt( * (@as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1])) / (52.0 * 4));
.{ min[0], start_y + oy },
.{ @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[0]), @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1]) },
.{ .color = .{ 0xAA, 0xFF, 0xAA, 0x60 } },
pub fn element_get_actions(pointer: ?*anyopaque, actions: *std.ArrayList(Element.Action), render_resources: Element.RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) Element.Error!void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
if (this.command) |command| {
const center = [2]f32{
min[0] + @as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[0])) / 2,
max[1] - @as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1])) * (2.0 - @as(f32, @floatFromInt( / (52.0 * 4)),
try actions.append(.{
.center = center,
.command = command,
const Card = assets.Card;
const Element = @import("../Element.zig");
const assets = @import("../assets.zig");
const seizer = @import("seizer");
const gl =;
const std = @import("std");

src/Element/Text.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
text: []const u8,
pub fn create(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, text: []const u8) !*@This() {
const this = try allocator.create(@This());
errdefer allocator.destroy(this);
const text_owned = try allocator.dupe(u8, text);
this.* = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.text = text_owned,
return this;
pub fn element(this: *@This()) Element {
return Element{
.pointer = this,
.interface = &Element.Interface{
.destroy = &element_destroy,
.minimum_size = &element_minimum_size,
.render = &element_render,
.get_actions = &element_get_actions,
pub fn element_destroy(pointer: ?*anyopaque) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));;
pub fn element_minimum_size(pointer: ?*anyopaque, render_resources: Element.RenderResources) [2]f32 {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
return render_resources.font.textSize(this.text, 1);
pub fn element_render(pointer: ?*anyopaque, canvas: *seizer.Canvas, render_resources: Element.RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
_ = max;
_ = render_resources;
_ = canvas.writeText(min, this.text, .{});
pub fn element_get_actions(pointer: ?*anyopaque, actions: *std.ArrayList(Element.Action), render_resources: Element.RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) Element.Error!void {
_ = pointer;
_ = actions;
_ = render_resources;
_ = min;
_ = max;
const Element = @import("../Element.zig");
const assets = @import("../assets.zig");
const seizer = @import("seizer");
const gl =;
const std = @import("std");

src/Element/View.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
reference: protocol.Reference,
response: ?protocol.Response,
link_actions_in_view: std.AutoHashMapUnmanaged(*LinkProxy, void) = .{},
const View = @This();
const LinkProxy = struct {
view: *View,
reference: protocol.Reference,
fn callback(pointer: ?*anyopaque) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
pub fn create(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, reference: protocol.Reference) !*@This() {
const this = try allocator.create(@This());
errdefer allocator.destroy(this);
this.* = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.reference = reference,
.response = null,
return this;
pub fn setReference(this: *@This(), reference: protocol.Reference) void {
if (this.response) |response| {
this.response = null;
this.reference = reference;
var action_proxies_iter = this.link_actions_in_view.keyIterator();
while ( |link_proxy| {
pub fn element(this: *@This()) Element {
return Element{
.pointer = this,
.interface = &Element.Interface{
.destroy = &element_destroy,
.minimum_size = &element_minimum_size,
.render = &element_render,
.get_actions = &element_get_actions,
const LOADING_TEXT = "Loading...";
pub fn element_destroy(pointer: ?*anyopaque) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
if (this.response) |response| {
switch (response.body) {
.element => |root| root.interface.destroy(root.pointer),
var action_proxies_iter = this.link_actions_in_view.keyIterator();
while ( |link_proxy| {
switch (this.reference) {
.handler => |handler| if (handler.interface.deinit) |deinit| deinit(handler.pointer),
pub fn element_minimum_size(pointer: ?*anyopaque, render_resources: Element.RenderResources) [2]f32 {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
if (this.response) |response| {
switch (response.body) {
.element => |root| return root.interface.minimum_size(root.pointer, render_resources),
} else {
return render_resources.font.textSize(LOADING_TEXT, 1);
pub fn element_render(pointer: ?*anyopaque, canvas: *seizer.Canvas, render_resources: Element.RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
if (this.response == null) {
this.response = this.reference.handler.interface.handle(this.reference.handler.pointer, .{
.allocator = this.allocator,
}) catch response_error: {
std.log.warn("Could not get response", .{});
break :response_error null;
if (this.response) |response| {
var child_render_resources = render_resources;
if (render_resources.hovered) |hovered| {
switch (hovered) {
.callback => |cb| {
if (this.link_actions_in_view.getKey(@ptrCast(@alignCast(cb.pointer)))) |link_proxy| {
child_render_resources.hovered = .{ .goto_reference = link_proxy.reference };
else => {},
switch (response.body) {
.element => |root| root.interface.render(root.pointer, canvas, child_render_resources, min, max),
} else {
_ = canvas.writeText(min, LOADING_TEXT, .{});
pub fn element_get_actions(pointer: ?*anyopaque, actions: *std.ArrayList(Element.Action), render_resources: Element.RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) Element.Error!void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
// clean up previous link actions
var action_proxies_iter = this.link_actions_in_view.keyIterator();
while ( |link_proxy| {
var children_actions = std.ArrayList(Element.Action).init(this.allocator);
defer children_actions.deinit();
if (this.response) |response| {
switch (response.body) {
.element => |root| {
try root.interface.get_actions(root.pointer, &children_actions, render_resources, min, max);
for (children_actions.items) |child_action| {
switch (child_action.command) {
.goto_reference => |ref| {
const link_proxy_action = try this.allocator.create(LinkProxy);
try this.link_actions_in_view.put(this.allocator, link_proxy_action, {});
link_proxy_action.* = .{
.view = this,
.reference = ref,
try actions.append(.{
.center =,
.command = .{
.callback = .{
.pointer = link_proxy_action,
.function = &LinkProxy.callback,
.callback => try actions.append(child_action),
const Element = @import("../Element.zig");
const protocol = @import("../protocol.zig");
const assets = @import("../assets.zig");
const seizer = @import("seizer");
const gl =;
const std = @import("std");

src/LocalUI.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
pub const main_menu = Handler{
.pointer = null,
.interface = &.{
.handle = &main_menu_handler,
.deinit = null,
fn main_menu_handler(_: ?*anyopaque, request: Request) Handler.Error!Response {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(request.allocator);
errdefer arena.deinit();
var join_multiplayer_text = try Element.Text.create(arena.allocator(), "Join Multiplayer Game");
var join_multiplayer_link = try Element.Link.create(arena.allocator(), join_multiplayer_text.element(), .{ .handler = join_multiplayer_game });
var host_multiplayer_text = try Element.Text.create(arena.allocator(), "Host Multiplayer Game");
var host_multiplayer_link = try Element.Link.create(arena.allocator(), host_multiplayer_text.element(), .{ .handler = host_multiplayer_game });
var play_game_hbox = try Element.HBox.create(arena.allocator());
try play_game_hbox.addElement(join_multiplayer_link.element());
try play_game_hbox.addElement(host_multiplayer_link.element());
var page = try Element.Page.create(arena.allocator());
try page.addElement(.{ 0.5, 0.5 }, .{ 0.5, 0.5 }, play_game_hbox.element());
return Response{ .arena = arena, .body = .{ .element = page.element() } };
pub const join_multiplayer_game = Handler{
.pointer = null,
.interface = &.{
.handle = &join_multiplayer_game_handler,
.deinit = null,
fn join_multiplayer_game_handler(_: ?*anyopaque, request: Request) Handler.Error!Response {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(request.allocator);
errdefer arena.deinit();
var text = try Element.Text.create(arena.allocator(), "Joining Multiplayer Game");
var page = try Element.Page.create(arena.allocator());
try page.addElement(.{ 0.5, 0.5 }, .{ 0.5, 0.5 }, text.element());
return Response{ .arena = arena, .body = .{ .element = page.element() } };
pub const host_multiplayer_game = Handler{
.pointer = null,
.interface = &.{
.handle = &host_multiplayer_game_handler,
.deinit = null,
fn host_multiplayer_game_handler(_: ?*anyopaque, request: Request) Handler.Error!Response {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(request.allocator);
errdefer arena.deinit();
var text = try Element.Text.create(arena.allocator(), "Hosting Multiplayer Game");
var page = try Element.Page.create(arena.allocator());
try page.addElement(.{ 0.5, 0.5 }, .{ 0.5, 0.5 }, text.element());
return Response{ .arena = arena, .body = .{ .element = page.element() } };
const Handler = protocol.Handler;
const Request = protocol.Request;
const Response = protocol.Response;
const protocol = @import("./protocol.zig");
const Element = @import("./Element.zig");
const std = @import("std");

View File

@ -1,36 +1,8 @@
var gl_binding: gl.Binding = undefined;
const HandlerError = error{OutOfMemory};
const Handler = *const fn (std.mem.Allocator, Request) HandlerError!Response;
const Request = struct {
game_state: GameState,
command: ?[]const u8,
const Response = union(enum) {
page: Element,
transition: struct {
game_state: GameState,
history_type: HistoryType,
reset_selection: bool = false,
pub const HistoryType = enum {
/// This game state should act as the start of history, and all previous history should
/// be removed.
/// This game state shouldn't be added to the history.
/// This game state should be added to the history, as a point in time that can be reverted
/// to.
const GameState = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
prng: std.rand.DefaultPrng,
handler: Handler,
draw_pile: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Card),
discard_pile: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Card),
hands: []std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Card),
@ -69,7 +41,6 @@ const GameState = struct {
return @This(){
.allocator = allocator,
.prng = prng,
.handler = &drawCardHandler,
.draw_pile = draw_pile,
.discard_pile = discard_pile,
.hands = hands,
@ -139,6 +110,12 @@ pub fn main() !void {
defer seizer.backend.glfw.c.glfwTerminate();
// Initialize enet
if (c.enet_initialize() != 0) {
return error.EnetInitialize;
defer c.enet_deinitialize();
// update joystick to gamepad mappings
update_gamepad_mappings_file: {
const sdl_controller_config_filepath = std.process.getEnvVarOwned(gpa.allocator(), "SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG_FILE") catch break :update_gamepad_mappings_file;
@ -206,26 +183,15 @@ pub fn main() !void {
var canvas = try seizer.Canvas.init(gpa.allocator(), .{});
defer canvas.deinit(gpa.allocator());
// game state
var history = std.ArrayList(GameState).init(gpa.allocator());
defer {
for (history.items) |*state| {
try history.append(try GameState.init(gpa.allocator(),, 1));
var history_type = Response.HistoryType.start;
// get main screen
const main_view = try Element.View.create(gpa.allocator(), .{ .handler = LocalUI.main_menu });
defer main_view.element().interface.destroy(main_view.element().pointer);
var root_element: ?Element = null;
var response_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(gpa.allocator());
defer response_arena.deinit();
var actions = std.ArrayList(Action).init(gpa.allocator());
var actions = std.ArrayList(Element.Action).init(gpa.allocator());
defer actions.deinit();
// TODO: Restore hovered_action when undoing
var hovered_action: ?Action = null;
var hovered_action: ?Element.Action = null;
if (seizer.backend.glfw.c.glfwJoystickIsGamepad(seizer.backend.glfw.c.GLFW_JOYSTICK_1) != 0) {"detected gamepad = \"{?s}\" {?s}", .{ seizer.backend.glfw.c.glfwGetGamepadName(seizer.backend.glfw.c.GLFW_JOYSTICK_1), seizer.backend.glfw.c.glfwGetJoystickGUID(seizer.backend.glfw.c.GLFW_JOYSTICK_1) });
@ -310,26 +276,21 @@ pub fn main() !void {
prev_controller_input_state = controller_input_state;
var request_command: ?[]const u8 = null;
defer if (request_command) |command| gpa.allocator().free(command);
if (hovered_action) |hovered| {
if (input_state.action) {
request_command = try gpa.allocator().dupe(u8, hovered.command);
root_element = null;
switch (hovered.command) {
.goto_reference => {
std.debug.panic("Got `.goto_reference` action at top-level; expected `main_view` to proxy them all into LinkProxy callbacks.", .{});
.callback => |cb| {
} else if (actions.items.len > 0) {
hovered_action = actions.items[0];
if (input_state.undo and history.items.len > 1) {
var discarded_state = history.pop();
history_type = .important;
root_element = null;
hovered_action = null;
if (hovered_action) |hovered| {
var direction = [2]f32{ 0, 0 };
if (input_state.left) {
@ -348,12 +309,12 @@ pub fn main() !void {
var new_distance: ?f32 = null;
var new_action = hovered;
for (actions.items) |action| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, action.command, hovered.command)) {
if (std.meta.eql(action.command, hovered.command)) {
if (distanceToAction(, direction, |distance| {
if (new_distance == null or (new_distance != null and distance < new_distance.?)) {
new_action = Action{
new_action = Element.Action{
.center = .{
if (input_state.left or input_state.right)[0] else[0],
if (input_state.up or input_state.down)[1] else[1],
@ -368,46 +329,6 @@ pub fn main() !void {
hovered_action = new_action;
while (root_element == null) {
_ = response_arena.reset(.retain_capacity);
const current_state = history.items[history.items.len - 1];
const response = try current_state.handler(response_arena.allocator(), Request{
.game_state = current_state,
.command = request_command,
switch (response) {
.page => |page_root_element| root_element = page_root_element,
.transition => |transition| {
if (transition.reset_selection) {
hovered_action = null;
const new_game_state = try transition.game_state.clone(gpa.allocator());
if (history_type == .transient) {
var transient_state = history.pop();
switch (transition.history_type) {
.start => {
for (history.items) |*state| {
try history.append(new_game_state);
.important => try history.append(new_game_state),
.transient => {
try history.append(new_game_state);
history_type = transition.history_type;
if (request_command) |command| gpa.allocator().free(command);
request_command = null;
gl.clearColor(0.7, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0);
@ -448,9 +369,8 @@ pub fn main() !void {
else => unreachable,
if (root_element) |root| {
.hovered = if (hovered_action) |ha| ha.command else null,
@ -463,16 +383,16 @@ pub fn main() !void {
_ = canvas.printText(.{ 0, 0 }, "#actions = {}", .{actions.items.len}, .{});
if (root_element) |root| {
try root.interface.get_actions(
try main_view.element().interface.get_actions(
.hovered = if (hovered_action) |ha| ha.command else null,
@ -486,7 +406,6 @@ pub fn main() !void {
fn distanceToAction(origin: [2]f32, direction: [2]f32, other_pos: [2]f32) ?f32 {
@ -507,538 +426,8 @@ fn distanceToAction(origin: [2]f32, direction: [2]f32, other_pos: [2]f32) ?f32 {
const Action = struct {
center: [2]f32,
/// A string representing what should occur if this action is taken
command: []const u8,
const RenderResources = struct {
hovered: ?[]const u8,
deck: DeckSprites,
font: seizer.Canvas.Font,
pub const Element = struct {
pointer: ?*anyopaque,
interface: *const Interface,
pub const Error = error{
pub const Interface = struct {
minimum_size: *const fn (?*anyopaque, RenderResources) [2]f32,
render: *const fn (?*anyopaque, *seizer.Canvas, RenderResources, [2]f32, [2]f32) void,
get_actions: *const fn (?*anyopaque, *std.ArrayList(Action), RenderResources, [2]f32, [2]f32) Error!void,
pub const Page = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
children: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Child),
pub const Child = struct {
/// Where is the child attached on the parent? Imagine it as a pin going through
/// both the parent and child element. This defines where on the parent that pin
/// passes through.
/// In a virtual coordinate where <0,0> = top-left, <1,1> = bottom-right, unless
/// the numbers are negative.
anchor_in_parent: [2]f32,
/// Where is the child attached on the parent? Imagine it as a pin going through
/// both the parent and child element. This defines where on the child that pin
/// passes through.
/// In a virtual coordinate where <0,0> = top-left, <1,1> = bottom-right, unless
/// the numbers are negative.
anchor_in_child: [2]f32,
element: Element,
pub fn create(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !*@This() {
const this = try allocator.create(@This());
errdefer allocator.destroy(this);
this.* = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.children = .{},
return this;
pub fn addElement(this: *@This(), anchor_in_parent: [2]f32, anchor_in_child: [2]f32, child_element: Element) !void {
try this.children.append(this.allocator, Child{
.anchor_in_parent = anchor_in_parent,
.anchor_in_child = anchor_in_child,
.element = child_element,
pub fn element(this: *@This()) Element {
return Element{
.pointer = this,
.interface = &Element.Interface{
.minimum_size = &element_minimum_size,
.render = &element_render,
.get_actions = &element_get_actions,
pub fn element_minimum_size(pointer: ?*anyopaque, render_resources: RenderResources) [2]f32 {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
var minimum_size = [2]f32{ 0, 0 };
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const child_size = child.element.interface.minimum_size(child.element.pointer, render_resources);
minimum_size = .{
@max(minimum_size[0], child_size[0]),
@max(minimum_size[1], child_size[1]),
return minimum_size;
pub fn element_render(pointer: ?*anyopaque, canvas: *seizer.Canvas, render_resources: RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
const parent_size = [2]f32{
max[0] - min[0],
max[1] - min[1],
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const pos_in_parent = [2]f32{
child.anchor_in_parent[0] * parent_size[0],
child.anchor_in_parent[1] * parent_size[1],
const child_size = child.element.interface.minimum_size(child.element.pointer, render_resources);
const pos_in_child = [2]f32{
child.anchor_in_child[0] * child_size[0],
child.anchor_in_child[1] * child_size[1],
const child_min = [2]f32{
@max(min[0], pos_in_parent[0] - pos_in_child[0]),
@max(min[1], pos_in_parent[1] - pos_in_child[1]),
const child_max = [2]f32{
@min(max[0], pos_in_parent[0] + (child_size[0] - pos_in_child[0])),
@min(max[1], pos_in_parent[1] + (child_size[1] - pos_in_child[1])),
child.element.interface.render(child.element.pointer, canvas, render_resources, child_min, child_max);
pub fn element_get_actions(pointer: ?*anyopaque, actions: *std.ArrayList(Action), render_resources: RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) Element.Error!void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
const parent_size = [2]f32{
max[0] - min[0],
max[1] - min[1],
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const pos_in_parent = [2]f32{
child.anchor_in_parent[0] * parent_size[0],
child.anchor_in_parent[1] * parent_size[1],
const child_size = child.element.interface.minimum_size(child.element.pointer, render_resources);
const pos_in_child = [2]f32{
child.anchor_in_child[0] * child_size[0],
child.anchor_in_child[1] * child_size[1],
const child_min = [2]f32{
pos_in_parent[0] - pos_in_child[0],
pos_in_parent[1] - pos_in_child[1],
const child_max = [2]f32{
pos_in_parent[0] + (child_size[0] - pos_in_child[0]),
pos_in_parent[1] + (child_size[1] - pos_in_child[1]),
try child.element.interface.get_actions(child.element.pointer, actions, render_resources, child_min, child_max);
pub const HBox = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
children: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Element),
pub fn create(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !*@This() {
const this = try allocator.create(@This());
errdefer allocator.destroy(this);
this.* = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.children = .{},
return this;
pub fn addElement(this: *@This(), child_element: Element) !void {
try this.children.append(this.allocator, child_element);
pub fn element(this: *@This()) Element {
return Element{
.pointer = this,
.interface = &Element.Interface{
.minimum_size = &element_minimum_size,
.render = &element_render,
.get_actions = &element_get_actions,
pub fn element_minimum_size(pointer: ?*anyopaque, render_resources: RenderResources) [2]f32 {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
var minimum_size = [2]f32{ 0, 0 };
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const child_size = child.interface.minimum_size(child.pointer, render_resources);
minimum_size = .{
minimum_size[0] + child_size[0],
@max(minimum_size[1], child_size[1]),
return minimum_size;
pub fn element_render(pointer: ?*anyopaque, canvas: *seizer.Canvas, render_resources: RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
if (this.children.items.len == 0) return;
const parent_size = [2]f32{
max[0] - min[0],
max[1] - min[1],
var filled_space: f32 = 0;
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const child_size = child.interface.minimum_size(child.pointer, render_resources);
filled_space += child_size[0];
const empty_space = parent_size[0] - filled_space;
const num_spaces = if (empty_space > 0) this.children.items.len + 1 else this.children.items.len - 1;
const space_around = empty_space / @as(f32, @floatFromInt(num_spaces));
var x: f32 = min[0] + @max(space_around, 0);
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const child_size = child.interface.minimum_size(child.pointer, render_resources);
const child_min = [2]f32{ x, min[1] };
const child_max = [2]f32{ x + child_size[0], max[1] };
child.interface.render(child.pointer, canvas, render_resources, child_min, child_max);
x += child_size[0] + space_around;
pub fn element_get_actions(pointer: ?*anyopaque, actions: *std.ArrayList(Action), render_resources: RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) Element.Error!void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
if (this.children.items.len == 0) return;
const parent_size = [2]f32{
max[0] - min[0],
max[1] - min[1],
var filled_space: f32 = 0;
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const child_size = child.interface.minimum_size(child.pointer, render_resources);
filled_space += child_size[0];
const empty_space = parent_size[0] - filled_space;
const space_around = empty_space / @as(f32, @floatFromInt((this.children.items.len + 1)));
var x: f32 = min[0] + space_around;
for (this.children.items) |child| {
const child_size = child.interface.minimum_size(child.pointer, render_resources);
const child_min = [2]f32{ x, min[1] };
const child_max = [2]f32{ x + child_size[0], max[1] };
try child.interface.get_actions(child.pointer, actions, render_resources, child_min, child_max);
x += child_size[0] + space_around;
pub const Pile = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
cards: []Card,
hidden: bool = false,
command: ?[]const u8 = null,
pub fn create(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, cards: []const Card) !*@This() {
const this = try allocator.create(@This());
errdefer allocator.destroy(this);
const cards_owned = try allocator.dupe(Card, cards);
this.* = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.cards = cards_owned,
return this;
pub fn element(this: *@This()) Element {
return Element{
.pointer = this,
.interface = &Element.Interface{
.minimum_size = &element_minimum_size,
.render = &element_render,
.get_actions = &element_get_actions,
pub fn element_minimum_size(pointer: ?*anyopaque, render_resources: RenderResources) [2]f32 {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
return .{
@as(f32, (@floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1]))) + @as(f32, (@floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1]))) * @as(f32, @floatFromInt( / 52.0 * 0.25,
pub fn element_render(pointer: ?*anyopaque, canvas: *seizer.Canvas, render_resources: RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
const start_y: f32 = max[1] - @as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1]));
for (, 0..) |card, i| {
const oy = -@as(f32, @floatFromInt(i)) * (@as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1])) / (52.0 * 4));
if (this.hidden) {
render_resources.deck.tilesheet.renderTile(canvas, render_resources.deck.back, .{
start_y + oy,
}, .{});
} else {
render_resources.deck.tilesheet.renderTile(canvas, render_resources.deck.getTileForCard(card), .{
start_y + oy,
}, .{});
if (render_resources.hovered != null and this.command != null and std.mem.eql(u8, render_resources.hovered.?, this.command.?)) {
const oy = -@as(f32, @floatFromInt( * (@as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1])) / (52.0 * 4));
.{ min[0], start_y + oy },
.{ @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[0]), @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1]) },
.{ .color = .{ 0xAA, 0xFF, 0xAA, 0x60 } },
pub fn element_get_actions(pointer: ?*anyopaque, actions: *std.ArrayList(Action), render_resources: RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) Element.Error!void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
if (this.command) |command| {
const center = [2]f32{
min[0] + @as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[0])) / 2,
max[1] - @as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1])) * (2.0 - @as(f32, @floatFromInt( / (52.0 * 4)),
try actions.append(.{
.center = center,
.command = command,
pub const CardElement = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
visual: Visual,
command: ?[]const u8,
marked: bool,
const Visual = union(enum) {
card: Card,
pub fn create(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, options: struct { visual: Visual, command: ?[]const u8, marked: ?bool = null }) !*@This() {
const this = try allocator.create(@This());
errdefer allocator.destroy(this);
this.* = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.visual = options.visual,
.command = options.command,
.marked = options.marked orelse false,
return this;
pub fn element(this: *@This()) Element {
return Element{
.pointer = this,
.interface = &Element.Interface{
.minimum_size = &element_minimum_size,
.render = &element_render,
.get_actions = &element_get_actions,
pub fn element_minimum_size(pointer: ?*anyopaque, render_resources: RenderResources) [2]f32 {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
_ = this;
return .{
@as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[0])),
@as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1])),
pub fn element_render(pointer: ?*anyopaque, canvas: *seizer.Canvas, render_resources: RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
const mark_offset = if (this.marked)
@as(f32, @floatFromInt(render_resources.deck.tilesheet.tile_size[1])) * -0.4,
[2]f32{ 0, 0 };
switch (this.visual) {
.back => render_resources.deck.tilesheet.renderTile(
.{ min[0] + mark_offset[0], min[1] + mark_offset[1] },
.card => |card| render_resources.deck.tilesheet.renderTile(
.{ @floor(min[0] + mark_offset[0]), @floor(min[1] + mark_offset[1]) },
if (render_resources.hovered != null and this.command != null and std.mem.eql(u8, render_resources.hovered.?, this.command.?)) {
.{ min[0] + mark_offset[0], min[1] + mark_offset[1] },
.{ max[0] - min[0], max[1] - min[1] },
.{ .color = .{ 0xAA, 0xFF, 0xAA, 0x60 } },
pub fn element_get_actions(pointer: ?*anyopaque, actions: *std.ArrayList(Action), render_resources: RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) Element.Error!void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
_ = render_resources;
if (this.command) |command| {
try actions.append(.{
.center = [2]f32{
(min[0] + max[0]) / 2,
(min[1] + max[1]) / 2,
.command = command,
pub const TextElement = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
text: []const u8,
command: ?[]const u8,
pub fn create(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, options: struct { text: []const u8, command: ?[]const u8 }) !*@This() {
const this = try allocator.create(@This());
errdefer allocator.destroy(this);
this.* = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.text = options.text,
.command = options.command,
return this;
pub fn element(this: *@This()) Element {
return Element{
.pointer = this,
.interface = &Element.Interface{
.minimum_size = &element_minimum_size,
.render = &element_render,
.get_actions = &element_get_actions,
pub fn element_minimum_size(pointer: ?*anyopaque, render_resources: RenderResources) [2]f32 {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
return render_resources.font.textSize(this.text, 1);
pub fn element_render(pointer: ?*anyopaque, canvas: *seizer.Canvas, render_resources: RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
_ = max;
const text_size = canvas.writeText(min, this.text, .{
.color = if (this.command != null) .{ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF } else .{ 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xFF },
if (render_resources.hovered != null and this.command != null and std.mem.eql(u8, render_resources.hovered.?, this.command.?)) {
.{ min[0], min[1] },
.{ .color = .{ 0xAA, 0xFF, 0xAA, 0x60 } },
pub fn element_get_actions(pointer: ?*anyopaque, actions: *std.ArrayList(Action), render_resources: RenderResources, min: [2]f32, max: [2]f32) Element.Error!void {
const this: *@This() = @ptrCast(@alignCast(pointer));
_ = render_resources;
if (this.command) |command| {
try actions.append(.{
.center = [2]f32{
(min[0] + max[0]) / 2,
(min[1] + max[1]) / 2,
.command = command,
/// Handler at the start of a turn, while the player is drawing a card.
fn drawCardHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) HandlerError!Response {
fn drawCardHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) Handler.Error!Response {
if (request.command) |command| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, command, "draw draw_pile")) {
var new_game_state = try request.game_state.clone(arena);
@ -1059,34 +448,34 @@ fn drawCardHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) HandlerError!Resp
var draw_pile = try Pile.create(arena, request.game_state.draw_pile.items);
var draw_pile = try Element.Pile.create(arena, request.game_state.draw_pile.items);
draw_pile.hidden = true;
draw_pile.command = "draw draw_pile";
var discard_pile = try Pile.create(arena, request.game_state.discard_pile.items);
var discard_pile = try Element.Pile.create(arena, request.game_state.discard_pile.items);
discard_pile.command = "draw discard_pile";
var hand = try HBox.create(arena);
var hand = try Element.HBox.create(arena);
for (request.game_state.hands[0].items) |card| {
var card_element = try CardElement.create(arena, .{
var card_element = try Element.CardElement.create(arena, .{
.visual = .{ .card = card },
.command = null,
try hand.addElement(card_element.element());
var draw_discard_hbox = try HBox.create(arena);
var draw_discard_hbox = try Element.HBox.create(arena);
try draw_discard_hbox.addElement(draw_pile.element());
try draw_discard_hbox.addElement(discard_pile.element());
var page = try Page.create(arena);
var page = try Element.Page.create(arena);
try page.addElement(.{ 0.5, 0.5 }, .{ 0.5, 0.5 }, draw_discard_hbox.element());
try page.addElement(.{ 0.5, 1 }, .{ 0.5, 1 }, hand.element());
return Response{ .page = page.element() };
fn playerTurnHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) HandlerError!Response {
fn playerTurnHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) Handler.Error!Response {
if (request.command) |command| handle_command: {
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, command, "mark ")) {
var iter = std.mem.tokenizeScalar(u8, command, ' ');
@ -1141,7 +530,7 @@ fn playerTurnHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) HandlerError!Re
var new_meld_text = try TextElement.create(arena, .{
var new_meld_text = try Element.Text.create(arena, .{
.text = "New Meld",
.command = null,
@ -1149,20 +538,20 @@ fn playerTurnHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) HandlerError!Re
new_meld_text.command = "new-meld";
var melds_hbox = try HBox.create(arena);
var melds_hbox = try Element.HBox.create(arena);
try melds_hbox.addElement(new_meld_text.element());
var draw_pile = try Pile.create(arena, request.game_state.draw_pile.items);
var draw_pile = try Element.Pile.create(arena, request.game_state.draw_pile.items);
draw_pile.hidden = true;
var discard_pile = try Pile.create(arena, request.game_state.discard_pile.items);
var discard_pile = try Element.Pile.create(arena, request.game_state.discard_pile.items);
if (request.game_state.marked_cards.count() == 1) {
discard_pile.command = "discard";
var hand = try HBox.create(arena);
var hand = try Element.HBox.create(arena);
for (request.game_state.hands[0].items) |card| {
var card_element = try CardElement.create(arena, .{
var card_element = try Element.Card.create(arena, .{
.visual = .{ .card = card },
.command = try std.fmt.allocPrint(arena, "mark {} of {s}", .{ card.rank, @tagName(card.suit) }),
.marked = request.game_state.marked_cards.contains(card),
@ -1170,11 +559,11 @@ fn playerTurnHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) HandlerError!Re
try hand.addElement(card_element.element());
var draw_discard_hbox = try HBox.create(arena);
var draw_discard_hbox = try Element.HBox.create(arena);
try draw_discard_hbox.addElement(draw_pile.element());
try draw_discard_hbox.addElement(discard_pile.element());
var page = try Page.create(arena);
var page = try Element.Page.create(arena);
try page.addElement(.{ 0.5, 0.5 }, .{ 0.5, 0.5 }, draw_discard_hbox.element());
try page.addElement(.{ 0.5, 1 }, .{ 0.5, 1 }, hand.element());
try page.addElement(.{ 0.5, 0 }, .{ 0.5, 0 }, melds_hbox.element());
@ -1182,7 +571,7 @@ fn playerTurnHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) HandlerError!Re
return Response{ .page = page.element() };
fn endOfTurnConfirmHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) HandlerError!Response {
fn endOfTurnConfirmHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) Handler.Error!Response {
if (request.command) |command| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, command, "end_turn")) {
var new_game_state = try request.game_state.clone(arena);
@ -1195,16 +584,16 @@ fn endOfTurnConfirmHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) HandlerEr
var melds_hbox = try HBox.create(arena);
var melds_hbox = try Element.HBox.create(arena);
var draw_pile = try Pile.create(arena, request.game_state.draw_pile.items);
var draw_pile = try Element.Pile.create(arena, request.game_state.draw_pile.items);
draw_pile.hidden = true;
var discard_pile = try Pile.create(arena, request.game_state.discard_pile.items);
var discard_pile = try Element.Pile.create(arena, request.game_state.discard_pile.items);
var hand = try HBox.create(arena);
var hand = try Element.HBox.create(arena);
for (request.game_state.hands[0].items) |card| {
var card_element = try CardElement.create(arena, .{
var card_element = try Element.Card.create(arena, .{
.visual = .{ .card = card },
.command = null,
.marked = false,
@ -1212,16 +601,16 @@ fn endOfTurnConfirmHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) HandlerEr
try hand.addElement(card_element.element());
var draw_discard_hbox = try HBox.create(arena);
var draw_discard_hbox = try Element.HBox.create(arena);
try draw_discard_hbox.addElement(draw_pile.element());
try draw_discard_hbox.addElement(discard_pile.element());
var end_turn_text = try TextElement.create(arena, .{
var end_turn_text = try Element.TextElement.create(arena, .{
.text = "End Turn",
.command = "end_turn",
var page = try Page.create(arena);
var page = try Element.Page.create(arena);
try page.addElement(.{ 0.5, 0.5 }, .{ 0.5, 0.5 }, draw_discard_hbox.element());
try page.addElement(.{ 0.5, 1 }, .{ 0.5, 1 }, hand.element());
try page.addElement(.{ 0.5, 0 }, .{ 0.5, 0 }, melds_hbox.element());
@ -1230,6 +619,75 @@ fn endOfTurnConfirmHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) HandlerEr
return Response{ .page = page.element() };
fn mainMenuHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) Handler.Error!Response {
if (request.command) |command| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, command, "join-multiplayer-game")) {
var new_game_state = try request.game_state.clone(arena);
new_game_state.handler = &joinMultiplayerGameHandler;
return Response{ .transition = .{
.game_state = new_game_state,
.history_type = .start,
} };
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, command, "host-multiplayer-game")) {
var new_game_state = try request.game_state.clone(arena);
new_game_state.handler = &hostMultiplayerGameHandler;
return Response{ .transition = .{
.game_state = new_game_state,
.history_type = .start,
} };
var join_multiplayer_text = try Element.Textcreate(arena, .{
.text = "Join Multiplayer Game",
.command = "join-multiplayer-game",
var host_multiplayer_text = try Element.Text.create(arena, .{
.text = "Host Multiplayer Game",
.command = "host-multiplayer-game",
var play_game_hbox = try Element.HBox.create(arena);
try play_game_hbox.addElement(join_multiplayer_text.element());
try play_game_hbox.addElement(host_multiplayer_text.element());
var page = try Element.Page.create(arena);
try page.addElement(.{ 0.5, 0.5 }, .{ 0.5, 0.5 }, play_game_hbox.element());
return Response{ .page = page.element() };
fn hostMultiplayerGameHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) Handler.Error!Response {
_ = request;
var text = try Element.Text.create(arena, .{
.text = "Hosting Multiplayer Game",
.command = null,
var page = try Element.Page.create(arena);
try page.addElement(.{ 0.5, 0.5 }, .{ 0.5, 0.5 }, text.element());
return Response{ .page = page.element() };
fn joinMultiplayerGameHandler(arena: std.mem.Allocator, request: Request) Handler.Error!Response {
_ = request;
var text = try Element.Text.create(arena, .{
.text = "Joining Multiplayer Game",
.command = null,
var page = try Element.Page.create(arena);
try page.addElement(.{ 0.5, 0.5 }, .{ 0.5, 0.5 }, text.element());
return Response{ .page = page.element() };
fn isValidRummyMeld(cards: []const Card) bool {
std.debug.assert(std.sort.isSorted(Card, cards, {}, rummyHandSort));
if (cards.len < 3) {
@ -1313,9 +771,17 @@ test {
_ = @import("./assets.zig");
const Handler = protocol.Handler;
const Request = protocol.Request;
const Response = protocol.Response;
const DeckSprites = assets.DeckSprites;
const Card = assets.Card;
const LocalUI = @import("./LocalUI.zig");
const Element = @import("./Element.zig");
const protocol = @import("./protocol.zig");
const c = @import("./c.zig");
const assets = @import("./assets.zig");
const seizer = @import("seizer");
const gl =;

src/protocol.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
pub const Handler = struct {
pointer: ?*anyopaque,
interface: *const Interface,
pub const Error = error{OutOfMemory};
pub const Fn = *const fn (Request) Error!Response;
pub const Interface = struct {
handle: *const fn (?*anyopaque, Request) Error!Response,
deinit: ?*const fn (?*anyopaque) void,
pub const Reference = union(enum) {
handler: Handler,
pub const Request = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
body: ?[]const u8 = null,
pub const Response = struct {
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
body: Body,
const Body = union(enum) {
element: Element,
const Element = @import("./Element.zig");
const std = @import("std");