Louis Pearson 2022-01-20 00:12:53 -07:00
parent a06d7fb32b
commit 2b98bf7d78
3 changed files with 67 additions and 102 deletions

src/anim.zig Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
time: usize = 0,
currentOp: usize = 0,
delayUntil: usize = 0,
anim: []const Ops,
stopped: bool = false,
pub const Ops = union(enum) { Index: usize, Wait: usize, Stop };
pub fn play(this: *@This(), anim: []const Ops) void {
if (this.anim.ptr == anim.ptr) return;
this.anim = anim;
this.stopped = false;
this.currentOp = 0;
pub fn update(this: *@This(), out: *usize) void {
this.time += 1;
while (!this.stopped and this.anim.len > 0 and this.time >= this.delayUntil) {
switch (this.anim[this.currentOp]) {
.Index => |index| out.* = index,
.Wait => |wait| this.delayUntil = this.time + wait,
.Stop => this.stopped = true,
this.currentOp = (this.currentOp + 1) % this.anim.len;
pub fn simple(rate: usize, comptime arr: []const usize) [arr.len * 2]Ops {
var anim: [arr.len * 2]Ops = undefined;
inline for (arr) |item, i| {
anim[i * 2] = Ops{ .Index = item };
anim[i * 2 + 1] = Ops{ .Wait = rate };
return anim;
pub fn frame(comptime index: usize) [2]Ops {
return [_]Ops{ .{ .Index = index }, .Stop };

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const Tuple = std.meta.Tuple;
pub fn World(comptime ComponentBase: type) type {
// Build a component type at comptime based off of ComponentBase. It makes all the fields
// nullable so they are easy to pull out of the store.
const Component = componentConstructor: {
const ComponentCon = componentConstructor: {
var fields = std.meta.fields(ComponentBase);
var newFields: [fields.len]std.builtin.TypeInfo.StructField = undefined;
inline for (fields) |field, i| {
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ pub fn World(comptime ComponentBase: type) type {
components: ComponentPool,
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
pub const Query = ComponentQuery;
pub const Component = ComponentCon;
const ComponentPool = std.MultiArrayList(Component);
const ComponentEnum = std.meta.FieldEnum(Component);

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@ -10,47 +10,7 @@ const Map = @import("map.zig");
const Vec2 = util.Vec2;
const Vec2f = util.Vec2f;
const AABB = util.AABB;
const Anim = struct {
time: usize = 0,
currentOp: usize = 0,
delayUntil: usize = 0,
anim: []const Ops,
stopped: bool = false,
pub const Ops = union(enum) { Index: usize, Wait: usize, Stop };
pub fn play(this: *@This(), anim: []const Ops) void {
if (this.anim.ptr == anim.ptr) return;
this.anim = anim;
this.stopped = false;
this.currentOp = 0;
pub fn update(this: *@This(), out: *usize) void {
this.time += 1;
while (!this.stopped and this.anim.len > 0 and this.time >= this.delayUntil) {
switch (this.anim[this.currentOp]) {
.Index => |index| out.* = index,
.Wait => |wait| this.delayUntil = this.time + wait,
.Stop => this.stopped = true,
this.currentOp = (this.currentOp + 1) % this.anim.len;
pub fn simple(rate: usize, comptime arr: []const usize) [arr.len * 2]Ops {
var anim: [arr.len * 2]Ops = undefined;
inline for (arr) |item, i| {
anim[i * 2] = Ops{ .Index = item };
anim[i * 2 + 1] = Ops{ .Wait = rate };
return anim;
pub fn frame(comptime index: usize) [2]Ops {
return [_]Ops{ .{ .Index = index }, .Stop };
const Anim = @import("anim.zig");
// Components
const Pos = struct {
@ -171,13 +131,9 @@ export fn start() void {
.wire = w,
}) catch showErr("Adding wire entity");
for (assets.sources) |source| {
var indicator: ?struct { pos: Vec2, t: enum { wire, plug } } = null;
var indicator: ?struct { pos: Vec2, t: enum { wire, plug, lever } } = null;
var time: usize = 0;
export fn update() void {
@ -186,8 +142,8 @@ export fn update() void {
world.process(1, &.{.pos}, velocityProcess);
world.process(1, &.{ .pos, .physics }, physicsProcess);
world.processWithID(1, &.{ .pos, .control }, wireManipulationProcess);
world.processWithID(1, &.{ .pos, .control }, circuitManipulationProcess);
world.process(1, &.{ .pos, .control }, wireManipulationProcess);
world.process(1, &.{ .pos, .control }, circuitManipulationProcess);
world.process(1, &.{.wire}, wirePhysicsProcess);
world.process(1, &.{ .pos, .control, .physics, .kinematic }, controlProcess);
world.process(1, &.{ .pos, .kinematic }, kinematicProcess);
@ -202,8 +158,8 @@ export fn update() void {
while ( |wireID| {
const e = world.get(wireID);
const nodes = e.wire.?.nodes.constSlice();
const cellBegin = world2cell(nodes[0].pos);
const cellEnd = world2cell(nodes[nodes.len - 1].pos);
const cellBegin = util.world2cell(nodes[0].pos);
const cellEnd = util.world2cell(nodes[nodes.len - 1].pos);
circuit.bridge(.{ cellBegin, cellEnd });
@ -242,6 +198,7 @@ export fn update() void {
switch (details.t) {
.wire => w4.oval(pos - half, size),
.plug => w4.rect(pos - half, size),
.lever => w4.rect(pos - half, size),
@ -250,21 +207,7 @@ export fn update() void {
time += 1;
fn world2cell(vec: Vec2f) Vec2 {
return vec2ftovec2(vec / @splat(2, @as(f32, 8)));
/// pos should be in tile coordinates, not world coordinates
fn get_conduit(vec: Vec2) ?u8 {
const x = vec[0];
const y = vec[1];
if (x < 0 or x > 19 or y < 0 or y > 19) return null;
const i = x + y * 20;
return assets.conduit[@intCast(u32, i)];
fn circuitManipulationProcess(_: f32, id: usize, pos: *Pos, control: *Control) void {
_ = id;
fn circuitManipulationProcess(_: f32, pos: *Pos, control: *Control) void {
var offset = switch (control.facing) {
.left => Vec2f{ -6, -4 },
.right => Vec2f{ 6, -4 },
@ -276,7 +219,7 @@ fn circuitManipulationProcess(_: f32, id: usize, pos: *Pos, control: *Control) v
const cell = @divTrunc(mapPos, @splat(2, @as(i32, 8)));
if (circuit.get_cell(cell)) |tile| {
if (Circuit.is_switch(tile)) {
indicator = .{ .t = .plug, .pos = cell * @splat(2, @as(i32, 8)) + Vec2{ 4, 4 } };
indicator = .{ .t = .lever, .pos = cell * @splat(2, @as(i32, 8)) + Vec2{ 4, 4 } };
if (input.btnp(.one, .two)) {
@ -285,18 +228,20 @@ fn circuitManipulationProcess(_: f32, id: usize, pos: *Pos, control: *Control) v
fn wireManipulationProcess(_: f32, id: usize, pos: *Pos, control: *Control) void {
fn wireManipulationProcess(_: f32, pos: *Pos, control: *Control) void {
var offset = switch (control.facing) {
.left => Vec2f{ -6, -4 },
.right => Vec2f{ 6, -4 },
.up => Vec2f{ 0, -12 },
.down => Vec2f{ 0, 4 },
var offsetPos = pos.pos + offset;
var entity: World.Component = undefined;
var mapPos = util.world2cell(offsetPos);
if (control.grabbing) |details| {
_ = details;
_ = id;
var e = world.get(;
var wire = &e.wire.?;
entity = world.get(;
var wire = &entity.wire.?;
var nodes = wire.nodes.slice();
var maxLength = wireMaxLength(wire);
@ -305,26 +250,25 @@ fn wireManipulationProcess(_: f32, id: usize, pos: *Pos, control: *Control) void
if (length > maxLength * 1.5) {
nodes[details.which].pinned = false;
control.grabbing = null;
world.set(, e);
world.set(, entity);
} else {
nodes[details.which].pos = pos.pos + Vec2f{ 0, -4 };
var mapPos = vec2ftovec2((pos.pos + offset) / @splat(2, @as(f32, 8)));
if (Circuit.is_plug(circuit.get_cell(mapPos) orelse 0)) {
indicator = .{ .t = .plug, .pos = mapPos * @splat(2, @as(i32, 8)) + Vec2{ 4, 4 } };
if (input.btnp(.one, .two)) {
e.wire.?.nodes.slice()[details.which].pinned = true;
e.wire.?.nodes.slice()[details.which].pos = vec2tovec2f(indicator.?.pos);
e.wire.?.nodes.slice()[details.which].last = vec2tovec2f(indicator.?.pos);
nodes[details.which].pinned = true;
nodes[details.which].pos = vec2tovec2f(indicator.?.pos);
nodes[details.which].last = vec2tovec2f(indicator.?.pos);
control.grabbing = null;
} else if (input.btnp(.one, .two)) {
e.wire.?.nodes.slice()[details.which].pinned = false;
nodes[details.which].pinned = false;
control.grabbing = null;
world.set(, e);
world.set(, entity);
} else {
const interactDistance = 4;
var minDistance: f32 = interactDistance;
@ -333,19 +277,19 @@ fn wireManipulationProcess(_: f32, id: usize, pos: *Pos, control: *Control) void
var interactWireID: ?usize = null;
var which: usize = 0;
while ( |entityID| {
const entity = world.get(entityID);
entity = world.get(entityID);
const wire = entity.wire.?;
const nodes = wire.nodes.constSlice();
const begin = nodes[0].pos;
const end = nodes[wire.nodes.len - 1].pos;
var dist = util.distancef(begin, pos.pos + offset);
var dist = util.distancef(begin, offsetPos);
if (dist < minDistance) {
minDistance = dist;
indicator = .{ .t = .wire, .pos = vec2ftovec2(begin) };
interactWireID = entityID;
which = 0;
dist = util.distancef(end, pos.pos + offset);
dist = util.distancef(end, offsetPos);
if (dist < minDistance) {
minDistance = dist;
indicator = .{ .t = .wire, .pos = vec2ftovec2(end) };
@ -354,11 +298,9 @@ fn wireManipulationProcess(_: f32, id: usize, pos: *Pos, control: *Control) void
if (interactWireID) |wireID| {
_ = wireID;
var entity = world.get(wireID);
entity = world.get(wireID);
if (input.btnp(.one, .two)) {
control.grabbing = .{ .id = wireID, .which = which };
// entity.wire.?.nodes.slice()[which].pinned = true;
world.set(wireID, entity);
@ -422,15 +364,6 @@ fn wireLength(wire: *Wire) f32 {
return length;
fn tension(prevNode: *Pos, node: *Pos) f32 {
var dist = util.distancef(node.pos, prevNode.pos);
var difference: f32 = 0;
if (dist > 0) {
difference = (@minimum(dist, wireSegmentMaxLength) - dist) / dist;
return difference;
fn constrainNodes(prevNode: *Pos, node: *Pos) void {
var diff = prevNode.pos - node.pos;
var dist = util.distancef(node.pos, prevNode.pos);
@ -520,14 +453,6 @@ fn controlProcess(_: f32, pos: *Pos, control: *Control, physics: *Physics, kinem
pos.pos += move;
fn getTile(cell: Vec2) ?u8 {
const x = cell[0];
const y = cell[1];
if (x < 0 or x > 19 or y < 0 or y > 19) return null;
const i = x + y * 20;
return assets.solid[@intCast(u32, i)];
fn kinematicProcess(_: f32, pos: *Pos, kinematic: *Kinematic) void {
var next = pos.last;
next[0] = pos.pos[0];