Connect both inputs of And gate

Louis Pearson 2022-08-07 12:47:44 -06:00
parent 5f6393fef7
commit 37051fe1eb
1 changed files with 66 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ fn make(step: * !void {
defer circuit.deinit();
for (circuit.items) |node, i| {
std.log.warn("[{}]: {s} {any}", .{ i, @tagName(node.kind), node.coord });
std.log.warn("[{:0>2}]: {s:<10} {any}\t\t{}", .{ i, @tagName(node.kind), node.coord, node.kind });
// Calculate the offset of each level and store it in the headers.
@ -282,6 +282,7 @@ pub fn buildCircuit(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, levels: []world.Level) !std.ArrayL
const Coordinate = [2]i16;
const SearchItem = struct {
coord: Coordinate,
last_coord: ?Coordinate = null,
last_node: u16,
const Queue = std.TailQueue(SearchItem);
@ -336,6 +337,9 @@ pub fn buildCircuit(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, levels: []world.Level) !std.ArrayL
var visited = std.AutoHashMap(Coordinate, void).init(alloc);
defer visited.deinit();
var multi_input = std.AutoHashMap(Coordinate, usize).init(alloc);
defer multi_input.deinit();
var bfs_queue = Queue{};
@ -420,11 +424,47 @@ pub fn buildCircuit(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, levels: []world.Level) !std.ArrayL
// TODO: verify And gate is properly connected. A source node
// should never feed directly into an And gate output. Inputs
// should be to the left and right.
const last_coord =;
const Side = enum { O, L, R };
const side: Side =
if (last_coord[0] == coord[0] - 1)
else if (last_coord[0] == coord[0] + 1)
// std.log.warn("{any}: {}", .{ coord, side });
if (multi_input.get(coord)) |a| {
switch (side) {
.L => {
// std.log.warn("Filling left", .{});
nodes.items[a].kind.And[0] = last_node;
.R => {
// std.log.warn("Filling right", .{});
nodes.items[a].kind.And[1] = last_node;
else => {},// reverse connection
} else {
_ = visited.remove(coord);
if (side == .O) {
return error.OutputToSource;
} else if (side == .L) {
next_node = @intCast(u16, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .And = .{ last_node, last_node } },
.kind = .{ .And = .{ last_node, 20000 } },
.coord = coord,
} else if (side == .R) {
next_node = @intCast(u16, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .And = .{ 20000, last_node } },
.coord = coord,
try multi_input.put(coord, next_node);
.Xor => {
// TODO: verify Xor gate is properly connected
@ -445,18 +485,22 @@ pub fn buildCircuit(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, levels: []world.Level) !std.ArrayL
right.* = Node{ .data = .{
.last_node = next_node,
.coord = .{ coord[0] + 1, coord[1] },
.last_coord = coord,
} };
left.* = Node{ .data = .{
.last_node = next_node,
.coord = .{ coord[0] - 1, coord[1] },
.last_coord = coord,
} };
down.* = Node{ .data = .{
.last_node = next_node,
.coord = .{ coord[0], coord[1] + 1 },
.last_coord = coord,
} };
up.* = Node{ .data = .{
.last_node = next_node,
.coord = .{ coord[0], coord[1] - 1 },
.last_coord = coord,
} };
@ -467,5 +511,21 @@ pub fn buildCircuit(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, levels: []world.Level) !std.ArrayL
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < nodes.items.len) : (i += 1) {
switch (nodes.items[i].kind) {
// .Source => {
// },
.And => {},
.Xor => {},
.Conduit => {},
.Plug => {},
.Switch => {},
.Join => {},
.Outlet => {},
else => {},
return nodes;