Fix coordinate bug with circuit analyzer

Louis Pearson 2022-08-07 00:51:08 -06:00
parent 99b49dabd4
commit 5f6393fef7
2 changed files with 45 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -539,6 +539,7 @@ const NodeID = u16;
pub const CircuitNode = struct {
energized: bool = false,
kind: NodeKind,
coord: [2]i16,
pub const NodeKind = union(enum) {

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@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ fn make(step: * !void {
defer circuit.deinit();
for (circuit.items) |node, i| {
std.log.warn("[{}]: {}", .{ i, node.kind });
std.log.warn("[{}]: {s} {any}", .{ i, @tagName(node.kind), node.coord });
// Calculate the offset of each level and store it in the headers.
@ -301,13 +301,16 @@ pub fn buildCircuit(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, levels: []world.Level) !std.ArrayL
try level_hashmap.put(id, level);
// Use a global coordinate system for our algorithm
const world_x = @intCast(i16, level.world_x);
const world_y = @intCast(i16, level.world_y);
const world_x = @intCast(i16, level.world_x) * 20;
const world_y = @intCast(i16, level.world_y) * 20;
for (level.tiles orelse continue) |tileData, i| {
const x = world_x + @intCast(i16, @mod(i, level.width));
const y = world_y + @intCast(i16, @divTrunc(i, level.width));
const coordinate = try alloc.create(Node);
coordinate.* = .{ .data = .{ .last_node = @intCast(u16, nodes.items.len), .coord = .{ x, y } } };
coordinate.* = .{ .data = .{
.last_node = @intCast(u16, nodes.items.len),
.coord = .{ x, y },
} };
switch (tileData) {
.tile => |_| {
// Do nothing
@ -315,13 +318,14 @@ pub fn buildCircuit(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, levels: []world.Level) !std.ArrayL
.flags => |flags| {
switch (flags.circuit) {
.Source => {
try nodes.append(.{ .kind = .Source });
try nodes.append(.{ .kind = .Source, .coord = .{ x, y } });
// .Plug => {
.Plug => {
// try nodes.append(.{ .kind = .{ .Plug = null } });
// plugs.append(coordinate);
// }, = 20000;
else => {
// Do nothing
@ -349,8 +353,8 @@ pub fn buildCircuit(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, levels: []world.Level) !std.ArrayL
try visited.put(coord, .{});
// TODO remove magic numbers
const LEVELSIZE = 20;
const world_x = @intCast(i8, @divTrunc(coord[0], LEVELSIZE));
const world_y = @intCast(i8, @divTrunc(coord[1], LEVELSIZE));
const world_x = @intCast(i8, @divFloor(coord[0], LEVELSIZE));
const world_y = @intCast(i8, @divFloor(coord[1], LEVELSIZE));
const id: u16 = @bitCast(u8, world_x) | @intCast(u16, @bitCast(u8, world_y)) << 8;
// const level_opt: ?world.Level = level_hashmap.get(.{ world_x, world_y });
if (level_hashmap.getPtr(id) != null) {
@ -376,37 +380,59 @@ pub fn buildCircuit(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, levels: []world.Level) !std.ArrayL
=> {
// These have already been added, so just continue the
// search
// try nodes.append(.{.kind = .{.Plug = null}});
next_node = @intCast(u16, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .Plug = null },
.coord = coord,
.Outlet => {
next_node = @intCast(u16, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{ .kind = .{ .Outlet = last_node } });
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .Outlet = last_node },
.coord = coord,
.Switch_Off => {
// TODO: Find last coordinate of search and determine flow
next_node = @intCast(u16, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{ .kind = .{ .Switch = .Off } });
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .Switch = .Off },
.coord = coord,
.Switch_On => {
// TODO: Find last coordinate of search and determine flow
next_node = @intCast(u16, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{ .kind = .{ .Switch = .Off } });
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .Switch = .Off },
.coord = coord,
.Join => {
next_node = @intCast(u16, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{ .kind = .{ .Join = last_node } });
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .Join = last_node },
.coord = coord,
.And => {
// TODO: verify And gate is properly connected. A source node
// should never feed directly into an And gate output. Inputs
// should be to the left and right.
next_node = @intCast(u16, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{ .kind = .{ .And = .{ last_node, last_node } } });
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .And = .{ last_node, last_node } },
.coord = coord,
.Xor => {
// TODO: verify Xor gate is properly connected
next_node = @intCast(u16, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{ .kind = .{ .Xor = .{ last_node, last_node } } });
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .Xor = .{ last_node, last_node } },
.coord = coord,
else => continue,