Improve input

Louis Pearson 2022-01-17 15:00:18 -07:00
parent 9527e74e89
commit 6fc70c1279
3 changed files with 118 additions and 21 deletions

src/input.zig Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
const w4 = @import("wasm4.zig");
const clearMouse = w4.Mouse{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .buttons = .{ .left = false, .right = false, .middle = false } };
const clear: u8 = 0x00;
pub var mouseLast: w4.Mouse = clearMouse;
pub var gamepad1Last: w4.Gamepad = @bitCast(w4.Gamepad, clear);
pub var gamepad2Last: w4.Gamepad = @bitCast(w4.Gamepad, clear);
pub var gamepad3Last: w4.Gamepad = @bitCast(w4.Gamepad, clear);
pub var gamepad4Last: w4.Gamepad = @bitCast(w4.Gamepad, clear);
pub var mouseJustPressed: w4.Mouse = clearMouse;
pub var gamepad1JustPressed: w4.Gamepad = @bitCast(w4.Gamepad, clear);
pub var gamepad2JustPressed: w4.Gamepad = @bitCast(w4.Gamepad, clear);
pub var gamepad3JustPressed: w4.Gamepad = @bitCast(w4.Gamepad, clear);
pub var gamepad4JustPressed: w4.Gamepad = @bitCast(w4.Gamepad, clear);
pub const Gamepad = enum { one, two, three, four };
pub const Button = enum { up, down, left, right, one, two };
pub fn btn(gamepad: Gamepad, button: Button) bool {
const g = switch (gamepad) {
.one => w4.GAMEPAD1.*,
.two => w4.GAMEPAD2.*,
.three => w4.GAMEPAD3.*,
.four => w4.GAMEPAD4.*,
return switch (button) {
.up => g.button_up,
.down => g.button_down,
.left => g.button_left,
.right => g.button_right,
.one => g.button_1,
.two => g.button_2,
pub fn btnp(gamepad: Gamepad, button: Button) bool {
const g = switch (gamepad) {
.one => gamepad1JustPressed,
.two => gamepad2JustPressed,
.three => gamepad3JustPressed,
.four => gamepad4JustPressed,
return switch (button) {
.up => g.button_up,
.down => g.button_down,
.left => g.button_left,
.right => g.button_right,
.one => g.button_1,
.two => g.button_2,
pub fn update() void {
mouseJustPressed.buttons = w4.MOUSE.*.buttons.justPressed(mouseLast.buttons);
gamepad1JustPressed = w4.GAMEPAD1.*.justPressed(gamepad1Last);
gamepad2JustPressed = w4.GAMEPAD2.*.justPressed(gamepad2Last);
gamepad3JustPressed = w4.GAMEPAD3.*.justPressed(gamepad3Last);
gamepad4JustPressed = w4.GAMEPAD4.*.justPressed(gamepad4Last);
mouseLast = w4.MOUSE.*;
gamepad1Last = w4.GAMEPAD1.*;
gamepad2Last = w4.GAMEPAD2.*;
gamepad3Last = w4.GAMEPAD3.*;
gamepad4Last = w4.GAMEPAD4.*;

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ const std = @import("std");
const w4 = @import("wasm4.zig");
const ecs = @import("ecs.zig");
const assets = @import("assets");
const input = @import("input.zig");
const Vec2 = std.meta.Vector(2, i32);
const Vec2f = std.meta.Vector(2, f32);
@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ const Control = struct {
const Sprite = struct { offset: Vec2f = Vec2f{ 0, 0 }, size: w4.Vec2, index: usize, flags: w4.BlitFlags };
const StaticAnim = Anim;
const ControlAnim = struct { anims: []AnimData, state: Anim };
const Kinematic = struct { col: AABB };
const Kinematic = struct { col: AABB, onWall: bool = false, onFloor: bool = false, onCeil: bool = false };
const Wire = struct { end: Vec2f, grabbed: ?enum { begin, end } = null };
const Gravity = Vec2f;
const Component = struct {
@ -122,10 +123,8 @@ export fn start() void {
}) catch unreachable;
for (assets.wire) |wire| {
// w4.trace("begin {}, end {}", .{ wire[0], wire[1] });
const begin = Vec2f{ @intToFloat(f32, wire[0][0]), @intToFloat(f32, wire[0][1]) };
const end = Vec2f{ @intToFloat(f32, wire[1][0]), @intToFloat(f32, wire[1][1]) };
// w4.trace("{}, {}, begin {d:3.0}, end {d:3.0}", .{ wire[0], wire[1], begin, end });
const w = Wire{ .end = end };
_ = world.create(.{
.pos = begin,
@ -134,7 +133,6 @@ export fn start() void {
w4.trace("problem", .{});
// w4.trace("{}", .{world.components.items(.wire)[e]});
@ -144,7 +142,7 @@ export fn update() void {
world.process(1, &.{ .pos, .lastpos }, velocityProcess);
world.process(1, &.{ .pos, .gravity }, gravityProcess);
world.process(1, &.{ .pos, .control }, controlProcess);
world.process(1, &.{ .pos, .control, .gravity, .kinematic }, controlProcess);
world.process(1, &.{ .pos, .lastpos, .kinematic }, kinematicProcess);
world.process(1, &.{ .sprite, .staticAnim }, staticAnimProcess);
world.process(1, &.{ .sprite, .controlAnim, .control }, controlAnimProcess);
@ -165,8 +163,7 @@ export fn update() void {
world.process(1, &.{ .pos, .wire }, wireProcess);
mouseLast = w4.MOUSE.buttons.left;
button_1_last = w4.GAMEPAD1.button_1;
fn distance(a: w4.Vec2, b: w4.Vec2) i32 {
@ -181,7 +178,7 @@ var mouseLast = false;
fn wireProcess(_: f32, pos: *Pos, wire: *Wire) void {
const begin = w4.Vec2{ @floatToInt(i32, pos.*[0]), @floatToInt(i32, pos.*[1]) };
const end = w4.Vec2{ @floatToInt(i32, wire.end[0]), @floatToInt(i32, wire.end[1]) };
// if (w4.MOUSE.buttons.left and !mouseLast) w4.trace("pos {}, wire {}, begin {}, end {}", .{ pos.*, wire.end, begin, end });
w4.DRAW_COLORS.* = 0x0001;
w4.line(begin, end);
w4.DRAW_COLORS.* = 0x0031;
@ -234,22 +231,30 @@ fn controlAnimProcess(_: f32, sprite: *Sprite, anim: *ControlAnim, control: *Con
var button_1_last = false;
fn controlProcess(_: f32, pos: *Pos, control: *Control) void {
fn controlProcess(_: f32, pos: *Pos, control: *Control, gravity: *Gravity, kinematic: *Kinematic) void {
var delta = Vec2f{ 0, 0 };
if (w4.GAMEPAD1.button_1 and !button_1_last) delta[1] -= 23;
if (w4.GAMEPAD1.button_left) delta[0] -= 1;
if (w4.GAMEPAD1.button_right) delta[0] += 1;
if (delta[0] != 0 or delta[1] != 0) {
control.state = .walk;
var move = delta * @splat(2, @as(f32, 0.2));
pos.* += move;
if (delta[0] > 0) control.facing = .right;
if (delta[0] < 0) control.facing = .left;
if (kinematic.onFloor) {
if (input.btnp(.one, .one)) delta[1] -= 23;
if (input.btn(.one, .left)) delta[0] -= 1;
if (input.btn(.one, .right)) delta[0] += 1;
if (delta[0] != 0 or delta[1] != 0) {
control.state = .walk;
if (delta[0] > 0) control.facing = .right;
if (delta[0] < 0) control.facing = .left;
} else {
control.state = .stand;
} else if (kinematic.onWall) {
if (input.btn(.one, .left) and input.btnp(.one, .one)) delta = Vec2f{ -1, -23 };
if (input.btn(.one, .right) and input.btnp(.one, .one)) delta = Vec2f{ 1, -23 };
gravity.* = Vec2f{ 0, 0.01 };
} else {
control.state = .stand;
if (w4.GAMEPAD1.button_left) delta[0] -= 1;
if (w4.GAMEPAD1.button_right) delta[0] += 1;
gravity.* = Vec2f{ 0, 0.25 };
var move = delta * @splat(2, @as(f32, 0.2));
pos.* += move;
/// pos should be in tile coordinates, not world coordinates
@ -291,13 +296,21 @@ fn kinematicProcess(_: f32, pos: *Pos, lastpos: *LastPos, kinematic: *Kinematic)
next[0] = pos.*[0];
var hcol = level_collide(kinematic.col.addv(next));
if (hcol.len > 0) {
kinematic.onWall = true;
next[0] = lastpos.*[0];
} else {
kinematic.onWall = false;
next[1] = pos.*[1];
var vcol = level_collide(kinematic.col.addv(next));
if (vcol.len > 0) {
if (next[1] > lastpos.*[1]) kinematic.onFloor = true;
if (next[1] < lastpos.*[1]) kinematic.onCeil = true;
next[1] = lastpos.*[1];
} else {
kinematic.onFloor = false;
kinematic.onCeil = false;
pos.* = next;

View File

@ -131,6 +131,16 @@ pub const Gamepad = packed struct {
if (@sizeOf(@This()) != @sizeOf(u8)) unreachable;
pub fn diff(this: @This(), other: @This()) @This() {
return @bitCast(@This(), @bitCast(u8, this) ^ @bitCast(u8, other));
pub fn justPressed(this: @This(), last: @This()) @This() {
const thisbits = @bitCast(u8, this);
const lastbits = @bitCast(u8, last);
return @bitCast(@This(), (thisbits ^ lastbits) & thisbits);
pub fn format(value: @This(), comptime _: []const u8, _: @import("std").fmt.FormatOptions, writer: anytype) !void {
if (value.button_1) try writer.writeAll("1");
if (value.button_2) try writer.writeAll("2");
@ -158,6 +168,14 @@ pub const MouseButtons = packed struct {
right: bool,
middle: bool,
_: u5 = 0,
pub fn diff(this: @This(), other: @This()) @This() {
return @bitCast(@This(), @bitCast(u8, this) ^ @bitCast(u8, other));
pub fn justPressed(this: @This(), last: @This()) @This() {
const thisbits = @bitCast(u8, this);
const lastbits = @bitCast(u8, last);
return @bitCast(@This(), (thisbits ^ lastbits) & thisbits);
comptime {
if (@sizeOf(@This()) != @sizeOf(u8)) unreachable;