Save wires, fix deletion

Louis Pearson 2022-08-08 23:07:40 -06:00
parent cfbee44872
commit 797c21a80b
2 changed files with 67 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ fn loadLevel(lvl: usize) !void {
const wire = try world.Wire.getEnds(wireSlice);
const coord0 = wire[0].coord.subC(levelc);
const coord1 = wire[1].coord.subC(levelc);
w4.tracef("---- Wire (%d, %d), (%d, %d)", coord0.val[0], coord0.val[1], coord1.val[0], coord1.val[1]);
w4.tracef("---- Wire [%d, %d] (%d, %d), (%d, %d)", wireArr[0], wireArr[1], coord0.val[0], coord0.val[1], coord1.val[0], coord1.val[1]);
const p1 = util.vec2ToVec2f(coord0.toVec2() * tile_size + Vec2{ 4, 4 });
const p2 = util.vec2ToVec2f(coord1.toVec2() * tile_size + Vec2{ 4, 4 });
@ -293,6 +293,32 @@ fn loadLevel(lvl: usize) !void {
fn moveLevel(direction: enum { L, R, U, D }) !void {
// Save wires back into database
const levelc = world.Coordinate.fromWorld(level.world_x, level.world_y);
while (wires.popOrNull()) |*w| {
const aStart = w.begin().pinned;
const aEnd = w.begin().pinned;
const divby = @splat(2, @as(f32, 8));
const wstart = world.Coordinate.fromVec2f(w.begin().pos / divby).addC(levelc);
const offset = w.end().pos - w.begin().pos;
const end = world.Coordinate.fromVec2f(offset / divby).toOffset();
var wire: [3]world.Wire = undefined;
if (aStart) {
wire[0] = .{.BeginPinned = wstart};
} else {
wire[0] = .{.Begin = wstart};
if (aEnd) {
wire[1] = .{.PointPinned = end};
} else {
wire[1] = .{.Point = end};
wire[2] = .End;
// TODO: Figure out the more principled way for checking boundaries
var velocity = player.pos.getVelocity();
switch (direction) {
@ -745,24 +771,24 @@ fn updateCircuit() !void {
try db.updateCircuit(frame_alloc);
for (db.circuit_info) |node, n| {
const e = @boolToInt(node.energized);
switch (node.kind) {
.Conduit => |Conduit| w4.tracef("[%d]: Conduit [%d, %d] <%d>", n, Conduit[0], Conduit[1], e),
.And => |And| w4.tracef("[%d]: And [%d, %d] <%d>", n, And[0], And[1], e),
.Xor => |Xor| w4.tracef("[%d]: Xor [%d, %d] <%d>", n, Xor[0], Xor[1], e),
.Source => w4.tracef("[%d]: Source", n),
.Socket => |Socket| {
const socket = Socket orelse std.math.maxInt(world.NodeID);
w4.tracef("[%d]: Socket [%d] <%d>", n, socket, e);
.Plug => |Plug| w4.tracef("[%d]: Plug [%d] <%d>", n, Plug, e),
.Switch => |Switch| w4.tracef("[%d]: Switch %d [%d] <%d>", n, Switch.state, Switch.source, e),
.SwitchOutlet => |Switch| w4.tracef("[%d]: SwitchOutlet %d [%d] <%d>", n, Switch.which, Switch.source, e),
.Join => |Join| w4.tracef("[%d]: Join [%d] <%d>", n, Join, e),
.Outlet => |Outlet| w4.tracef("[%d]: Outlet [%d] <%d>", n, Outlet, e),
// for (db.circuit_info) |node, n| {
// const e = @boolToInt(node.energized);
// switch (node.kind) {
// .Conduit => |Conduit| w4.tracef("[%d]: Conduit [%d, %d] <%d>", n, Conduit[0], Conduit[1], e),
// .And => |And| w4.tracef("[%d]: And [%d, %d] <%d>", n, And[0], And[1], e),
// .Xor => |Xor| w4.tracef("[%d]: Xor [%d, %d] <%d>", n, Xor[0], Xor[1], e),
// .Source => w4.tracef("[%d]: Source", n),
// .Socket => |Socket| {
// const socket = Socket orelse std.math.maxInt(world.NodeID);
// w4.tracef("[%d]: Socket [%d] <%d>", n, socket, e);
// },
// .Plug => |Plug| w4.tracef("[%d]: Plug [%d] <%d>", n, Plug, e),
// .Switch => |Switch| w4.tracef("[%d]: Switch %d [%d] <%d>", n, Switch.state, Switch.source, e),
// .SwitchOutlet => |Switch| w4.tracef("[%d]: SwitchOutlet %d [%d] <%d>", n, Switch.which, Switch.source, e),
// .Join => |Join| w4.tracef("[%d]: Join [%d] <%d>", n, Join, e),
// .Outlet => |Outlet| w4.tracef("[%d]: Outlet [%d] <%d>", n, Outlet, e),
// }
// }
fn wirePhysicsProcess(dt: f32, wire: *Wire) !void {

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@ -228,6 +228,10 @@ pub const Coordinate = struct {
return .{ .val = .{ @intCast(i16, vec[0]), @intCast(i16, vec[1]) } };
pub fn fromVec2f(vec: @Vector(2, f32)) Coordinate {
return fromVec2(.{ @floatToInt(i32, vec[0]), @floatToInt(i32, vec[1]) });
pub fn toLevelTopLeft(coord: Coordinate) Coordinate {
const worldc = coord.toWorld();
return .{ .val = .{
@ -489,30 +493,21 @@ pub const Wire = union(enum) {
pub fn getEnds(wires: []Wire) ![2]EndData {
std.debug.assert(wires[0] == .Begin or wires[0] == .BeginPinned);
var ends: [2]EndData = undefined;
const w4 = @import("wasm4.zig");
for (wires) |wire| {
switch (wire) {
.Begin => |coord| {
ends[0] = .{ .coord = coord, .anchored = false };
ends[1] = ends[0];
w4.tracef("[getEnds] Begin (%d, %d)", coord.val[0], coord.val[1]);
.BeginPinned => |coord| {
ends[0] = .{ .coord = coord, .anchored = true };
ends[1] = ends[0];
w4.tracef("[getEnds] BeginPinned (%d, %d)", coord.val[0], coord.val[1]);
.Point => |offset| {
ends[1] = .{ .coord = ends[1].coord.addOffset(offset), .anchored = false };
const o1 = @intCast(i32, offset[0]);
const o2 = @intCast(i32, offset[1]);
w4.tracef("[getEnds] Point (%d, %d)", o1, o2);
.PointPinned => |offset| {
ends[1] = .{ .coord = ends[1].coord.addOffset(offset), .anchored = true };
const o1 = @intCast(i32, offset[0]);
const o2 = @intCast(i32, offset[1]);
w4.tracef("[getEnds] Point Pinned (%d, %d)", o1, o2);
.End => {
return ends;
@ -859,8 +854,16 @@ pub const Database = struct {
/// Remove a wire slice from the wires array. Invalidates handles returned from findWire
pub fn deleteWire(database: *Database, wire: [2]usize) void {
const w4 = @import("wasm4.zig");
const wire_size = wire[1] - wire[0];
std.mem.rotate(Wire, database.wires, wire_size);
if (wire[0] + wire_size == database.wire_count) {
database.wire_count -= wire_size;
const wires_end = database.wires[wire[0] + wire_size .. database.wire_count];
const new_end = database.wires[wire[0] .. database.wire_count - wire_size];
w4.tracef("%d, %d, %d", wire_size, wires_end.len, new_end.len);
std.mem.copy(Wire, new_end, wires_end);
database.wire_count -= wire_size;
@ -869,6 +872,14 @@ pub const Database = struct {
return database.wires[wire[0]..wire[1]];
/// Retrieve the slice of the wire from findWire
pub fn addWire(database: *Database, wire: []Wire) void {
const start = database.wire_count;
const end = start + wire.len;
std.mem.copy(Wire, database.wires[start..end], wire);
database.wire_count += wire.len;
/// Find a wire within the limits of a given level
pub fn findWire(database: *Database, level: Level, num: usize) ?[2]usize {
const nw = Coord.fromWorld(level.world_x, level.world_y);
@ -891,7 +902,7 @@ pub const Database = struct {
.End => {
if (node_begin) |node| {
if (wire_count == num) {
return [2]usize{node, i + 1};
return [2]usize{ node, i + 1 };
wire_count += 1;
node_begin = null;