Switch to a multi stage circuit build

Louis Pearson 2022-08-10 18:25:57 -06:00
parent 4ccc7e9a2e
commit aa539339b9
1 changed files with 166 additions and 323 deletions

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@ -358,8 +358,6 @@ pub fn buildCircuit(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, levels: []world.Level) !std.ArrayL
var visited = std.AutoHashMap(Coord, void).init(alloc);
defer visited.deinit();
var multi_input = std.AutoHashMap(Coord, usize).init(alloc);
defer multi_input.deinit();
var bfs_queue = Queue{};
@ -382,69 +380,21 @@ pub fn buildCircuit(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, levels: []world.Level) !std.ArrayL
var next_node = last_node;
const tile = level.getTile(coord) orelse continue;
std.log.warn("[buildCircuit] {} [{}] {}", .{ coord, node.data.last_node, tile });
// std.log.warn("[buildCircuit] {} [{}] {}", .{ coord, node.data.last_node, tile });
if (tile != .flags) continue;
const flags = tile.flags;
switch (flags.circuit) {
.Source => {}, // Do nothing, but add everything around the source
.Conduit => {
// Collects from two other nodes. Intersections will need to be stored so when
// we find out we have to outputs, we can add the conduit and possible rewrite
// previous nodes to point to the conduit
.Conduit_Horizontal => {
// Skip vertical inputs
const last_coord = node.data.last_coord.?;
const input_dir: Dir = getInputDirection(coord, last_coord);
if (input_dir == .North or input_dir == .South) {
_ = visited.remove(coord);
const left = try alloc.create(Node);
left.* = Node{ .data = .{
.last_node = last_node,
.coord = coord.add(.{ -1, 0 }),
.last_coord = coord,
} };
const right = try alloc.create(Node);
right.* = Node{ .data = .{
.last_node = last_node,
.coord = coord.add(.{ 1, 0 }),
.last_coord = coord,
} };
.Conduit_Vertical => {
// Skip horizontal inputs
const last_coord = node.data.last_coord.?;
const input_dir: Dir = getInputDirection(coord, last_coord);
if (input_dir == .West or input_dir == .East) {
_ = visited.remove(coord);
const up = try alloc.create(Node);
up.* = Node{ .data = .{
.last_node = last_node,
.coord = coord.add(.{ 0, -1 }),
.last_coord = coord,
} };
const down = try alloc.create(Node);
down.* = Node{ .data = .{
.last_node = last_node,
.coord = coord.add(.{ 0, 1 }),
.last_coord = coord,
} };
.Conduit_Horizontal => {},
.Conduit_Vertical => {},
.Source => {}, // Do nothing, but add everything around the source
.Socket => {
next_node = @intCast(world.NodeID, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{
@ -468,159 +418,35 @@ pub fn buildCircuit(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, levels: []world.Level) !std.ArrayL
.coord = coord,
.Switch_Off, .Switch_On => {
// Identify input side
const last_coord = node.data.last_coord.?;
const input_dir: Dir = getInputDirection(coord, last_coord);
// Find outlets
const ncoord = coord.add(.{ 0, -1 });
const wcoord = coord.add(.{ -1, 0 });
const ecoord = coord.add(.{ 1, 0 });
const scoord = coord.add(.{ 0, 1 });
const north_opt = if (level.getTile(ncoord)) |t| t.getCircuit() else @panic("AAAAA");
const west_opt = if (level.getTile(wcoord)) |t| t.getCircuit() else @panic("AAAAA");
const east_opt = if (level.getTile(ecoord)) |t| t.getCircuit() else @panic("AAAAA");
const south_opt = if (level.getTile(scoord)) |t| t.getCircuit() else @panic("AAAAA");
const north_tile = north_opt orelse world.CircuitType.None;
const west_tile = west_opt orelse world.CircuitType.None;
const east_tile = east_opt orelse world.CircuitType.None;
const south_tile = south_opt orelse world.CircuitType.None;
const north = north_tile != .None and north_tile != .Conduit_Horizontal;
const west = west_tile != .None and west_tile != .Conduit_Vertical;
const east = east_tile != .None and east_tile != .Conduit_Vertical;
const south = south_tile != .None and south_tile != .Conduit_Horizontal;
std.log.warn("[buildCircuit] {}: {} {},\n\t{} {},\n\t{} {},\n\t{} {}", .{
// We don't have four way switches, don't allow them
std.debug.assert(west != true or east != true);
// We only have vertically oriented switches ATM
std.debug.assert(north == true and south == true);
// Determine initial state of switch
const state: u8 = state: {
// Vertical switch
if (!west and !east) {
if (flags.circuit == .Switch_Off) break :state 0;
break :state 1;
if (east and !west) {
if (flags.circuit == .Switch_Off) break :state 0;
break :state 1;
if (west and !east) {
if (flags.circuit == .Switch_Off) break :state 0;
break :state 1;
return error.ImpossibleSwitchState;
.Switch_Off => {
// Add switch
next_node = @intCast(world.NodeID, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .Switch = .{
.source = last_node,
.state = state,
.state = 0,
} },
.coord = coord,
.Switch_On => {
// Add switch
next_node = @intCast(world.NodeID, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .Switch = .{
.source = last_node,
.state = 1,
} },
.coord = coord,
// Add switch outlets
if (input_dir != .West and west) {
const out_node = @intCast(world.NodeID, nodes.items.len);
const new_coord = coord.add(.{ -1, 0 });
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .SwitchOutlet = .{
.source = next_node,
.which = 0,
} },
.coord = new_coord,
const right = try alloc.create(Node);
right.* = Node{ .data = .{
.last_node = out_node,
.coord = new_coord,
.last_coord = coord,
} };
if (input_dir != .East and east) {
const out_node = @intCast(world.NodeID, nodes.items.len);
const new_coord = coord.add(.{ 1, 0 });
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .SwitchOutlet = .{
.source = next_node,
.which = 0,
} },
.coord = new_coord,
const left = try alloc.create(Node);
left.* = Node{ .data = .{
.last_node = out_node,
.coord = new_coord,
.last_coord = coord,
} };
if (input_dir != .South and south) {
const out_node = @intCast(world.NodeID, nodes.items.len);
const new_coord = coord.add(.{ 0, 1 });
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .SwitchOutlet = .{
.source = next_node,
.which = 1,
} },
.coord = new_coord,
const down = try alloc.create(Node);
down.* = Node{ .data = .{
.last_node = out_node,
.coord = new_coord,
.last_coord = coord,
} };
if (input_dir != .North and north) {
const out_node = @intCast(world.NodeID, nodes.items.len);
const new_coord = coord.add(.{ 0, -1 });
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .SwitchOutlet = .{
.source = next_node,
.which = 1,
} },
.coord = new_coord,
const up = try alloc.create(Node);
up.* = Node{ .data = .{
.last_node = out_node,
.coord = new_coord,
.last_coord = coord,
} };
.Join => {
const last_coord = node.data.last_coord.?;
if (last_coord.toLevelTopLeft().eq(coord.toLevelTopLeft())) {
std.log.warn("Join first side", .{});
} else {
std.log.warn("Join second side", .{});
next_node = @intCast(world.NodeID, nodes.items.len);
std.log.warn("Join second side", .{});
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .Join = last_node },
.coord = coord,
@ -628,139 +454,18 @@ pub fn buildCircuit(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, levels: []world.Level) !std.ArrayL
.And => {
// TODO: verify And gate is properly connected. A source node
// should never feed directly into an And gate output. Inputs
// should be to the left and right.
const last_coord = node.data.last_coord.?;
const Side = enum { O, L, R };
const side: Side =
if (last_coord.val[0] == coord.val[0] - 1)
else if (last_coord.val[0] == coord.val[0] + 1)
// std.log.warn("{any}: {}", .{ coord, side });
if (multi_input.get(coord)) |a| {
switch (side) {
.L => {
// std.log.warn("Filling left", .{});
nodes.items[a].kind.And[0] = last_node;
.R => {
// std.log.warn("Filling right", .{});
nodes.items[a].kind.And[1] = last_node;
else => {}, // reverse connection
} else {
_ = visited.remove(coord);
if (side != .O) {
// TODO: reverse the path, since the search path
// may have come from a plug
next_node = @intCast(world.NodeID, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .And = .{ last_node, std.math.maxInt(world.NodeID) } },
.coord = coord,
std.log.warn("{}", .{nodes.items[last_node]});
switch (nodes.items[last_node].kind) {
.And => |_and| {
if (_and[0] == std.math.maxInt(world.NodeID)) {
nodes.items[last_node].kind.And[0] = next_node;
} else if (_and[1] == std.math.maxInt(world.NodeID)) {
nodes.items[last_node].kind.And[1] = next_node;
} else {
return error.AndGateFilled;
.SwitchOutlet => |_switch| {
_ = _switch;
std.log.warn("{}", .{nodes.items[last_node].coord});
.Socket => |socket| {
_ = socket;
else => return error.Unimplemented,
} else if (side == .L) {
next_node = @intCast(world.NodeID, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .And = .{ last_node, std.math.maxInt(world.NodeID) } },
.coord = coord,
} else if (side == .R) {
next_node = @intCast(world.NodeID, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .And = .{ std.math.maxInt(world.NodeID), last_node } },
.coord = coord,
try multi_input.put(coord, next_node);
const up = try alloc.create(Node);
up.* = Node{ .data = .{
.last_node = next_node,
.coord = coord.add(.{ 0, -1 }),
.last_coord = coord,
} };
next_node = @intCast(world.NodeID, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .And = .{ std.math.maxInt(world.NodeID), std.math.maxInt(world.NodeID) } },
.coord = coord,
.Xor => {
std.log.warn("XOR XOR XOR", .{});
// TODO: verify Xor gate is properly connected
const last_coord = node.data.last_coord.?;
const Side = enum { O, L, R };
const side: Side =
if (last_coord.val[0] == coord.val[0] - 1)
else if (last_coord.val[0] == coord.val[0] + 1)
// std.log.warn("{any}: {}", .{ coord, side });
if (multi_input.get(coord)) |a| {
switch (side) {
.L => {
// std.log.warn("Filling left", .{});
nodes.items[a].kind.Xor[0] = last_node;
.R => {
// std.log.warn("Filling right", .{});
nodes.items[a].kind.Xor[1] = last_node;
else => {}, // reverse connection
} else {
_ = visited.remove(coord);
if (side == .O) {
// TODO: reverse the path, since the search path
// may have come from a plug
return error.OutputToSource;
} else if (side == .L) {
next_node = @intCast(world.NodeID, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .Xor = .{ last_node, std.math.maxInt(world.NodeID) } },
.coord = coord,
} else if (side == .R) {
next_node = @intCast(world.NodeID, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .Xor = .{ std.math.maxInt(world.NodeID), last_node } },
.coord = coord,
try multi_input.put(coord, next_node);
const up = try alloc.create(Node);
up.* = Node{ .data = .{
.last_node = next_node,
.coord = coord.add(.{ 0, -1 }),
.last_coord = coord,
} };
next_node = @intCast(world.NodeID, nodes.items.len);
try nodes.append(.{
.kind = .{ .Xor = .{ std.math.maxInt(world.NodeID), std.math.maxInt(world.NodeID) } },
.coord = coord,
.Diode => {
@ -802,9 +507,140 @@ pub fn buildCircuit(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, levels: []world.Level) !std.ArrayL
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < nodes.items.len) : (i += 1) {
switch (nodes.items[i].kind) {
.Source => {},
.And => {
const neighbors = try findNeighbors(alloc, levels, nodes.items, i);
std.log.warn("[{}]: Found {} neighbors", .{ i, neighbors.items.len });
for (neighbors.items) |node, a| {
std.log.warn("\tNeighbor {}: [{}] {}", .{ a, node.id, node.side });
// if (node.side == .North) linkNeighbor(nodes.items[node]);
if (node.side == .West) nodes.items[i].kind.And[0] = node.id;
if (node.side == .East) nodes.items[i].kind.And[1] = node.id;
.Xor => {},
.Conduit => {},
.Plug => {},
.Socket => {},
.Switch => {},
.SwitchOutlet => {},
.Join => {},
.Outlet => {},
return nodes;
const Neighbor = struct {
side: Dir,
id: world.NodeID,
fn findNeighbors(
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
levels: []world.Level,
nodes: []world.CircuitNode,
index: usize,
) !std.ArrayList(Neighbor) {
const Coord = world.Coordinate;
var visited = std.AutoHashMap(Coord, void).init(alloc);
defer visited.deinit();
const SearchItem = struct {
side: Dir,
coord: Coord,
fn init(side: Dir, coord: Coord) @This() {
const init_item = @This(){ .side = side, .coord = coord };
const item = switch (side) {
.North => init_item.add(.{ 0, -1 }),
.West => init_item.add(.{ -1, 0 }),
.East => init_item.add(.{ 1, 0 }),
.South => init_item.add(.{ 0, 1 }),
return item;
fn add(item: @This(), val: [2]i16) @This() {
var new_item = @This(){
.side = item.side,
.coord = item.coord.add(val),
return new_item;
const Queue = std.TailQueue(SearchItem);
const Node = Queue.Node;
var bfs_queue = Queue{};
var neighbors = std.ArrayList(Neighbor).init(alloc);
const coord = nodes[index].coord;
try visited.put(coord, {});
const north = try alloc.create(Node);
const west = try alloc.create(Node);
const east = try alloc.create(Node);
const south = try alloc.create(Node);
north.* = Node{ .data = SearchItem.init(.South, coord) };
west.* = Node{ .data = SearchItem.init(.West, coord) };
east.* = Node{ .data = SearchItem.init(.East, coord) };
south.* = Node{ .data = SearchItem.init(.North, coord) };
while (bfs_queue.popFirst()) |node| {
// Make sure we clean up the node's memory
defer alloc.destroy(node);
const coord = node.data.coord;
const item = node.data;
if (visited.contains(coord)) continue;
try visited.put(coord, {});
const worldc = coord.toWorld();
const level = getLevel(levels, worldc[0], worldc[1]) orelse continue;
const tile = level.getTile(coord) orelse continue;
_ = tile.getCircuit() orelse continue;
if (getNode(nodes, coord)) |i| {
try neighbors.append(.{
.id = i,
.side = item.side,
// Stop processing at circuit nodes
const right = try alloc.create(Node);
const left = try alloc.create(Node);
const down = try alloc.create(Node);
const up = try alloc.create(Node);
right.* = Node{ .data = item.add(.{ 1, 0 }) };
left.* = Node{ .data = item.add(.{ -1, 0 }) };
down.* = Node{ .data = item.add(.{ 0, 1 }) };
up.* = Node{ .data = item.add(.{ 0, -1 }) };
return neighbors;
const Dir = enum { North, West, East, South };
fn getInputDirection(coord: world.Coordinate, last_coord: world.Coordinate) Dir {
@ -825,3 +661,10 @@ fn getLevel(levels: []world.Level, x: i8, y: i8) ?world.Level {
return null;
fn getNode(nodes: []world.CircuitNode, coord: world.Coordinate) ?world.NodeID {
for (nodes) |node, i| {
if (node.coord.eq(coord)) return @intCast(world.NodeID, i);
return null;