Add Definition data types

Louis Pearson 2022-08-02 19:14:22 -06:00
parent 7b820460d5
commit 3d8e0e645f
1 changed files with 110 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ const FieldInstance = struct {
__tile: ?TilesetRectangle,
// TODO: type and value have many possible values and are not always strings.
// Figure out if we can use JSON.parse for this
__type: FieldType,
__value: anytype,
__type: []const u8,
__value: []const u8,
defUid: u64,
@ -174,20 +174,122 @@ const FiledInstanceGridPoint = struct {
/// 3. Definitions
const Defs = struct {
layers: []Layer,
entities: []Entity,
/// Only 2 definitions you might need here are Tilesets and Enums
const Definitions = struct {
entities: []EntityDefinition,
enums: []EnumDefinition,
/// Same as enums, excepts they have a relPath to point to an external source file
externalEnums: []EnumDefinition,
layers: []LayerDefinition,
/// All custom fields available to all levels
levelFields: []FieldDefinition,
/// All tilesets
tilesets: []Tileset,
enums: []Enum,
externalEnums: []ExternalEnum,
/// 3.1. Layer definition
const LayerDefinition = struct {
__type: enum {
autoSourceLayerDefUid: ?u64,
displayOpacity: f64,
gridSize: u64,
identifier: []const u8,
intGridValues: []struct { color: []const u8, identifier: ?[]const u8, value: u64 },
parallaxFactorX: f64,
parallaxFactorY: f64,
parallaxScaling: Bool,
pxOffsetX: i64,
pxOffsetY: i64,
/// Reference to the default Tileset UID used by this layer definition.
/// WARNING: some layer instances might use a different tileset. So most of the time, you should probably use the __tilesetDefUid value found in layer instances.
/// NOTE: since version 1.0.0, the old autoTilesetDefUid was removed and merged into this value.
tilesetDefUid: ?u64,
/// Unique Int identifier
uid: u64,
/// WARNING: this deprecated value will be removed completely on version 1.2.0+
/// Replaced by: tilesetDefUid
autoTilesetDefUid: ?u64 = null,
/// 3.1.1. Auto-layer rule definition
const AutoLayerRuleDefinition = opaque {};
/// 3.2. Entity definition
const EntityDefinition = struct {
color: []const u8,
height: u64,
identifier: []const u8,
nineSliceBorders: [4]i64,
pivotX: f64,
pivotY: f64,
tileRect: TilesetRectangle,
tileRenderMode: enum { Cover, FitInside, Repeat, Stretch, FullSizeCropped, FullSizeUncropped, NineSlice },
tilesetId: ?u64,
uid: u64,
width: u64,
/// WARNING: this deprecated value will be removed completely on version 1.2.0+
/// Replaced by tileRect
tileId: ?u64 = null,
/// 3.2.1. Field definition
const FieldDefinition = opaque {};
/// 3.2.2. Tileset rectangle
const TilesetRectangle = struct {
h: u64,
tilesetUid: u64,
w: u64,
h: u64,
x: i64,
y: i64,
/// 3.3. Tileset definition
const TilesetDefinition = struct {
__cHei: u64,
__cWid: u64,
customData: []struct {
data: []const u8,
tileId: u64,
embedAtlas: ?enum { LdtkIcons },
enumTags: []struct {
enumValueId: []const u8,
tileIds: []u64,
identifier: []const u8,
padding: i64,
pxHei: u64,
pxWid: u64,
relPath: ?[]const u8,
spacing: i64,
tags: [][]const u8,
tagsSourceEnumUid: ?u64,
tileGridSize: u64,
uid: u64,
/// 3.4. Enum definition
const EnumDefinition = struct {
externalRelPath: ?[]const u8,
iconTilesetUid: ?u64,
identifier: []const u8,
tags: [][]const u8,
uid: u64,
values: []EnumValueDefinition,
/// 3.4.1. Enum value definition
const Enum = struct {};
const EnumValueDefinition = struct {
__tileSrcRect: ?[4]i64,
color: u64,
id: []const u8,
tileId: ?u64,