Initial commit, begin adding LDtk data types

Louis Pearson 2022-08-02 18:33:24 -06:00
commit 7f7c358ebd
4 changed files with 222 additions and 0 deletions

build.zig Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: * void {
// Standard release options allow the person running `zig build` to select
// between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall.
const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();
const lib = b.addStaticLibrary("zig-ldtk", "src/main.zig");
const main_tests = b.addTest("src/main.zig");
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run library tests");

src/LDtk.zig Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
/// 1. LDtk Json root
const Root = struct {
__header__: __Header__,
name: []const u8,
jsonVersion: u64,
defaultPivotX: f64,
defaultPivotY: f64,
defaultGridSize: u64,
bgColor: []const u8,
nextUid: u64,
defs: Defs,
levels: []Level,
worldGridHeight: ?u64 = null,
worldGridWidth: ?u64 = null,
worldLayout: ?WorldLayout = null,
worlds: []World,
const __Header__ = struct {
fileType: []const u8,
app: []const u8,
appAuthor: []const u8,
appVersion: []const u8,
url: []const u8,
/// 1.1. World
const World = struct {
identifier: []const u8,
iid: []const u8,
levels: []Level,
worldGridHeight: u64,
worldGridWidth: u64,
worldLayout: WorldLayout,
const WorldLayout = enum {
/// 2. Level
const Level = struct {
__bgColor: []const u8,
__bgPos: ?struct {
cropRect: [4]f64,
scale: [2]f64,
topLeftPx: [2]i64,
__neighbours: []struct {
dir: []const u8,
levelIid: []const u8,
levelUid: ?u64 = null,
bgRelPath: ?[]const u8,
externalRelPath: ?[]const u8,
fieldInstances: []FieldInstance,
identifier: []const u8,
iid: []const u8,
layerInstances: ?[]LayerInstance,
pxHei: u64,
pxWid: u64,
uid: u64,
worldDepth: i64,
worldX: i64,
worldY: i64,
/// 2.1. Layer instance
const LayerInstance = struct {
__cHei: u64,
__cWid: u64,
__gridSize: u64,
__identifier: []const u8,
__opacity: f64,
__pxTotalOffsetX: i64,
__pxTotalOffsetY: i64,
__tilesetDefUid: ?u64,
__tilesetRelPath: ?[]const u8,
__type: []const u8,
autoLayerTiles: []TileInstance,
entityInstances: []EntityInstance,
gridTiles: []TileInstance,
iid: []const u8,
intGridCsv: []u64,
layerDefUid: u64,
levelId: u64,
overrideTilesetUid: ?u64,
pxOffsetX: u64,
pxOffsetY: u64,
visible: bool,
/// WARNING: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.0.0
/// Replaced by: intGridCsv
intGrid: ?[]IntGrid = null,
// seed: u64,
// autoTiles: []AutoTile,
const __Type = struct {
IntGrid, Entities, Tiles, AutoLayer,
/// 2.2. Tile instance
const TileInstance = struct {
f: FlipBits,
px: [2]i64,
src: [2]i64,
t: u64,
const FlipBits = enum(u4) {
NoFlip = 0,
XFlip = 1,
YFlip = 2,
XYFlip = 3,
/// 2.3. Entity instance
const EntityInstance = struct {
__grid: [2]i64,
__identifier: []const u8,
__pivot: [2]f32,
__smartColor: []const u8,
__tags: [][]const u8,
__tile: ?TilesetRectangle,
defUid: u64,
fieldInstances: []FieldInstance,
height: u64,
iid: []const u8,
px: [2]i64,
width: u64,
/// 2.4. Field Instance
const FieldInstance = struct {};
/// 2.4.2 Field instance entity reference
/// 2.4.3 Field instance grid point
/// 3. Definitions
const Defs = struct {
layers: []Layer,
entities: []Entity,
tilesets: []Tileset,
enums: []Enum,
externalEnums: []ExternalEnum,
/// 3.1. Layer definition
/// 3.1.1. Auto-layer rule definition
/// 3.2. Entity definition
/// 3.2.1. Field definition
/// 3.2.2. Tileset rectangle
/// 3.3. Tileset definition
/// 3.4. Enum definition
/// 3.4.1. Enum value definition
const Enum = struct {};

src/empty.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
"__header__" : { // Some information header
"fileType": "LDtk Project JSON",
"app": "LDtk",
"appAuthor": "Sebastien Benard",
"appVersion": "0.6.3",
"url": "..."
// Global project settings
"name" : "My empty project",
"jsonVersion" : 1,
"defaultPivotX" : 0.0,
"defaultPivotY" : 0.0,
"defaultGridSize" : 16,
"bgColor" : "#7F8093",
"nextUid" : 1,
"defs" : { // These are elements definitions
"layers" : [],
"entities" : [],
"tilesets" : [],
"enums" : [],
"externalEnums" : []
"levels" : [ // Actual level data
"identifier" : "Level",
"uid" : 0,
"pxWid" : 256,
"pxHei" : 256,
"layerInstances" : [] // "null" if levels are separated

src/main.zig Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
const std = @import("std");
const testing = std.testing;
test "basic add functionality" {
try testing.expect(add(3, 7) == 10);