# Zig LDtk This is a single file library for parsing LDtk JSON files. ## Usage Copy `LDtk.zig` into your project, or add this repository as a git submodule. ```zig const LDtk = @import("./LDtk.zig"); // ldtk_file should be a `[]const u8` of the file contents const ldtk = LDtk.parse(allocator, ldtk_file); defer ldtk.deinit(); // Now you can access your LDtk data through the `ldtk` struct for (ldtk .levels) { // ... } ``` ## Features - [x] Parse unseperated LDtk file - [ ] Parse seperated LDtk files - [ ] Load unseperated LDtk - [ ] Load seperated LDtk - [ ] Supported JSON Schema - [x] 1. LDtk Json root - [x] 1.1. World Generic - [x] 2. Level - [x] 2.1. Layer instance - [x] 2.2. Tile instance Generic - [x] 2.3. Entity instance - [ ] 2.4. Field instance - [ ] 2.4.2. Field instance entity reference Generic - [ ] 2.4.3. Field instance grid point Generic - [ ] 3. Definitions - [ ] 3.1. Layer definition - [ ] 3.1.1. Auto-layer rule definition - [ ] 3.2. Entity definition - [ ] 3.2.1. Field definition Generic - [ ] 3.2.2. Tileset rectangle Generic - [ ] 3.3. Tileset definition - [ ] 3.4. Enum definition - [ ] 3.4.1. Enum value definition