const std = @import("std"); const wayland = @import("wayland"); pub fn main() !void { var general_allocator = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; defer _ = general_allocator.deinit(); const gpa = general_allocator.allocator(); const display_path = try wayland.getDisplayPath(gpa); defer; var conn = try wayland.Conn.init(gpa, display_path); defer conn.deinit(); // Create an id pool to allocate ids for us var id_pool = wayland.IdPool{}; const ids = try wayland.registerGlobals(gpa, &id_pool, conn.socket, &.{ wayland.core.Shm, wayland.core.Compositor, wayland.xdg.WmBase, wayland.core.Seat, wayland.zxdg.DecorationManagerV1, }); const DISPLAY_ID = 1; const shm_id = ids[0] orelse return error.NeccessaryWaylandExtensionMissing; const compositor_id = ids[1] orelse return error.NeccessaryWaylandExtensionMissing; const xdg_wm_base_id = ids[2] orelse return error.NeccessaryWaylandExtensionMissing; const wl_seat_id = ids[3] orelse return error.NeccessaryWaylandExtensionMissing; const surface_id = id_pool.create(); try conn.send( wayland.core.Compositor.Request, compositor_id, .{ .create_surface = .{ .new_id = surface_id, } }, ); const xdg_surface_id = id_pool.create(); try conn.send( wayland.xdg.WmBase.Request, xdg_wm_base_id, .{ .get_xdg_surface = .{ .id = xdg_surface_id, .surface = surface_id, } }, ); const xdg_toplevel_id = id_pool.create(); try conn.send( wayland.xdg.Surface.Request, xdg_surface_id, .{ .get_toplevel = .{ .id = xdg_toplevel_id, } }, ); var zxdg_toplevel_decoration_id_opt: ?u32 = null; if (ids[4]) |zxdg_decoration_manager_id| { zxdg_toplevel_decoration_id_opt = id_pool.create(); try conn.send( wayland.zxdg.DecorationManagerV1.Request, zxdg_decoration_manager_id, .{ .get_toplevel_decoration = .{ .new_id = zxdg_toplevel_decoration_id_opt.?, .toplevel = xdg_toplevel_id, } }, ); } try conn.send( wayland.core.Surface.Request, surface_id, wayland.core.Surface.Request.commit, ); const registry_done_id = id_pool.create(); try conn.send( wayland.core.Display.Request, DISPLAY_ID, .{ .sync = .{ .callback = registry_done_id } }, ); var done = false; var surface_configured = false; var seat_capabilties: ?wayland.core.Seat.Capability = null; while (!done or !surface_configured) { const header, const body = try conn.recv(); if (header.object_id == xdg_surface_id) { const event = try wayland.deserialize(wayland.xdg.Surface.Event, header, body); switch (event) { .configure => |conf| { try conn.send( wayland.xdg.Surface.Request, xdg_surface_id, .{ .ack_configure = .{ .serial = conf.serial, } }, ); surface_configured = true; }, } } else if (zxdg_toplevel_decoration_id_opt != null and header.object_id == zxdg_toplevel_decoration_id_opt.?) { const event = try wayland.deserialize(wayland.zxdg.ToplevelDecorationV1.Event, header, body); std.debug.print("<- zxdg_toplevel_decoration@{}\n", .{event}); } else if (header.object_id == xdg_toplevel_id) { const event = try wayland.deserialize(wayland.xdg.Toplevel.Event, header, body); std.debug.print("<- {}\n", .{event}); } else if (header.object_id == registry_done_id) { done = true; } else if (header.object_id == shm_id) { const event = try wayland.deserialize(wayland.core.Shm.Event, header, body); switch (event) { .format => |format| std.debug.print("<- format {} {}\n", .{ format.format, std.zig.fmtEscapes(std.mem.asBytes(&format.format)) }), } } else if (header.object_id == wl_seat_id) { const event = try wayland.deserialize(wayland.core.Seat.Event, header, body); switch (event) { .capabilities => |capabilities| { const cap: wayland.core.Seat.Capability = @bitCast(capabilities.capability); std.debug.print("<- wl_seat.capabilties = {}\n", .{cap}); seat_capabilties = cap; }, .name => |name| { std.debug.print("<- = {s}\n", .{}); }, } } else if (header.object_id == DISPLAY_ID) { const event = try wayland.deserialize(wayland.core.Display.Event, header, body); switch (event) { .@"error" => |err| std.debug.print("<- error({}): {} {s}\n", .{ err.object_id, err.code, err.message }), .delete_id => |id| { std.debug.print("id {} deleted\n", .{id}); id_pool.destroy(; }, } } else { std.debug.print("{} {x} \"{}\"\n", .{ header.object_id, header.size_and_opcode.opcode, std.zig.fmtEscapes(std.mem.sliceAsBytes(body)) }); } } var wl_pointer_id_opt: ?u32 = null; var wl_keyboard_id_opt: ?u32 = null; if (seat_capabilties) |caps| { if (caps.pointer) { wl_pointer_id_opt = id_pool.create(); std.debug.print("wl pointer id: {}\n", .{wl_pointer_id_opt.?}); try conn.send( wayland.core.Seat.Request, wl_seat_id, .{ .get_pointer = .{ .new_id = wl_pointer_id_opt.?, } }, ); } if (caps.keyboard) { wl_keyboard_id_opt = id_pool.create(); std.debug.print("wl keyboard id: {}\n", .{wl_keyboard_id_opt.?}); try conn.send( wayland.core.Seat.Request, wl_seat_id, .{ .get_keyboard = .{ .new_id = wl_keyboard_id_opt.?, } }, ); } } const wl_pointer_id = wl_pointer_id_opt orelse return error.MissingPointer; const wl_keyboard_id = wl_keyboard_id_opt orelse return error.MissingKeyboard; // allocate a shared memory file for display purposes const Pixel = [4]u8; const framebuffer_size = [2]usize{ 128, 128 }; const framebuffer_file_len = framebuffer_size[0] * framebuffer_size[1] * @sizeOf(Pixel); const framebuffer_fd = try std.os.memfd_create("my-wayland-framebuffer", 0); try std.os.ftruncate(framebuffer_fd, framebuffer_file_len); const framebuffer_bytes = try std.os.mmap(null, framebuffer_file_len, std.os.PROT.READ | std.os.PROT.WRITE, std.os.MAP.SHARED, framebuffer_fd, 0); const framebuffer = @as([*][4]u8, @ptrCast(framebuffer_bytes.ptr))[0 .. framebuffer_bytes.len / @sizeOf([4]u8)]; // put some interesting colors into the framebuffer for (0..framebuffer_size[1]) |y| { const row = framebuffer[y * framebuffer_size[0] .. (y + 1) * framebuffer_size[0]]; for (row, 0..framebuffer_size[0]) |*pixel, x| { pixel.* = .{ @truncate(x), @truncate(y), 0x00, 0xFF, }; } } const wl_shm_pool_id = id_pool.create(); { std.debug.print("framebuffer_fd: {}\n", .{framebuffer_fd}); try conn.send( wayland.core.Shm.Request, shm_id, .{ .create_pool = .{ .new_id = wl_shm_pool_id, .fd = @enumFromInt(framebuffer_fd), .size = framebuffer_file_len, } }, ); } const wl_buffer_id = id_pool.create(); try conn.send( wayland.core.ShmPool.Request, wl_shm_pool_id, .{ .create_buffer = .{ .new_id = wl_buffer_id, .offset = 0, .width = framebuffer_size[0], .height = framebuffer_size[1], .stride = framebuffer_size[0] * @sizeOf([4]u8), .format = .argb8888, } }, ); try conn.send( wayland.core.Surface.Request, surface_id, .{ .attach = .{ .buffer = wl_buffer_id, .x = 0, .y = 0, } }, ); try conn.send( wayland.core.Surface.Request, surface_id, .{ .damage = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = std.math.maxInt(i32), .height = std.math.maxInt(i32), } }, ); try conn.send( wayland.core.Surface.Request, surface_id, wayland.core.Surface.Request.commit, ); var running = true; while (running) { const header, const body = try conn.recv(); if (header.object_id == xdg_surface_id) { const event = try wayland.deserialize(wayland.xdg.Surface.Event, header, body); switch (event) { .configure => |conf| { try conn.send( wayland.xdg.Surface.Request, xdg_surface_id, .{ .ack_configure = .{ .serial = conf.serial, } }, ); // commit the configuration try conn.send( wayland.core.Surface.Request, surface_id, wayland.core.Surface.Request.commit, ); }, } } else if (header.object_id == xdg_toplevel_id) { const event = try wayland.deserialize(wayland.xdg.Toplevel.Event, header, body); switch (event) { .configure => |conf| { std.debug.print("<- xdg_toplevel@{} configure <{}, {}> {any}\n", .{ header.object_id, conf.width, conf.height, conf.states }); }, .close => running = false, else => |tag| std.debug.print("<- xdg_toplevel@{} {s} {}\n", .{ header.object_id, @tagName(tag), event }), } } else if (header.object_id == wl_buffer_id) { const event = try wayland.deserialize(wayland.core.Buffer.Event, header, body); std.debug.print("<- wl_buffer@{} {}\n", .{ header.object_id, event }); } else if (header.object_id == xdg_wm_base_id) { const event = try wayland.deserialize(wayland.xdg.WmBase.Event, header, body); switch (event) { .ping => |ping| { try conn.send( wayland.xdg.WmBase.Request, xdg_wm_base_id, .{ .pong = .{ .serial = ping.serial, } }, ); }, } } else if (header.object_id == wl_pointer_id) { const event = try wayland.deserialize(wayland.core.Pointer.Event, header, body); std.debug.print("<- wl_pointer@{}\n", .{event}); } else if (header.object_id == wl_keyboard_id) { const event = try wayland.deserialize(wayland.core.Keyboard.Event, header, body); switch (event) { .keymap => |keymap| { const fd = conn.fd_queue.orderedRemove(0); std.debug.print("keymap format={}, size={}, fd={}\n", .{ keymap.format, keymap.size, fd, }); }, else => { std.debug.print("<- wl_keyboard@{}\n", .{event}); }, } } else if (header.object_id == DISPLAY_ID) { const event = try wayland.deserialize(wayland.core.Display.Event, header, body); switch (event) { .@"error" => |err| std.debug.print("<- error({}): {} {s}\n", .{ err.object_id, err.code, err.message }), .delete_id => |id| id_pool.destroy(, } } else { std.debug.print("{} {x} \"{}\"\n", .{ header.object_id, header.size_and_opcode.opcode, std.zig.fmtEscapes(std.mem.sliceAsBytes(body)) }); } } } fn cmsg(comptime T: type) type { const padding_size = (@sizeOf(T) + @sizeOf(c_long) - 1) & ~(@as(usize, @sizeOf(c_long)) - 1); return extern struct { len: c_ulong = @sizeOf(@This()) - padding_size, level: c_int, type: c_int, data: T, _padding: [padding_size]u8 align(1) = [_]u8{0} ** padding_size, }; }