#!/usr/bin/python3 -cimport os, sys; os.execv(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[1]) + "/common/pywrap", sys.argv) # Run this with --help to see available options for tracing and debugging # See https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/blob/main/test/common/testlib.py # "class Browser" and "class MachineCase" for the available API. import testlib # Nondestructive tests all run in the same running VM. This allows them to run in Packit, Fedora, and RHEL dist-git gating # They must not permanently change any file or configuration on the system in a way that influences other tests. @testlib.nondestructive class TestApplication(testlib.MachineCase): def testBasic(self): b = self.browser m = self.machine self.login_and_go("/starter-kit") # verify expected heading b.wait_text(".pf-v5-c-card__title", "Starter Kit") # verify expected host name hostname = m.execute("cat /etc/hostname").strip() b.wait_in_text(".pf-v5-c-alert__title", "Running on " + hostname) # change current hostname self.write_file("/etc/hostname", "new-" + hostname) # verify new hostname name b.wait_in_text(".pf-v5-c-alert__title", "Running on new-" + hostname) # change language to German b.switch_to_top() # the menu and dialog changed several times b.click("#toggle-menu") b.click(".display-language-menu") b.wait_popup('display-language-modal') b.click("#display-language-modal [data-value='de-de'] button") b.click("#display-language-modal button.pf-m-primary") b.wait_visible("#content") # menu label (from manifest) should be translated b.wait_text("#host-apps a[href='/starter-kit']", "Bausatz") # window title should be translated; this is not considered as "visible" self.assertIn("Bausatz", b.call_js_func("ph_text", "head title")) b.go("/starter-kit") b.enter_page("/starter-kit") # page label (from js) should be translated b.wait_in_text(".pf-v5-c-alert__title", "Läuft auf") if __name__ == '__main__': testlib.test_main()