declare namespace Cockpit { /********************************** * Some helpful primitive typedefs *********************************/ type integer = number; //A typedef for an integer. Doesn't actually prevent compilation, but provides an IDE hint /********************************** * Cockpit D-Bus * *********************************/ type BYTE = number; type BOOLEAN = boolean; type INT16 = number; type UINT16 = number; type INT32 = number; type UINT32 = number; type INT64 = number; type UINT64 = number; type DOUBLE = number; type STRING = string; type OBJECT_PATH = string; type SIGNATURE = string; type ARRAY_BYTE = string[]; type ARRAY_DICT_ENTRY_STRING = object; type ARRAY_DICT_ENTRY_OTHER = object; type ARRAY_OTHER = any[]; interface VARIANT { "t": STRING, "v": any } //TODO - Not sure on specifics for handle type HANDLE = object; interface DBusOptions { "bus" : string "host" : string "superuser" : string "track" : string } interface DBusProxy { client : string path : string iface : string valid : boolean data : object } //Todo unfinished interface DBusClient { } /********************************** * Cockpit File Access * **********************************/ interface ParsingFunction { (data: string) : string } interface StringifyingFunction { (data: string) : string } interface SyntaxObject { parse: ParsingFunction stringify: StringifyingFunction } interface FileAccessOptions { syntax?: SyntaxObject, binary?: boolean, max_read_size?: integer, superuser?: string, host?: string } interface FileReadDoneCallback { (content: string, tag: string) : void } interface FileReadFailCallback { (error: string) : void } interface FileReadPromise { done (callback : FileReadDoneCallback) : FileReadPromise fail (callback : FileReadFailCallback) : FileReadPromise } interface FileReplaceDoneCallback { (newTag: string) : void } interface FileReplaceFailCallback { (error: string) : void } interface FileReplacePromise { done (callback : FileReplaceDoneCallback) : FileReplacePromise fail (callback : FileReplaceFailCallback) : FileReplacePromise } interface FileModifyDoneCallback { (newContent : string, newTag: string) : void } interface FileModifyFailCallback { (error: string) : void } interface FileModifyPromise { done (callback : FileModifyDoneCallback) : FileModifyPromise fail (callback : FileModifyFailCallback) : FileModifyPromise } interface FileWatchCallback { content : string, tag : string, error? : any //TODO - what is the error content? } interface File { read () : FileReadPromise replace (content : string, expected_tag?: string) : FileReplacePromise modify (callback : any, initial_content?: string, initial_tag?: string) : FileModifyPromise watch (callback : FileWatchCallback) : void close () : void } /********************************** * Cockpit Processes * **********************************/ interface ProcessFailureException { message?: string problem?: string exit_status?: integer exit_signal?: string } enum ProcessProblemCodes { "access-denied", //"The user is not permitted to perform the action in question." "authentication-failed", //"User authentication failed." "internal-error", //"An unexpected internal error without further info. This should not happen during the normal course of operations." "no-cockpit", //"The system does not have a compatible version of Cockpit installed or installed properly." "no-session", //"Cockpit is not logged in." "not-found", //"Something specifically requested was not found, such as a file, executable etc." "terminated", //"Something was terminated forcibly, such as a connection, process session, etc." "timeout", //"Something timed out." "unknown-hostkey", //"The remote host had an unexpected or unknown key." "no-forwarding" //"Could not forward authentication credentials to the remote host." } interface ProcessPromiseDoneCallback { (data: string, message?: string) : void } interface ProcessPromiseFailCallback { (exception: ProcessFailureException, data?: string) : void } interface ProcessPromiseStreamCallback { (data: string) : void } interface ProcessPromise { done( callback: ProcessPromiseDoneCallback ) : ProcessPromise, fail( callback: ProcessPromiseFailCallback ) : ProcessPromise, stream( callback: ProcessPromiseStreamCallback ) : ProcessPromise, input( data: string, stream?: boolean ) : ProcessPromise, close( problem?: ProcessProblemCodes ) : ProcessPromise, } /********************************** * Cockpit User Session * **********************************/ interface UserSessionPermission { allowed : boolean onChanged : any //TODO need to see how to do events in TS close() : void } interface UserSessionObject { onchanged : any } interface UserSessionDetails { "id" : string //This is unix user id. "name" : string //This is the unix user name like "root". "full_name" : string //This is a readable name for the user. "groups" : string //This is an array of group names to which the user belongs. "home" : string //This is user's home directory. "shell" : string //This is unix user shell. } interface UserSessionPromiseDoneCallback { (user: UserSessionDetails) : void } interface UserSessionPromiseFailCallback { //Todo - is this defined? } interface UserSessionPromise { } /********************************** * Cockpit Object * Generally brought into your app in the root HTML file via a