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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Louis Pearson 29f8fbc385 feat: Finish chapter 7 2024-02-01 00:37:08 -07:00
Louis Pearson 8d6cc1db71 feat: complete chapter 6 - testing 2024-01-31 02:18:20 -07:00
7 changed files with 868 additions and 869 deletions

PhotoGroove/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -23,7 +23,9 @@
"test-dependencies": {
"direct": {},
"direct": {
"elm-explorations/test": "2.2.0"
"indirect": {}

View File

@ -39,21 +39,7 @@
<script src=""></script>
<script src="app.js"></script> <!-- PhotoGroove.elm will get compiled into app.js --!>
var app = Elm.PhotoGroove.init({
node: document.getElementById("app"),
flags: Pasta.version
}); // Elm object comes from app.js
app.ports.setFilters.subscribe(function(options) {
requestAnimationFrame(function() {
Pasta.apply(document.getElementById("main-canvas"), options);
Pasta.addActivityListener(function(activity) {
console.log("Got some activity to send to Elm:", activity);
var app = Elm.PhotoFolders.init({ node: document.getElementById("app"), }); // Elm object comes from app.js

View File

@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
module PhotoFolders exposing (main)
import Browser
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, src)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Http
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, int, list, string)
import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (required)
type Folder =
{ name : String
, photoUrls : List String
, subfolders : List Folder
, expanded : Bool
type alias Model =
{ selectedPhotoUrl : Maybe String
, photos : Dict String Photo
, root : Folder
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ selectedPhotoUrl = Nothing
, photos = Dict.empty
, root = Folder { name = "Loading...", expanded = True, photoUrls = [], subfolders = [] }
init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init _ =
( initialModel
, Http.get
{ url = ""
, expect = Http.expectJson GotInitialModel modelDecoder
modelDecoder : Decoder Model
modelDecoder =
(\photos root ->
{ photos = photos, root = root, selectedPhotoUrl = Nothing }
type Msg
= ClickedPhoto String
| GotInitialModel (Result Http.Error Model)
| ClickedFolder FolderPath
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
ClickedFolder path ->
( { model | root = toggleExpanded path model.root }, Cmd.none )
ClickedPhoto url ->
( { model | selectedPhotoUrl = Just url }, Cmd.none )
GotInitialModel (Ok newModel) ->
( newModel, Cmd.none )
GotInitialModel (Err _) ->
( model, Cmd.none )
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
photoByUrl : String -> Maybe Photo
photoByUrl url =
Dict.get url
selectedPhoto : Html Msg
selectedPhoto =
case Maybe.andThen photoByUrl model.selectedPhotoUrl of
Just photo ->
viewSelectedPhoto photo
Nothing ->
text ""
div [ class "content" ]
[ div [ class "folders" ]
[ h1 [] [ text "Folders" ]
, viewFolder End model.root
, div [ class "selected-photo"] [ selectedPhoto ]
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
type alias Photo =
{ title : String
, size : Int
, relatedUrls : List String
, url : String
viewPhoto : String -> Html Msg
viewPhoto url =
div [ class "photo", onClick (ClickedPhoto url) ]
[ text url ]
viewSelectedPhoto : Photo -> Html Msg
viewSelectedPhoto photo =
[ class "selected-photo" ]
[ h2 [] [ text photo.title]
, img [ src (urlPrefix ++ "photos/" ++ photo.url ++ "/full") ] []
, span [] [ text (String.fromInt photo.size ++ "KB") ]
, h3 [] [ text "Related" ]
, div [ class "related-photos" ]
( viewRelatedPhoto photo.relatedUrls)
viewRelatedPhoto : String -> Html Msg
viewRelatedPhoto url =
[ class "related-photo"
, onClick (ClickedPhoto url)
, src (urlPrefix ++ "photos/" ++ url ++ "/thumb")
viewFolder : FolderPath -> Folder -> Html Msg
viewFolder path (Folder folder) =
viewSubfolder : Int -> Folder -> Html Msg
viewSubfolder index subfolder =
viewFolder (appendIndex index path) subfolder
folderLabel =
label [ onClick (ClickedFolder path) ] [ text ]
if folder.expanded then
contents =
(List.indexedMap viewSubfolder folder.subfolders)
( viewPhoto folder.photoUrls)
div [ class "folder expanded" ]
[ folderLabel
, div [ class "contents" ] contents
div [ class "folder collapsed" ] [ folderLabel ]
appendIndex : Int -> FolderPath -> FolderPath
appendIndex index path =
case path of
End ->
Subfolder index End
Subfolder subfolderIndex remainingPath ->
Subfolder subfolderIndex (appendIndex index remainingPath)
urlPrefix : String
urlPrefix =
type FolderPath
= End
| Subfolder Int FolderPath
toggleExpanded : FolderPath -> Folder -> Folder
toggleExpanded path (Folder folder) =
case path of
End ->
Folder { folder | expanded = not folder.expanded }
Subfolder targetIndex remainingPath ->
subfolders : List Folder
subfolders =
List.indexedMap transform folder.subfolders
transform : Int -> Folder -> Folder
transform currentIndex currentSubfolder =
if currentIndex == targetIndex then
toggleExpanded remainingPath currentSubfolder
Folder { folder | subfolders = subfolders }
type alias JsonPhoto =
{ title : String
, size : Int
, relatedUrls : List String
jsonPhotoDecoder : Decoder JsonPhoto
jsonPhotoDecoder =
Decode.succeed JsonPhoto
|> required "title" string
|> required "size" int
|> required "related_photos" (list string)
finishPhoto : ( String, JsonPhoto ) -> ( String, Photo )
finishPhoto ( url, json ) =
( url
, { url = url
, size = json.size
, title = json.title
, relatedUrls = json.relatedUrls
fromPairs : List ( String, JsonPhoto ) -> Dict String Photo
fromPairs pairs =
|> finishPhoto
|> Dict.fromList
photosDecoder : Decoder (Dict String Photo)
photosDecoder =
Decode.keyValuePairs jsonPhotoDecoder
|> fromPairs
folderDecoder : Decoder Folder
folderDecoder =
Decode.succeed folderFromJson
|> required "name" string
|> required "photos" photosDecoder
|> required "subfolders" (Decode.lazy (\_ -> list folderDecoder))
folderFromJson : String -> Dict String Photo -> List Folder -> Folder
folderFromJson name photos subfolders =
{ name = name
, expanded = True
, subfolders = subfolders
, photoUrls = Dict.keys photos
modelPhotosDecoder : Decoder (Dict String Photo)
modelPhotosDecoder =
Decode.succeed modelPhotosFromJson
|> required "photos" photosDecoder
|> required "subfolders" (Decode.lazy (\_ -> list modelPhotosDecoder))
modelPhotosFromJson : Dict String Photo -> List (Dict String Photo) -> Dict String Photo
modelPhotosFromJson folderPhotos subfolderPhotos =
List.foldl Dict.union folderPhotos subfolderPhotos

View File

@ -1,20 +1,34 @@
port module PhotoGroove exposing (main)
port module PhotoGroove exposing
( Model
, Msg(..)
, Photo
, Status(..)
, initialModel
, main
, photoDecoder
, photoFromUrl
, update
, urlPrefix
, view
import Array exposing (Array)
import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes as Attr exposing (class, classList, id, name, src, title, type_)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, on)
import Html.Events exposing (on, onClick)
import Http
import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder, at, int, list, string, succeed)
import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (optional, required)
import Json.Encode
import Random
urlPrefix : String
urlPrefix =
type Msg
= ClickedPhoto String
| SetSize ThumbnailSize
@ -26,6 +40,7 @@ type Msg
| SlidRipple Int
| SlidNoise Int
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [ class "content" ] <|
@ -39,6 +54,7 @@ view model =
Errored errorMessage ->
[ text ("Error: " ++ errorMessage) ]
viewFilter : (Int -> Msg) -> String -> Int -> Html Msg
viewFilter toMsg name magnitude =
div [ class "filter-slider" ]
@ -52,6 +68,7 @@ viewFilter toMsg name magnitude =
, label [] [ text (String.fromInt magnitude) ]
viewLoaded : List Photo -> String -> Model -> List (Html Msg)
viewLoaded photos selectedUrl model =
[ h1 [] [ text "Photo Groove" ]
@ -72,6 +89,7 @@ viewLoaded photos selectedUrl model =
, canvas [ id "main-canvas", class "large" ] []
viewThumbnail : String -> Photo -> Html Msg
viewThumbnail selectedUrl thumb =
@ -82,6 +100,7 @@ viewThumbnail selectedUrl thumb =
viewSizeChooser : ThumbnailSize -> Html Msg
viewSizeChooser size =
label []
@ -89,35 +108,45 @@ viewSizeChooser size =
, text (sizeToString size)
sizeToString : ThumbnailSize -> String
sizeToString size =
case size of
Small ->
Medium ->
Large ->
type ThumbnailSize
= Small
| Medium
| Large
port setFilters : FilterOptions -> Cmd msg
port activityChanges : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg
type alias FilterOptions =
{ url : String
, filters : List { name : String, amount : Float }
type alias Photo =
{ url : String
, size : Int
, title : String
photoDecoder : Decoder Photo
photoDecoder =
succeed Photo
@ -125,11 +154,13 @@ photoDecoder =
|> required "size" int
|> optional "title" string "(untitled)"
type Status
= Loading
| Loaded (List Photo) String
| Errored String
type alias Model =
{ status : Status
, activity : String
@ -139,15 +170,16 @@ type alias Model =
, noise : Int
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
GotActivity activity ->
( { model | activity = activity }, Cmd.none)
( { model | activity = activity }, Cmd.none )
GotPhotos (Ok photos) ->
case photos of
first ::rest ->
first :: rest ->
{ model
| status =
@ -160,7 +192,7 @@ update msg model =
[] ->
( { model | status = Errored "0 photos found"}, Cmd.none )
( { model | status = Errored "0 photos found" }, Cmd.none )
GotPhotos (Err _) ->
( model, Cmd.none )
@ -200,15 +232,16 @@ update msg model =
SlidNoise noise ->
applyFilters { model | noise = noise }
applyFilters : Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg )
applyFilters model =
case model.status of
Loaded photos selectedUrl ->
filters =
[ { name = "Hue", amount = toFloat model.hue / 11}
, { name = "Ripple", amount = toFloat model.ripple / 11}
, { name = "Noise", amount = toFloat model.noise / 11}
[ { name = "Hue", amount = toFloat model.hue / 11 }
, { name = "Ripple", amount = toFloat model.ripple / 11 }
, { name = "Noise", amount = toFloat model.noise / 11 }
url =
@ -222,16 +255,20 @@ applyFilters model =
Errored errorMessage ->
( model, Cmd.none )
selectUrl : String -> Status -> Status
selectUrl url status =
case status of
Loaded photos _ ->
Loaded photos url
Loading ->
Errored errorMessage ->
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ status = Loading
@ -242,6 +279,7 @@ initialModel =
, noise = 5
initialCmd : Cmd Msg
initialCmd =
@ -249,6 +287,7 @@ initialCmd =
, expect = Http.expectJson GotPhotos (list photoDecoder)
main : Program Float Model Msg
main =
@ -258,6 +297,7 @@ main =
, subscriptions = subscriptions
init : Float -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags =
@ -266,16 +306,24 @@ init flags =
( { initialModel | activity = activity }, initialCmd )
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
activityChanges GotActivity
rangeSlider : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
rangeSlider attributes children =
node "range-slider" attributes children
onSlide : (Int -> msg) -> Attribute msg
onSlide toMsg =
at [ "detail", "userSlidTo" ] int
|> toMsg
|> on "slide"
photoFromUrl : String -> Photo
photoFromUrl url =
{ url = url, size = 0, title = "" }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
module PhotoGrooveTests exposing (..)
import Expect exposing (Expectation)
import Fuzz exposing (Fuzzer, int, list, string)
import Html.Attributes as Attr exposing (src)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (decodeValue)
import Json.Encode as Encode
import PhotoGroove
( Model
, Msg(..)
, Photo
, Status(..)
, initialModel
, photoFromUrl
, update
, urlPrefix
, view
import Test exposing (..)
import Test.Html.Event as Event
import Test.Html.Query as Query
import Test.Html.Selector exposing (attribute, tag, text)
decoderTest : Test
decoderTest =
fuzz2 string int "title defaults to (untitled)" <|
\url size ->
[ ( "url", Encode.string url )
, ( "size", size )
|> Encode.object
|> decodeValue PhotoGroove.photoDecoder
|> .title
|> Expect.equal (Ok "(untitled)")
sliders : Test
sliders =
describe "Slider sets the desired field in the model"
[ testSlider "SlidHue" SlidHue .hue
, testSlider "SlidRipple" SlidRipple .ripple
, testSlider "SlidNoise" SlidNoise .noise
testSlider : String -> (Int -> Msg) -> (Model -> Int) -> Test
testSlider description toMsg amountFromModel =
fuzz int description <|
\amount ->
|> update (toMsg amount)
|> Tuple.first
|> amountFromModel
|> Expect.equal amount
noPhotosNoThumbnails : Test
noPhotosNoThumbnails =
test "No thumbnails render when there are no photos to render." <|
\_ ->
|> PhotoGroove.view
|> Query.fromHtml
|> Query.findAll [ tag "img" ]
|> Query.count (Expect.equal 0)
thumbnailRendered : String -> Query.Single msg -> Expectation
thumbnailRendered url query =
|> Query.findAll [ tag "img", attribute (Attr.src (urlPrefix ++ url)) ]
|> Query.count (Expect.atLeast 1)
thumbnailsWork : Test
thumbnailsWork =
fuzz urlFuzzer "URLs render as thumbnail" <|
\urls ->
thumbnailChecks : List (Query.Single msg -> Expectation)
thumbnailChecks = thumbnailRendered urls
{ initialModel | status = Loaded ( photoFromUrl urls) "" }
|> view
|> Query.fromHtml
|> Expect.all thumbnailChecks
urlFuzzer : Fuzzer (List String)
urlFuzzer =
Fuzz.intRange 1 5
|> urlsFromCount
urlsFromCount : Int -> List String
urlsFromCount urlCount =
List.range 1 urlCount
|> (\num -> String.fromInt num ++ ".png")
clickThumbnail : Test
clickThumbnail =
fuzz3 urlFuzzer string urlFuzzer "clicking a thumbnail selects it" <|
\urlsBefore urlToSelect urlsAfter ->
url =
urlToSelect ++ ".jpeg"
photos =
(urlsBefore ++ url :: urlsAfter)
|> photoFromUrl
srcToClick =
urlPrefix ++ url
{ initialModel | status = Loaded photos "" }
|> view
|> Query.fromHtml
|> Query.find [ tag "img", attribute (Attr.src srcToClick) ]
|> Event.simulate
|> Event.expect (ClickedPhoto url)