feat: initial commit with piece table

Implements a piece table to be used for the text editor.
Louis Pearson 2024-01-14 18:35:15 -07:00
commit 7e536d01ba
5 changed files with 616 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

build.zig Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
const std = @import("std");
// Although this function looks imperative, note that its job is to
// declaratively construct a build graph that will be executed by an external
// runner.
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
// Standard target options allows the person running `zig build` to choose
// what target to build for. Here we do not override the defaults, which
// means any target is allowed, and the default is native. Other options
// for restricting supported target set are available.
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
// Standard optimization options allow the person running `zig build` to select
// between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall. Here we do not
// set a preferred release mode, allowing the user to decide how to optimize.
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const lib = b.addStaticLibrary(.{
.name = "text-editor",
// In this case the main source file is merely a path, however, in more
// complicated build scripts, this could be a generated file.
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/root.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
// This declares intent for the library to be installed into the standard
// location when the user invokes the "install" step (the default step when
// running `zig build`).
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "text-editor",
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
// This declares intent for the executable to be installed into the
// standard location when the user invokes the "install" step (the default
// step when running `zig build`).
// This *creates* a Run step in the build graph, to be executed when another
// step is evaluated that depends on it. The next line below will establish
// such a dependency.
const run_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(exe);
// By making the run step depend on the install step, it will be run from the
// installation directory rather than directly from within the cache directory.
// This is not necessary, however, if the application depends on other installed
// files, this ensures they will be present and in the expected location.
// This allows the user to pass arguments to the application in the build
// command itself, like this: `zig build run -- arg1 arg2 etc`
if (b.args) |args| {
// This creates a build step. It will be visible in the `zig build --help` menu,
// and can be selected like this: `zig build run`
// This will evaluate the `run` step rather than the default, which is "install".
const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app");
// Creates a step for unit testing. This only builds the test executable
// but does not run it.
const lib_unit_tests = b.addTest(.{
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/root.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const run_lib_unit_tests = b.addRunArtifact(lib_unit_tests);
const exe_unit_tests = b.addTest(.{
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const run_exe_unit_tests = b.addRunArtifact(exe_unit_tests);
// Similar to creating the run step earlier, this exposes a `test` step to
// the `zig build --help` menu, providing a way for the user to request
// running the unit tests.
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run unit tests");

build.zig.zon Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
.name = "text-editor",
// This is a [Semantic Version](https://semver.org/).
// In a future version of Zig it will be used for package deduplication.
.version = "0.0.0",
// This field is optional.
// This is currently advisory only; Zig does not yet do anything
// with this value.
//.minimum_zig_version = "0.11.0",
// This field is optional.
// Each dependency must either provide a `url` and `hash`, or a `path`.
// `zig build --fetch` can be used to fetch all dependencies of a package, recursively.
// Once all dependencies are fetched, `zig build` no longer requires
// internet connectivity.
.dependencies = .{
// See `zig fetch --save <url>` for a command-line interface for adding dependencies.
//.example = .{
// // When updating this field to a new URL, be sure to delete the corresponding
// // `hash`, otherwise you are communicating that you expect to find the old hash at
// // the new URL.
// .url = "https://example.com/foo.tar.gz",
// // This is computed from the file contents of the directory of files that is
// // obtained after fetching `url` and applying the inclusion rules given by
// // `paths`.
// //
// // This field is the source of truth; packages do not come from a `url`; they
// // come from a `hash`. `url` is just one of many possible mirrors for how to
// // obtain a package matching this `hash`.
// //
// // Uses the [multihash](https://multiformats.io/multihash/) format.
// .hash = "...",
// // When this is provided, the package is found in a directory relative to the
// // build root. In this case the package's hash is irrelevant and therefore not
// // computed. This field and `url` are mutually exclusive.
// .path = "foo",
// Specifies the set of files and directories that are included in this package.
// Only files and directories listed here are included in the `hash` that
// is computed for this package.
// Paths are relative to the build root. Use the empty string (`""`) to refer to
// the build root itself.
// A directory listed here means that all files within, recursively, are included.
.paths = .{
// This makes *all* files, recursively, included in this package. It is generally
// better to explicitly list the files and directories instead, to insure that
// fetching from tarballs, file system paths, and version control all result
// in the same contents hash.
// For example...

src/main.zig Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
// Prints to stderr (it's a shortcut based on `std.io.getStdErr()`)
std.debug.print("All your {s} are belong to us.\n", .{"codebase"});
// stdout is for the actual output of your application, for example if you
// are implementing gzip, then only the compressed bytes should be sent to
// stdout, not any debugging messages.
const stdout_file = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
var bw = std.io.bufferedWriter(stdout_file);
const stdout = bw.writer();
try stdout.print("Run `zig build test` to run the tests.\n", .{});
try bw.flush(); // don't forget to flush!
test "simple test" {
var list = std.ArrayList(i32).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer list.deinit(); // try commenting this out and see if zig detects the memory leak!
try list.append(42);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), list.pop());

src/root.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
const std = @import("std");
const testing = std.testing;
/// Represents buffer and a set of changes to the buffer.
/// All insertions are copied internally. Deletions to the buffer will not free memory.
/// To initialize without text, use struct initialization syntax and specify an allocator
/// like so: `var table = PieceTable{ .allocator = allocator };`
pub const PieceTable = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
buffers: std.ArrayListUnmanaged([]u8) = .{},
pieces: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Piece) = .{},
pub const Piece = struct {
slice: []const u8,
tag: Tag = .added,
pub const Tag = enum {
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, original: []const u8) !PieceTable {
if (original.len == 0) {
// An empty string was passed, skip making a copy of it
return .{
.allocator = allocator,
const original_copy = try allocator.dupe(u8, original);
// Store original text
var buffers = try std.ArrayListUnmanaged([]u8).initCapacity(allocator, 1);
// Create piece pointing to original text
var pieces = try std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Piece).initCapacity(allocator, 1);
.slice = original_copy,
.tag = .original,
return .{
.allocator = allocator,
.buffers = buffers,
.pieces = pieces,
pub fn deinit(table: *PieceTable) void {
for (table.buffers.items) |buffer| {
/// Inserts `new_text` into buffer at `index`.
/// `new_text` is owned by caller.
/// It is an error to insert outside of the bounds of the piece table. If the
/// table is empty, 0 is the only valid argument for index.
pub fn insert(table: *PieceTable, index: usize, new_text: []const u8) !void {
const text = try table.allocator.dupe(u8, new_text);
try table.buffers.append(table.allocator, text);
// Insert at the start of the file, catches empty tables
if (index == 0) {
try table.pieces.insert(table.allocator, 0, .{ .slice = text, .tag = .added });
var p_i: usize = 0;
var b_i: usize = 0;
while (p_i < table.pieces.items.len) : (p_i += 1) {
const p = table.pieces.items[p_i];
if (index == b_i + p.slice.len) {
if (p_i + 1 == table.pieces.items.len) {
// The new index is the end of the file
try table.pieces.append(table.allocator, .{ .slice = text, .tag = .added });
} else {
// The new index is directly after an existing node, but not at the end of the file.
try table.pieces.insert(table.allocator, p_i + 1, .{ .slice = text, .tag = .added });
} else if (index < b_i + p.slice.len) {
// new piece is within another piece; split the old one into 2
// and insert the new piece between
// ignore the returned slice since we will also want the
// piece right before the insertion
_ = try table.pieces.addManyAt(table.allocator, p_i + 1, 2);
const pieces = table.pieces.items[p_i..][0..3];
const sub_i = index - b_i;
pieces[0].slice = p.slice[0..sub_i];
pieces[1].slice = text;
pieces[2].slice = p.slice[sub_i..];
// set the tag for the pieces 1 and 2
// elide setting the tag for pieces[0], it should be correct already
pieces[1].tag = .added;
switch (p.tag) {
.original => pieces[2].tag = .original,
.added => pieces[2].tag = .added,
} else {
b_i += p.slice.len;
@panic("Impossible state while inserting into PieceTable");
/// Deletes the data from start to start+length from the piece table.
/// Will not free any memory.
pub fn delete(table: *PieceTable, start: usize, length: usize) !void {
if (length == 0) return error.InvalidLength;
const endi = start + length;
var b_i: usize = 0; // buffer index
const p_start, const start_subi, const start_piece = for (table.pieces.items, 0..) |piece, i| {
if (start < b_i + piece.slice.len) {
// start found
break .{ i, start - b_i, piece };
b_i += piece.slice.len;
} else return error.OutOfBounds;
// reuse b_i
const p_end, const end_subi, const end_piece = for (table.pieces.items[p_start..], p_start..) |piece, i| {
if (endi < b_i + piece.slice.len) {
break .{ i, endi - b_i, piece };
b_i += piece.slice.len;
} else .{ p_start, start_piece.slice.len, start_piece };
// Removal cases:
// 1. the deletion starts on one piece boundary and ends on another piece boundary
// - Delete all pieces between start and end
// 2. the deletion starts within a piece and ends on a boundary
// - Delete all but the start piece
// - modify slice end in start piece
// 3. the deletion starts on a bondary and ends within a piece
// - Delete all but the end piece
// - modify slice start in end piece
// 4. the deletion starts within a piece and ends within a piece
// - Delet all the start and end pieces
// - modify slice end in start piece
// - modify slice end in end piece
const is_start_on_boundary = start_subi == 0;
const is_end_on_boundary = end_subi == end_piece.slice.len;
const remove_len = (p_end + 1) - p_start;
if (is_start_on_boundary and is_end_on_boundary) {
table.pieces.replaceRange(table.allocator, p_start, remove_len, &.{}) catch unreachable;
} else {
if (is_start_on_boundary) {
const new = &[_]PieceTable.Piece{
.{ .slice = end_piece.slice[end_subi..], .tag = end_piece.tag },
table.pieces.replaceRange(table.allocator, p_start, remove_len, new) catch unreachable;
} else if (is_end_on_boundary) {
const new = &[_]PieceTable.Piece{
.{ .slice = start_piece.slice[0..start_subi], .tag = start_piece.tag },
table.pieces.replaceRange(table.allocator, p_start, remove_len, new) catch unreachable;
} else {
const new = &[_]PieceTable.Piece{
.{ .slice = start_piece.slice[0..start_subi], .tag = start_piece.tag },
.{ .slice = end_piece.slice[end_subi..], .tag = end_piece.tag },
table.pieces.replaceRange(table.allocator, p_start, remove_len, new) catch unreachable;
pub fn getTotalSize(table: PieceTable) usize {
var length: usize = 0;
for (table.pieces.items) |piece| {
length += piece.slice.len;
return length;
pub fn writeAll(table: PieceTable, buffer: []u8) void {
std.debug.assert(table.getTotalSize() == buffer.len);
var current_buffer = buffer[0..];
for (table.pieces.items) |piece| {
@memcpy(current_buffer[0..piece.slice.len], piece.slice);
current_buffer = current_buffer[piece.slice.len..];
test "Init empty PieceTable" {
var table = try PieceTable.init(testing.allocator, "");
defer table.deinit();
var out_buf: [0]u8 = undefined;
try testing.expectEqualStrings("", &out_buf);
test "Insert into empty PieceTable" {
var table = try PieceTable.init(testing.allocator, "");
defer table.deinit();
try table.insert(0, "the quick brown fox\njumped over the lazy dog");
var out_buf: [44]u8 = undefined;
try testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\the quick brown fox
\\jumped over the lazy dog
, &out_buf);
test "Init Piecetable" {
const original = "the quick brown fox\njumped over the lazy dog";
var table = try PieceTable.init(testing.allocator, original);
defer table.deinit();
var out_buf: [44]u8 = undefined;
try testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\the quick brown fox
\\jumped over the lazy dog
, &out_buf);
test "Insert into PieceTable" {
const original = "the quick brown fox\njumped over the lazy dog";
var table = try PieceTable.init(testing.allocator, original);
defer table.deinit();
try table.insert(20, "went to the park and\n");
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 3), table.pieces.items.len);
try testing.expectEqual(PieceTable.Piece.Tag.original, table.pieces.items[0].tag);
try testing.expectEqual(PieceTable.Piece.Tag.added, table.pieces.items[1].tag);
try testing.expectEqual(PieceTable.Piece.Tag.original, table.pieces.items[2].tag);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("the quick brown fox\n", table.pieces.items[0].slice);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("went to the park and\n", table.pieces.items[1].slice);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("jumped over the lazy dog", table.pieces.items[2].slice);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 65), table.getTotalSize());
var out_buf: [65]u8 = undefined;
try testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\the quick brown fox
\\went to the park and
\\jumped over the lazy dog
, &out_buf);
test "Insert at end of Piece" {
const original = "the quick brown fox\njumped over the lazy dog";
var table = try PieceTable.init(testing.allocator, original);
defer table.deinit();
try table.insert(20, "went to the park and\n");
try table.insert(41, "ate a burger and\n");
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 4), table.pieces.items.len);
try testing.expectEqual(PieceTable.Piece.Tag.original, table.pieces.items[0].tag);
try testing.expectEqual(PieceTable.Piece.Tag.added, table.pieces.items[1].tag);
try testing.expectEqual(PieceTable.Piece.Tag.added, table.pieces.items[2].tag);
try testing.expectEqual(PieceTable.Piece.Tag.original, table.pieces.items[3].tag);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("the quick brown fox\n", table.pieces.items[0].slice);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("went to the park and\n", table.pieces.items[1].slice);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("ate a burger and\n", table.pieces.items[2].slice);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("jumped over the lazy dog", table.pieces.items[3].slice);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 82), table.getTotalSize());
var out_buf: [82]u8 = undefined;
try testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\the quick brown fox
\\went to the park and
\\ate a burger and
\\jumped over the lazy dog
, &out_buf);
test "Insert at end of file" {
const original = "the quick brown fox";
var table = try PieceTable.init(testing.allocator, original);
defer table.deinit();
try table.insert(19, "\njumped over the lazy dog");
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), table.pieces.items.len);
try testing.expectEqual(PieceTable.Piece.Tag.original, table.pieces.items[0].tag);
try testing.expectEqual(PieceTable.Piece.Tag.added, table.pieces.items[1].tag);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("the quick brown fox", table.pieces.items[0].slice);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("\njumped over the lazy dog", table.pieces.items[1].slice);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 44), table.getTotalSize());
var out_buf: [44]u8 = undefined;
try testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\the quick brown fox
\\jumped over the lazy dog
, &out_buf);
test "Delete one entire Piece" {
const original = "the quick brown fox";
var table = try PieceTable.init(testing.allocator, original);
defer table.deinit();
try table.delete(0, 19);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), table.pieces.items.len);
test "Delete multiple entire Pieces" {
const original = "the quick brown fox\njumped over the lazy dog";
var table = try PieceTable.init(testing.allocator, original);
defer table.deinit();
try table.insert(20, "went to the park and\n");
try table.insert(41, "ate a burger and\n");
try table.delete(20, 38);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), table.pieces.items.len);
test "Delete inside a Piece" {
const original = "the quick brown fox";
var table = try PieceTable.init(testing.allocator, original);
defer table.deinit();
// delete "brown "
try table.delete(10, 6);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), table.pieces.items.len);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("the quick ", table.pieces.items[0].slice);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("fox", table.pieces.items[1].slice);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 13), table.getTotalSize());
var out_buf: [13]u8 = undefined;
try testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\the quick fox
, &out_buf);
test "Delete from within one piece to within another piece" {
const original = "the quick brown fox\njumped over the lazy dog";
var table = try PieceTable.init(testing.allocator, original);
defer table.deinit();
try table.insert(20, "went to the park and\n");
try table.insert(41, "ate a burger and\n");
try table.delete(45, 13 + 12);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 4), table.pieces.items.len);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 57), table.getTotalSize());
var out_buf: [57]u8 = undefined;
try testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\the quick brown fox
\\went to the park and
\\ate the lazy dog
, &out_buf);
test "Delete from start of piece to within piece" {
const original = "the quick brown fox\njumped over the lazy dog";
var table = try PieceTable.init(testing.allocator, original);
defer table.deinit();
try table.insert(20, "went to the park and\n");
try table.insert(41, "ate a burger and\n");
try table.delete(41, 13);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 4), table.pieces.items.len);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 69), table.getTotalSize());
var out_buf: [69]u8 = undefined;
try testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\the quick brown fox
\\went to the park and
\\jumped over the lazy dog
, &out_buf);
test "Delete from within piece to end of piece" {
const original = "the quick brown fox\njumped over the lazy dog";
var table = try PieceTable.init(testing.allocator, original);
defer table.deinit();
try table.insert(20, "went to the park and\n");
try table.insert(41, "ate a burger and\n");
try table.delete(45, 13);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 4), table.pieces.items.len);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 69), table.getTotalSize());
var out_buf: [69]u8 = undefined;
try testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\the quick brown fox
\\went to the park and
\\ate jumped over the lazy dog
, &out_buf);