If you enabled the dynamic vsync having as well `SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC` enabled, then if the app is not able to run at 60 FPS, automatically the `vsync` will be disabled having a better performance, instead of dropping FPS to 30.
## Notes
If you trying to debug a SDL app through [ps2client](https://github.com/ps2dev/ps2client) you need to avoid the IOP reset, otherwise you will lose the connection with your computer.
So to avoid the reset of the IOP CPU, you need to call to the macro `SDL_PS2_SKIP_IOP_RESET();`.
It could be something similar as:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
For a release binary is recommendable to reset the IOP always.
Remember to do a clean compilation everytime you enable or disable the `SDL_PS2_SKIP_IOP_RESET` otherwise the change won't be reflected.