Implement generating JWS tokens with HMAC SHA-256

LeRoyce Pearson 2021-05-11 01:12:04 -06:00
parent 6bd4aef543
commit c3d434f588
1 changed files with 107 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
const std = @import("std");
const testing = std.testing;
const ValueTree = std.json.ValueTree;
const Value = std.json.Value;
const base64url = std.base64.url_safe_no_pad;
const Algorithm = enum {
pub fn jsonStringify(
value: @This(),
options: std.json.StringifyOptions,
writer: anytype,
) @TypeOf(writer).Error!void {
try std.json.stringify(std.meta.tagName(value), options, writer);
const JWTType = enum {
@ -12,6 +21,61 @@ const JWTType = enum {
pub const HeaderOptions = struct {
alg: Algorithm,
key: []const u8,
kid: ?[]const u8 = null,
pub fn encode(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, payload: anytype, headerOptions: HeaderOptions) ![]const u8 {
var payload_json = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer payload_json.deinit();
try std.json.stringify(payload, .{}, payload_json.writer());
var protected_header = std.json.ObjectMap.init(allocator);
defer protected_header.deinit();
try protected_header.put("alg", .{ .String = std.meta.tagName(headerOptions.alg) });
try protected_header.put("typ", .{ .String = "JWT" });
if (headerOptions.kid) |kid| {
try protected_header.put("kid", .{ .String = kid });
var protected_header_json = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer protected_header_json.deinit();
try std.json.stringify(Value{ .Object = protected_header }, .{}, protected_header_json.writer());
const payload_base64_len = base64url.Encoder.calcSize(payload_json.items.len);
const protected_header_base64_len = base64url.Encoder.calcSize(protected_header_json.items.len);
var jwt_text = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer jwt_text.deinit();
try jwt_text.resize(payload_base64_len + 1 + protected_header_base64_len);
var protected_header_base64 = jwt_text.items[0..protected_header_base64_len];
var payload_base64 = jwt_text.items[protected_header_base64_len + 1 ..][0..payload_base64_len];
_ = base64url.Encoder.encode(protected_header_base64, protected_header_json.items);
jwt_text.items[protected_header_base64_len] = '.';
_ = base64url.Encoder.encode(payload_base64, payload_json.items);
switch (headerOptions.alg) {
.HS256 => {
const signature = generate_signature_hmac_sha256(headerOptions.key, protected_header_base64, payload_base64);
const signature_base64_len = base64url.Encoder.calcSize(signature.len);
try jwt_text.resize(payload_base64_len + 1 + protected_header_base64_len + 1 + signature_base64_len);
var signature_base64 = jwt_text.items[payload_base64_len + 1 + protected_header_base64_len + 1 ..][0..signature_base64_len];
jwt_text.items[payload_base64_len + 1 + protected_header_base64_len] = '.';
_ = base64url.Encoder.encode(signature_base64, &signature);
return jwt_text.toOwnedSlice();
pub fn validate(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, algorithm: Algorithm, key: []const u8, tokenText: []const u8) !ValueTree {
// 1. Verify that the JWT contains at least one period ('.')
// character.
@ -164,6 +228,27 @@ pub fn generate_signature_hmac_sha256(key: []const u8, protectedHeaderBase64: []
return out;
test "generate jws hmac sha-256" {
const expected = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SVT7VUK8eOve-SCacPaU_bkzT3SFr9wk5EQciofG4Qo";
const key_base64 = "AyM1SysPpbyDfgZld3umj1qzKObwVMkoqQ-EstJQLr_T-1qS0gZH75aKtMN3Yj0iPS4hcgUuTwjAzZr1Z9CAow";
var key = try std.testing.allocator.alloc(u8, try base64url.Decoder.calcSizeForSlice(key_base64));
try base64url.Decoder.decode(key, key_base64);
// {"sub": "1234567890","name": "John Doe","iat": 1516239022}
const payload = .{
.sub = "1234567890",
.name = "John Doe",
.iat = 1516239022,
const token = try encode(std.testing.allocator, payload, .{ .alg = .HS256, .key = key });
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected, token);
test "validate jws hmac sha-256" {
const token = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ.dBjftJeZ4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk";
const key_base64 = "AyM1SysPpbyDfgZld3umj1qzKObwVMkoqQ-EstJQLr_T-1qS0gZH75aKtMN3Yj0iPS4hcgUuTwjAzZr1Z9CAow";
@ -181,3 +266,25 @@ test "validate jws hmac sha-256" {
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(i64, 1300819380), claims.Object.get("exp").?.Integer);
try std.testing.expectEqual(true, claims.Object.get("").?.Bool);
test "generate and then validate jws hmac sha-256" {
const key = "a jws hmac sha-256 test key";
const payload = .{
.sub = "1234567890",
.name = "John Doe",
.iat = @as(i64, 1516239022),
const token = try encode(std.testing.allocator, payload, .{ .alg = .HS256, .key = key });
var claims_tree = try validate(std.testing.allocator, .HS256, key, token);
defer claims_tree.deinit();
var claims = claims_tree.root;
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, payload.sub, claims.Object.get("sub").?.String);
try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8,, claims.Object.get("name").?.String);
try std.testing.expectEqual(payload.iat, claims.Object.get("iat").?.Integer);