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rwhelper.c File Reference
#include <SDL_test.h>
#include "SDL_visualtest_sut_configparser.h"
#include "SDL_visualtest_rwhelper.h"


void SDLVisualTest_RWHelperResetBuffer (SDLVisualTest_RWHelperBuffer *buffer)
char SDLVisualTest_RWHelperReadChar (SDL_RWops *rw, SDLVisualTest_RWHelperBuffer *buffer)
char * SDLVisualTest_RWHelperReadLine (SDL_RWops *rw, char *str, int size, SDLVisualTest_RWHelperBuffer *buffer, char comment_char)
int SDLVisualTest_RWHelperCountNonEmptyLines (SDL_RWops *rw, SDLVisualTest_RWHelperBuffer *buffer, char comment_char)

Detailed Description

Header file with some helper functions for working with SDL_RWops.

Source file with some helper functions for working with SDL_RWops.

Function Documentation

int SDLVisualTest_RWHelperCountNonEmptyLines ( SDL_RWops *  rw,
SDLVisualTest_RWHelperBuffer buffer,
char  comment_char 

Counts the number of lines that are not all whitespace and comments using the SDL_RWops object pointed to by rw. comment_char indicates the character used for comments. Uses the buffer pointed to by buffer to read data in blocks.

Number of lines on success, -1 on failure.
char SDLVisualTest_RWHelperReadChar ( SDL_RWops *  rw,
SDLVisualTest_RWHelperBuffer buffer 

Reads a single character using the SDL_RWops object pointed to by rw. This function reads data in blocks and stores them in the buffer pointed to by buffer, so other SDL_RWops functions should not be used in conjunction with this function.

The character that was read.
char* SDLVisualTest_RWHelperReadLine ( SDL_RWops *  rw,
char *  str,
int  size,
SDLVisualTest_RWHelperBuffer buffer,
char  comment_char 

Reads characters using the SDL_RWops object pointed to by rw into the character array pointed to by str (of size size) until either the array is full or a new line is encountered. If comment_char is encountered, all characters from that position till the end of the line are ignored. The new line is not included as part of the buffer. Lines with only whitespace and comments are ignored. This function reads data in blocks and stores them in the buffer pointed to by buffer, so other SDL_RWops functions should not be used in conjunction with this function.

pointer to the string on success, NULL on failure or EOF.
void SDLVisualTest_RWHelperResetBuffer ( SDLVisualTest_RWHelperBuffer buffer)

Resets the buffer pointed to by buffer used by some of the helper functions. This function should be called when you're using one of the helper functions with a new SDL_RWops object.