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parsehelper.c File Reference
#include <SDL_test.h>
#include "SDL_visualtest_harness_argparser.h"


char ** SDLVisualTest_Tokenize (char *str, int max_token_len)
char ** SDLVisualTest_ParseArgsToArgv (char *args)

Detailed Description

Source file with some helper functions for parsing strings.

Function Documentation

char** SDLVisualTest_ParseArgsToArgv ( char *  args)

Takes an string of command line arguments and breaks them up into an array based on whitespace.

argsThe string of arguments.
NULL on failure, an array of strings on success. The last element of the array is NULL. The first element of the array is NULL and should be set to the path of the executable by the caller.
char** SDLVisualTest_Tokenize ( char *  str,
int  max_token_len 

Takes a string and breaks it into tokens by splitting on whitespace.

strThe string to be split.
max_token_lenLength of each element in the array to be returned.
NULL on failure; an array of strings with the tokens on success. The last element of the array is NULL.