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variator_common.c File Reference
#include <SDL_test.h>
#include "SDL_visualtest_variator_common.h"


int SDLVisualTest_NextValue (SDLVisualTest_SUTOptionValue *var, SDLVisualTest_SUTOption *opt)
int SDLVisualTest_MakeStrFromVariation (SDLVisualTest_Variation *variation, SDLVisualTest_SUTConfig *config, char *buffer, int size)
int SDLVisualTest_InitVariation (SDLVisualTest_Variation *variation, SDLVisualTest_SUTConfig *config)

Detailed Description

Source file for some common functionality used by variators.

Function Documentation

int SDLVisualTest_InitVariation ( SDLVisualTest_Variation variation,
SDLVisualTest_SUTConfig config 

Initializes the variation using the following rules:

  • Boolean options are initialized to SDL_FALSE.
  • Integer options are initialized to the minimum valid value they can hold.
  • Enum options are initialized to the first element in the list of values they can take.
  • String options are initialized to the name of the option.
1 on success, 0 on failure.
int SDLVisualTest_MakeStrFromVariation ( SDLVisualTest_Variation variation,
SDLVisualTest_SUTConfig config,
char *  buffer,
int  size 

Converts a variation object into a string of command line arguments.

variationVariation object to be converted.
configConfig object for the SUT.
bufferPointer to the buffer the arguments string will be copied into.
sizeSize of the buffer.
1 on success, 0 on failure
int SDLVisualTest_NextValue ( SDLVisualTest_SUTOptionValue var,
SDLVisualTest_SUTOption opt 

"Increments" the value of the option by one and returns the carry. We wrap around to the initial value on overflow which makes the carry one. For example: "incrementing" an SDL_FALSE option makes it SDL_TRUE with no carry, and "incrementing" an SDL_TRUE option makes it SDL_FALSE with carry one. For integers, a random value in the valid range for the option is used.

varValue of the option
optObject with metadata about the option
1 if there is a carry for enum and bool type options, 0 otherwise. 1 is always returned for integer and string type options. -1 is returned on error.