This allows color operations to happen in linear space between sRGB input and sRGB output. This is currently supported on the direct3d11, direct3d12 and opengl renderers.
This is a good resource on blending in linear space vs sRGB space:
Also added testcolorspace to verify colorspace changes
This uses the same `SDL_VerbNoun` format as the rest of SDL3, and also
adds stronger effort to invalidate cached state in the backend, so cooperation
improves with apps that are using lowlevel rendering APIs directly.
The following objects now have properties that can be user modified:
* SDL_AudioStream
* SDL_Gamepad
* SDL_Joystick
* SDL_RWops
* SDL_Renderer
* SDL_Sensor
* SDL_Surface
* SDL_Texture
* SDL_Window
Also switched the D3D11 and D3D12 renderers to use real NV12 textures for NV12 data.
The combination of these two changes allows us to implement 0-copy video decode and playback for D3D11 in testffmpeg without any access to the renderer internals.
Render targets are a core feature of SDL 3.0, so this flag has been removed.
The OpenGL ES renderer still doesn't support them, but we'll deal with that later.
We have gotten feedback that abstracting the coordinate system based on the display scale is unexpected and it is difficult to adapt existing applications to the proposed API.
The new approach is to provide the coordinate systems that people expect, but provide additional information that will help applications properly handle high DPI situations.
The concepts needed for high DPI support are documented in An example of automatically adapting the content to display scale changes can be found in SDL_test_common.c, where auto_scale_content is checked.
Also, the SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI window flag has been replaced by the SDL_HINT_VIDEO_ENABLE_HIGH_PIXEL_DENSITY hint.
It turns out that screen coordinates were confusing people, thinking that meant pixels, when instead they are virtual coordinates; device independent units defined as pixels scaled by the display scale. We'll use the term "points" for this going forward, to reduce confusion.